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Conditions The chromatography in the design the positions waiting passenger transport buses: مصعب حسن عبد
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running the requirement color important place in object of life activity both public and private, Fallon makes represents energy expressive and aesthetic in designing furniture street, especially (positions waiting buses passenger transport)which took looms large in attention receiver designer also, through civilized development and urban and change the city. Requirement, The positions of waiting progress jobs service and that would interact to produces Photos aesthetic Furniture for space street and understand receiver, affect the operation his life and the development of his environment and his psyche and culture of because they entity variable and sophisticated, impose on us to find foundations a design and conditions of chromatic especially dealing with the positions of the wait, thus be reflected on novelty design performed in the street, And reviews the searching through separated first problem of the research a major focus includes a by requiring chromatography and functional performance and aesthetic and its relationship to a time waiting, as well as effectiveness of means design and connotations artistic and cultural and their impact on aspects psychological and physiological with the recipient, without feeling like by a factor boredom and turmoil induced from the waiting, and for that discussed a chapter second reviewed the tract the historical development of positions wait, and the relationship between them and the vocabulary of furniture the street in addition to addressing most important raw materials used in the design and how to achieve the requirement of chromatography as well as the identify the jobs form into the field design, also the potential constructivist for Design according styles technical regulation for the colors and its association perception sensuous and cognitive the receiver , down to a set of results adopted the designer principle sorting the color through distributing trends of fonts Handaseya (rectus, the curved) to accentuate design elements falling within the the scene optical and use techniques of antagonism the values colorimetric to lure the recipient, and enhance the designs into multiple requirements for in Gadgets expressive color (the lighting industrialized- substitutes to nonpainted ores materials such as aluminum, glass, wood) and adopt the the designer to metaphors Bashoa_khas the the environment civilizational of heritage and icons in Iraq to building a formality order.


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Publication Date
Sat May 11 2024
Journal Name
Tech Hub Journal
The prevailing leadership Patterns and personal traits and their relationship to innovative thinking of female physical education teachers in middle schools in Baghdad
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Teachers play a critical role in planning, organizing, coordinating, monitoring, and instructing, hence the topic of leadership styles receives a lot of attention. As a result, the physical education school is regarded as the most significant component of the educational process because it has the ability to weave together the teaching and educational skills, attitudes, and capacities that its students develop. Fits into their identities through her relationship with them. Teachers play a critical role in planning, organizing, coordinating, monitoring, and instructing, hence the topic of leadership styles receives a lot of attention. As a result, the physical education school is regarded the most significant aspect in the educational proces

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages
Free will between Slavery and Freedom: A Study of Linda Brent in Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs
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Harriet Jacobs was a writer and a reformer. As a female writer in the nineteenth century, Jacobs wrote her narrative as a means of resisting the system of slavery. She wrote her book Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl: Written by Herself, (1842) to reflect upon the exploitation of the black people and the need to change the hierarchal attitude that governs white/black relations. She was engaged in many abolitionist events and her anti-slavery approach appeared clearly in her writings. She shares Du Bios ideas about freedom and emancipation and the need for a political and cultural change. Thus, Du Bois’s theory provides a framework for her autobiographical novel where she portrays Linda Brent, the main character, a strong wille

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 02 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Improving Voltage Stability in Kurdistan Power System in Areas with Deficit Power Production by Rescheduling the Active Power Based on PSS/E Simulation
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This paper aims to improve the voltage profile using the Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) in the power system in the Kurdistan Region for all weak buses. Power System Simulation studied it for Engineers (PSS\E) software version 33.0 to apply the Newton-Raphson (NR) method. All bus voltages were recorded and compared with the Kurdistan region grid index (0.95≤V ≤1.05), simulating the power system and finding the optimal size and suitable location of Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM)for bus voltage improvement at the weakest buses. It shows that Soran and New Koya substations are the best placement for adding STATCOM with the sizes 20 MVAR and 40 MVAR. After adding STATCOM with the sizes [20MVAR and 40MV

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Key Engineering Materials
Optimization of Electrocoagulation Process for the TSS and Turbidity Removal in Al-Qadisiyah Water Treatment Plant in Baghdad City by Response Surface Methodology
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Electrocoagulation process was employed for the treatment of river water flows in Iraq. In this study, a batch Electrocoagulation process was used to treat river water taken from Al - Qadisiyah water treatment plant. electrolysis time, voltage and inter-electrode spacing were the most important parameters to study . A statistical model was developed using the RSM model. The optimum condition after studying the parameter effect the process was 1 cm separating, 30 volts . The RSM model shows the ideal condition of removal for both the TSS and turbidity at 1 cm, 20 volts and 55 min.

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Scopus (1)
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Frequency inborn error of mitochondrial function in Mosul and Kurdistan region: the Frequency inborn error of mitochondrial function in Mosul and Kurdistan region
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This work aimed to estimate the frequency of mitochondrial inborn errors of metabolism (MIEMs) in patients presenting with family history and IEM-picture who referred for advance IEM assay in Mosul province and Kurdistan region. This study was observational study conducted on 364 cases referred from different general /or private pediatric clinics with unexplained sign and symptoms and suspension of mitochondrial dysfunction. The study included 364 children with an age ranging from 1 month to 1 year. Started from January 2018 to January 2020. All patients referred with their full history review, notes about their clinical examination, and laboratory investigations including blood ammonia, serum lactate/ pyruvate, arterial blood gases. In

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Feb 24 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Measuring the concentration of uranium for adults teeth in adjacent areas of Tigris river in Baghdad city using nuclear track detector CR-39
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In this study, the fission track registration technique with the CR-39 detector are using to determination the uranium concentrations for seventeen samples of teeth distributed in four districts in Baghdad City .Five samples taken from both Al-Durra District and Al-Jadiriyia District, Four samples taken from Al-Karrda (Alaatar street) Taken four samples and three samples taken from Al-Zuafrania and by 0.5gm in weight and 1.5 mm in thickness. The uranium concentrations in teeth samples measured by using fission tracks registration in (CR-39) track detector that caused by the bombardment of (U) with thermal neutrons from (241 Am-Be) neutron source that has flux of (5 ×103 n cm-2 s-1). The concen

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Relationship between Uric Acid Concentration and Some of Plasma Lipids in Patients with C. V. Disease in General Hospital of Al-Nasseriya
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         Cardiovascular disorders  are  refer to the class of diseases that involve the heart or blood vessels (arteries and veins). While the term technically refers to any disease that affects the cardiovascular system. Cholesterol is classified as a sterol (a contraction of steroid and

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Education And Scientific Studies
Studying the effect of laser stress in combination with mannitol on some morphological parameters of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var L. capitata) In vitro
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Publication Date
Wed Dec 22 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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The objective of this study was to investigate the prophylactic roles of human enteric derived Lactobacillus plantarum L1 (Ll) and Lactobacillus paracasei L2 (L2), on EHEC O157:H7 infection in rodent models (In vivo). The Lactobacillus suspensions (L1 and L2) were individually and orally administered to experimental rats at a daily two consecutives of 100 μl (108 CFU/ ml/rat) for up to two weeks.  Thereafter, on the 8th day of experiment rats were orally challenged with one dose infection of EHEC (105 CFU/ml/rat). Animals mortality and illness symptoms have been monitored. There was no fatal EHEC infection in rats that had been pre‑colonized with the Lactobacillus strains, while most of EHEC infected rats were died (90%).  The

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 24 2025
Journal Name
Plos One
Assessment of the bypass of obturation materials beyond fractured instruments after using different obturation techniques in simulated curved canals (An in-vitro study)
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This study evaluated the extent to which obturation materials bypass fractured endodontic instruments positioned in the middle and apical thirds of severely curved simulated root canals using different obturation techniques. Sixty resin blocks with simulated root canals were used, each with a 50° curvature, a 6.5 mm radius of curvature, and a length of 16.5 mm, prepared to an ISO #15 diameter and taper. Canals were shaped using ProTaper Universal files (Dentsply Maillefer) attached to an X-smart Plus endo motor (Dentsply), set at 3.5 Ncm torque and 250 rpm, up to size S2 at working length. To simulate fractures, F2 and F3 files were weakened 3 mm from the tip, then twisted to break in the apical and middle sections of the canal, re

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