المستويات الدالة للمؤشرة في الفلم التسجيلي العراقي
ملخـــص البحــــث
لقد شُغِفَ الأدب العربي في مراحله جميعاً بمآثر الامجاد التي سطرها قادة الاسلام عبر حركتهم الإلهية فكان الامام علي(u) يمثل الاشعاع النير الذي جذب قريحة الادباء والمفكرين منذ القرن الاول الهجري الى يومنا هذا وسيبقى حتى يرث الله الارض ومَنْ عليها. ومِن الذين شُغِفَوا حبّاً بتلك السيرة الحاضرة استاذ الفقهاء السيد ابو القاسم الخو
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هذا البحث قراءة للتحوّلات الزمنية، في قصيدة (دِمَن ألمّ بها) للشاعر الكبير أبي تمّام الطائيّ، قالها في مدح المأمون، وذلك بالاعتماد على آليات القراءة الحداثيّة، تحليلا وتأويلا، انطلاقاً من القانون الذي أقرّته المناهج الحداثيّة، من أنّ كلّ نصّ أدبيّ خاصّة الشعري يتمتّع بنظام مزدوج من الانغلاق والانفتاح، نظام فريد لا يماثله نظام نصّ آخر، وفي الوقت نفسه م
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تعد مسألة الصفات من بواكير المباحث الكلامية التي حظيت باهتمام كبير لدى المتكلمين، إذ شغلت حيزا كبيرا من مصنفاتهم الكلامية. حتى أن بعض الباحثين يرون أن سبب تسمية علم الكلام بهذا الاسم يرجع إلى أن أهم مشكلات هذا العلم هي مسألة الكلام الإلهي الذي هو صفة من صفاته تعالى، مما يعكس أهمية هذه المسألة في علم الكلام. وكان الجعد بن درهم (ت118هـ) من أوائل من أثار قضية الصف
... Show MoreAbstract
There are many uncertainty sources that may affect the statistical reasoning. However, traditional methods can not deal with all kinds of uncertainty sources, which has led many researchers to develop traditional methods. Studies still exist to this day, making hypotheses to create a common understanding for the purpose of reaching new solutions through the use of new methods that combine traditional and modern theories of sources of uncertainty
The aim of current study was to develop the adaptive fuzzy linear regression model in the case of using inaccurate data as the source of uncertainty. Specifically, the
... Show Moreلاتخفى أهمية المادة في العمل النحتي كأحدى عناصر التكوين الفني ولم يكن غائباً في هذا المجال ما تؤديه من دور فعال في التأثير على العمل الفني, ولعلنا نعرف جيداً ان استخدامات مادة معينة تفرض علينا ان نضع في عين الاعتبار صفاتها وخواصها التركيبية, الا أنه لابد أن نعرف ما تمتلكه كل مادة من عطاءات هائلة للفن عامة والنحت خاصة وروافدها التي باتت تتكشف للفنان كل يوم بجديد عن سابقه, ولا سيما تلك المواد الطبيعية التي تملأ
... Show Moreeroticism formed a basic focus in contemporary studies and caused a problematic clash in terms of terminology, as some interpreted it by pornography and another interpreted it as aesthetic, so this research came to seek to decipher this terminological clash, and to be known as erotech in terms of cognitive significance, Accordingly, the research culminated in four chapters. The first chapter (Methodological Framework) talks about the research problem that came according to the following question: “How is the erotic act built in the theatrical text and what are the epistemic connotations that express its subjectivity? Then followed by the importance of research and the need for it, then the objective of the research, and the boun
... Show MoreThe theatrical show has gone through a lot of changes where the actor was the most significant factor in all the theatrical shows since the very beginning of the art of acting by the Greeks until the present day. The actor went through many stages that employed his tools in different ways. The body in the theatre had a great importance because it is the perceived physical element that creates the communication between the actor and the audience in the theatrical show. The actor's body had a special language that carries different meanings and creates the communication between the actor and the audience in the theatrical show. The audience can decipher the codes of that body, thus, the researcher found the compatibility and differe
... Show MoreThrough the study of social work and social policy ( problems of marginalization and empowerment opportunities ) and taken a theoretically descriptive and analytical and highliyhed the role of social work in social policy its achieved only through community intraction and paamong all parties and according to social policies include of material resources and haman and integrated in to the planning and development framework with the aim of providing social services for allsegments of society and become the study in social work that include the introducation / and five chapters each chapter in cludes several detectives and each complements the other .
1 – The absence of social development projects on social policy .
2 – social pol
This study examines the news values employed by regional news agencies in the selection and dissemination of news concerning Iraqi affairs. Content analysis was conducted on a purposive sample of 596 news articles sourced from official websites of news agencies, including Iraqi, Turkish, and Iranian agencies. The research aims to identify the underlying criteria used by these agencies in determining news suitability for publication.