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Features of Modernity in the Works of Saleh Al-Jami (An Analytical Study): رؤى قحطان عبد الله

Since the beginning of the twentieth century, the art of composition has witnessed major transformations that accompanied the transformations that occurred in the cognitive field. The plastic artists rejected the prevailing artistic line, and sought to create a new artistic format that accommodates the new social and cultural problems. So was the announcement of the era of modernity in the late nineteenth century, with the birth of the impressionism movement that gave a place to challenge all that is familiar. . And he drew the attention of the researcher, and for that he chose the research title (Characteristics of Modernity in the Works of Saleh Al-Jumayyi (Analytical Study)) The researcher divided the research as follows:
Methodological framework: It includes the research problem, its importance and objectives, as well as the limits of the research and the definition of terminology.
The theoretical framework and previous studies: It was divided into two topics that came as follows: The first topic: modernity is concept and meaning, the second topic: stylistic techniques in Saleh al-Jumai’s works: After that, the researcher reached the indications of the theoretical framework.
Research procedures: it includes the research method, the research community, the research tools, the validity of the tool, the research sample, and the analysis of samples according to the indicators that the researcher came out with from the theoretical framework. After analyzing the samples, the researcher reached a number of results and conclusions:
1. One of the characteristics of the period of modernity is that the artist has become carrying a style of uniqueness, renewal and freedom in the individual stylistic performance stemming from the self, and rejecting all the prevailing values in the light of the consumer society governed by the machine and the heritage, moving away from the burdens and impediments of reality, replacing them with peaceful formations, as in the samples (1, 2,3).
2. Modernity is the intellectual structure that emerged from the modernization experiences that European culture entered into, which made the artist leave the concept of eternal values and idealism in the shadow of sacred texts when the teachings of the Church dominated the culture in general.
Then the researcher wrote down the recommendations and proposals, and concluded the research, the sources and references

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 02 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The Islamic University College
The image of the family in dubbed Turkish series and their potential impact on Iraqi youth

Since the nineties of the last century, Iraqi youth have been exposed to Mexican soap operas dubbed into classical Arabic, and the stories and ideas presented by these series were almost new to all the minds of the youth at that time, a culture completely different from the culture we have of social relations, and since the number of episodes was more than Of the 100 episodes, exposure to these series has left young people confused by the addiction to all their ideas and stories. They differ from the foreign films (mostly American) that we used to watch, and they only take two hours (at most). These films contain diverse stories and may be forgotten. Memory includes events and characters in their entirety at times, and you may remember th

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 11 2023
Journal Name
Modeling Earth Systems And Environment
Microfacies analysis and stratigraphic framework of the Albian succession in the low folded zone, Northern Iraq

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Problems lead to the low level of academic achievement in the evening school: suggestions and solutions

Academic achievement is a professional standard for measuring student levels in the first stages. Therefore, any indication of the level of achievement makes us in an attempt to employ students in evening schools. The researcher has developed a closed questionnaire of (36) paragraphs. A total of (164) male and (24) female students were chosen from evening schools. The result of this research revealed that the number of students was a reason for the low level of their achievement, the lack of laboratories, educational methods, and techniques of the most prominent problems confirmed by students in these schools. In addition, to support educational institutions with their necessary needs. The most important conclusion in this research is th

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The spread of Entamoeba histolytica infection among children attended the Central Child Hospital in Baghdad city.

A total of 1712 samples of children feces were collected from the Central Child Hospital and examined by direct and concentration methods (zinc sulfate and sucrose) during the period from 01/10/2011 to 19/10/2012. The ages of children were ranging between one month and 15 years.The results of the current study showed that the rate of infection overall was 18.72% and there was a variation in the infection rate between the age groups, reaching the highest incidence in the age group (1- 5 years old). The study indicated also that the percentage of infected males is higher than females, which was 63% and 37% respectively. Also the percentage of infection among children living in the city was 70%, while it was 30% among children living in the

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The The Use of Copper and Aluminum Electrodes for Energy Production in a Microbial Fuel Cell

Microbial fuel cell is a device that uses the microorganism metabolism for the production of electricity under specific operating conditions. Double chamber microbial fuel cell was tested for the use of two cheap electrode materials copper and aluminum for the production of electricity under different operating conditions. The investigated conditions were concentration of microorganism (yeast) (0.5- 2 g/l), solutions temperature (33-45 oC) and concentration of glucose as a substrate (1.5- 6 g/l). The results demonstrated that copper electrode exhibit good performance while the performance of aluminum is poor. The electricity is generated with and without the addition of substrate. Addition of glucose substrate

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of Allium sativum and Capsicum spp. Watery extracts on the Entamoeba histolytica in vitro.

In vitro tests have been carried out to find out the efficacy of watery extracts of garlic Allium sativum and hot pepper Capsicum spp. against the trophozoites of Entamoeba histolytica cultivated in liver infusion agar media at 37 c . The doses of ( 0.01, 0.05 ,0.1, 0.5, 1 ml )of garlic and hot pepper watery extracts were added to certain number of E. histolotica trophozoits for exposure time of 24 hrs., the mortality percentage of trophozoites treated with garlic extract were ( 14.82 %, 31.05% ,46.16% , 64.29% , 92.7%) respectively , these percentages were very close to that obtained from the treatment with the hot peper extract which were (17.86%, 32% , 44% ,66.67% ,100%) respectively . Generally these results showed that the ga

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 1990
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)

A simplified parallel key was presented in this work for the Taxa of Stackys L. wildly grown in Iraq. Three records within this genus were newly recorded to our country in the present work and they are S. kermanshahansis Rech S. setifera C.A. Mey. subsp setifera, S. setifera ssp iranica (Reck.) The characteristics of these new records were also given with some representative specimens.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics

The calculation. of the nuclear. charge. density. distributions. ρ(r) and root. mean. square. radius.( RMS ) by elastic. electron. scattering. of medium. mass. nuclei. such. as (90Zr, 92Mo) based. on the model. of the modified. shell. and the use of the probability. of occupation. on the surface. orbits. of level 2p, 2s eroding. shells. and 1g gaining. shells. The occupation probabilities of these states differ noticeably from the predictions of the SSM. We have found. an improvement. in the determination. of ground. charge. density. and this improvement. allow. more precise. identification. of (CDD) between. (92Mo- 90Zr) to illustrate the influence of the extra

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Spectral fluctuations in <sup>24</sup>Mg nucleus using the framework of the nuclear shell model
Abstract<p>Random matrix theory is used to study the chaotic properties in nuclear energy spectrum of the <sup>24</sup>Mg nucleus. The excitation energies (which are the main object of this study) are obtained via performing shell model calculations using the OXBASH computer code together with an effective interaction of Wildenthal (W) in the isospin formalism. The <sup>24</sup>Mg nucleus is assumed to have an inert <sup>16</sup>O core with 8 nucleons (4protons and 4neutrons) move in the 1d<sub>5/2</sub>, 2s<sub>1/2</sub> and 1d<sub>3/2</sub> orbitals. The spectral fluctuations are studied by two statistical measures: the nearest neighb</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Depositional Environment of the Ibrahim Formation and Determining the Oligocene-Early Miocene Boundary in Eastern Iraq

The aim of this study is to investigate the sedimentation environments and diagenetic processes of the Ibrahim Formation (Oligocene-early Miocene) in Zurbatiya, eastern Iraq. The Ibrahim Formation is comprised mostly of clayey micrite and skeletal grains composed of planktonic foraminifera, calcispheres, radiolaria, and benthic foraminifera. Glauconite and pyrite were documented in some restricted zones of this formation; they reflect quiet and reducing conditions. Radiolaria were identified in Late-Oligocene which was not known previously at this age regionally in carbonate formations of the Arabian Plate (AP). Mudstone, wackestone, and planktonic foraminiferal wackepackstone are the main microfacies that are affected by dissolutio

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