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Features of Modernity in the Works of Saleh Al-Jami (An Analytical Study): رؤى قحطان عبد الله
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Since the beginning of the twentieth century, the art of composition has witnessed major transformations that accompanied the transformations that occurred in the cognitive field. The plastic artists rejected the prevailing artistic line, and sought to create a new artistic format that accommodates the new social and cultural problems. So was the announcement of the era of modernity in the late nineteenth century, with the birth of the impressionism movement that gave a place to challenge all that is familiar. . And he drew the attention of the researcher, and for that he chose the research title (Characteristics of Modernity in the Works of Saleh Al-Jumayyi (Analytical Study)) The researcher divided the research as follows:
Methodological framework: It includes the research problem, its importance and objectives, as well as the limits of the research and the definition of terminology.
The theoretical framework and previous studies: It was divided into two topics that came as follows: The first topic: modernity is concept and meaning, the second topic: stylistic techniques in Saleh al-Jumai’s works: After that, the researcher reached the indications of the theoretical framework.
Research procedures: it includes the research method, the research community, the research tools, the validity of the tool, the research sample, and the analysis of samples according to the indicators that the researcher came out with from the theoretical framework. After analyzing the samples, the researcher reached a number of results and conclusions:
1. One of the characteristics of the period of modernity is that the artist has become carrying a style of uniqueness, renewal and freedom in the individual stylistic performance stemming from the self, and rejecting all the prevailing values in the light of the consumer society governed by the machine and the heritage, moving away from the burdens and impediments of reality, replacing them with peaceful formations, as in the samples (1, 2,3).
2. Modernity is the intellectual structure that emerged from the modernization experiences that European culture entered into, which made the artist leave the concept of eternal values and idealism in the shadow of sacred texts when the teachings of the Church dominated the culture in general.
Then the researcher wrote down the recommendations and proposals, and concluded the research, the sources and references

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal For Administrative Sciences
قياس الكفاءة التقنية لوحدات اتخاذ القرار باسلوب التحليل التطويقي للبيانات ( DEA) بحث ميداني في الشركة العامة للنقل البري
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this research aims it measure the technical efficiency of the branches of the General Company for Land Transport, That scattered geographically at country level, by Data Envelopment analysis (DEA) technique, as this technique relies on measuring the efficiency of a set of asymmetric Decision making units, which is one of the nonparametric mathematical methods for and application related to Linear Programming, and this is what helps the General Company for Land Transport to diagnose its branches performance by benchmarking with each other and determine the performance gap. The research found that there is variation in the level of efficiency in the company's branches

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
مجلة جامعة دمشق للعلوم التربوية والنفسية
طبيعة العلاقة الارتباطية بين التعاطف والسلوك العدوانيدراسة نيدانية لدى عينة من طلبة المرحلة المتوسطة في مدارس بغداد الرسمية
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استهدفت الدراسة الحالية تحديد طبيعة العلاقة الارتباطية بين التعاطف والسلوك العدواني لدى عينة من طلبة المرحلة المتوسطة. تكونت العينة من طلبة الصف الأول المتوسط بغداد/ تربية الرصافة الثانية من كلا الجنسين، شملت 218 طالباً وطالبة، وطبق مقياس التعاطف، ومقياس السلوك العدواني. وبعد معالجة البيانات، أظهرت النتائج تمتع طلبة الصف الأول المتوسط بالنزعة أو الميل للتعاطف، وتبين أن الإناث أكثر تعاطفاً من الذكور، ومستوى

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 19 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
دور دور( أبي القاسم قائم مقام )في القضاء على المتنافسين على العرش وتنصيب محمد ميرزا شاهاً على إيران
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  Abu Al- Qasim Qa ,im Maqam is famous figure in political life of lranian; The life of Abu Al- Qasim Qa ,im Maqam is full of incidents and conflicts in the period of the expansion of foreign influence in lran Abu Al- Qasim Qa ,im Maqam has an important role in the history of Iran Modern political considered him one of the most prominent leaders to the unified Arabian nationalistic liberating Abu Al- Qasim Qa ,im Maqam   raised in the history of the Qajar .



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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
اسباب الضعف الاملائي لدى طلبة كلية الادارة والاقتصاد في جامعة بغداد وطرائق معالجتها من وجهة نظر التدريسيين والطلبة
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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
اثر طريقة الملاحظات الصفية باستخدام الحاسوب( كمنشطات عقلية) في التحصيل الدراسي لمادة الفيزياء لدى طالبات الصف الأول المتوسط
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The research aim to know the effect of note–taking by computer method as amentalactivators in achievement of physics subject for the first intermediate class students.

To investigate from aim of the research the research sample was chosen from the first intermediate class students in Al–mutamyzat secondary school for girls. Which belongs to the general administration for the second karkh education which randomly chosen from (9) schools for distinct female students in Baghdad. Then randomly chosen two sections form three about (80) female students at (66.667%) from total sample it’s about (120) female student in the three sections. The randomly chosen too, section (a) to represent experimental group it’s about (41) female

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 03 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
سياسة اعداد معلم المرحلة الابتدائية في العراق ماقبل احداث 9/4/2003 نظرة نقدية , ووضع انموذجا مقترح معاصرلها
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شغلت  قضية اعداد المعلم  اهتمامات العديد من المسؤولين في قطاع التربيه والتعليم وكذلك اولياء امور الطلبه واساتذه الجامعه , ولازالت الهم الاكبر , وذلك لاختلاف سياسه اعداد المعلم من دولة واخرى وحسب الفلسفه التربويه  والمتغيرات والتطورات السريعه التي يشهدها العالم

            وفي ضوء ماتقدم , ان المعلم هو احد عناصر العمليه التربويه في اي بلد . بعد الطالب والمنه

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 27 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
آل البيت ( عليهم السلام ) من خلال كتاب درر السمط في خبر السبط لابن الابار البلنسي الاندلسي ( ت658هـ/1260م)
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One of them one of the important books due to its containing valuable information written by the author. Information include the life of the Messenger (Peace be upon him) before and during the mission and what happened to the messenger and his adherents and faithful companions (May Allah be pleased with them all)

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 13 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
A Comparison Between Recursive Least-Squares (RLS) and Extended Recursive Least-Squares (E-RLS) for Tracking Multiple Fast Time Variation Rayleigh Fading Channel
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In order to select the optimal tracking of fast time variation of multipath fast time variation Rayleigh fading channel, this paper focuses on the recursive least-squares (RLS) and Extended recursive least-squares (E-RLS) algorithms and reaches the conclusion that E-RLS is more feasible according to the comparison output of the simulation program from tracking performance and mean square error over five fast time variation of Rayleigh fading channels and more than one time (send/receive) reach to 100 times to make sure from efficiency of these algorithms.

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 12 2020
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
( مُختَصَرُ الإمام المَيدانيّ في عِلم التَّصريف ) للإمام أبي الفضل أحمد بن محمّد بن إبراهيم الميداني ( ت 518 هـ )
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    The aim of this research is to make a new investigation of a scientific thesis in Arabic Morphology in which an allusion occurred in relation to its real author and its title, there is alot of dropping and flaw when it was first applied due to depending on one written transcript

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Modern Sport
اثر تمرينات خاصة بأستخدام جهاز المدافع الضوئي المصمم في تنمية بعض القدرات البدنية والاداء المهاري المركب لدى لاعبي كرة اليد
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اتجهت دول العالم الى تسخير جميع الإمكانيات والخبرات والعلوم من اجل الوصول الى مستويات متقدمة في الرياضات المختلفة ويهدف التدريب الرياضي إلى إعداد اللاعبين إعدادا جيدا تكمن مشكلة البحث من خلال خبرة الباحثتان الميدانية ومتابعة تدريبات لاعبي المدرسة التخصصية كرة اليد فقد لوحظ هناك ضعف واضح في الأداء المهاري ولابد من تطوير أوجه الضعف لتحقيق مستوى انجاز افضل . ويهدف البحث اعداد تمرينات خاصة بأستخدام جهاز ا

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