Since the beginning of the twentieth century, the art of composition has witnessed major transformations that accompanied the transformations that occurred in the cognitive field. The plastic artists rejected the prevailing artistic line, and sought to create a new artistic format that accommodates the new social and cultural problems. So was the announcement of the era of modernity in the late nineteenth century, with the birth of the impressionism movement that gave a place to challenge all that is familiar. . And he drew the attention of the researcher, and for that he chose the research title (Characteristics of Modernity in the Works of Saleh Al-Jumayyi (Analytical Study)) The researcher divided the research as follows:
Methodological framework: It includes the research problem, its importance and objectives, as well as the limits of the research and the definition of terminology.
The theoretical framework and previous studies: It was divided into two topics that came as follows: The first topic: modernity is concept and meaning, the second topic: stylistic techniques in Saleh al-Jumai’s works: After that, the researcher reached the indications of the theoretical framework.
Research procedures: it includes the research method, the research community, the research tools, the validity of the tool, the research sample, and the analysis of samples according to the indicators that the researcher came out with from the theoretical framework. After analyzing the samples, the researcher reached a number of results and conclusions:
1. One of the characteristics of the period of modernity is that the artist has become carrying a style of uniqueness, renewal and freedom in the individual stylistic performance stemming from the self, and rejecting all the prevailing values in the light of the consumer society governed by the machine and the heritage, moving away from the burdens and impediments of reality, replacing them with peaceful formations, as in the samples (1, 2,3).
2. Modernity is the intellectual structure that emerged from the modernization experiences that European culture entered into, which made the artist leave the concept of eternal values and idealism in the shadow of sacred texts when the teachings of the Church dominated the culture in general.
Then the researcher wrote down the recommendations and proposals, and concluded the research, the sources and references
يعد العقد من اهم مصادر الالتزام كونه الوسيلة الفاعلة التي يمكن من خلالها المتعاقد التحقق من مصالحه واهدافه مادامت لا تتعارض مع النظام العام ، ومتى مانشأ صحيحاً وفقاً للاركان والشروط التي يتطلبها القانون اصبح ملزماً لكلا طرفيه ، بحيث يخضعان بموجبه لقوة العقد ، وقد لا ينعقد وفقاً للسياق السابق بسبب عدم استكماله لشروط صحته فينعدم اثره بين المتعاقدين او الغير ، وتلك هي فكرة البحث .
Praisebe to God, Lord of the worlds, and blessings and peace be upon the most honorable messengers, our Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and granthim peace. And after
in his Diwan, and standing on them, and determines This study dealt with the lexical and semantic fields in the sentimental poems in Walid Hussein's Diwan (I do not desire to whisper the question) that the classification
The Holy Qur’an is considered the miracle of God Almighty on earth, that will remain until the Hour of Resurrection, in which are evidences of His Power, Glory be to Him, and its verses are extremely perfect in miraculousness
The Holy Qur’an is considered the miracle of God Almighty on earth, that will remain until the Hour of Resurrection, in which are evidences of His Power, Glory be to Him, and its verses are extremely perfect in miraculousness, including the shadow verses in the Holy Qur’an
هذه محاولة لاستقصاء فكرة الجوار في القانون الدولي، والمبدأ الذي يتردد ذكره بمناسبتها هو مبدا حسن الجوار.
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