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Phenotypic variations in decorative designs Alangat: أمين عبد الزهرة ياسين النوري
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The problem with the research essential questionably is: (What are the variations phenotypic designs decorative Alangat) The research aims detection of phenotypic variables and Acgalah in Wares structure decorative employee in the decorative designs in the external and internal interfaces to the tombs of the Iraqi holy shrines and the walls of b (upper threshold _ Najaf) Alattabatin Husseinia and Abbasid in the holy city of Karbala) current position (1435 AH / 2014 AD). And ensure that the theoretical framework topics following: diversity in the structure motifs and vegetable processors color as well as landmarks decking decorative decorative gift items and adopted a researcher at the procedures purely on the descriptive analytical approach in order to reach to achieve his findings samples were selected is my intention as numbered sample (8). As a result of the analysis process set of results, including: through the analysis found that there are variations in the structure of decorative Wares (in terms of exterior appeared) 1 . Decorative pots with lobed nozzle-free flowers neck Bhaoh knots Association to form three-element Casey Daybreak caused by a pair of knobs, and her body tapering from the top and plenty of down based on containing the base of the hull of the board inspired by the element Casey tri Daybreak hollow bottom.2 .Pots, decorative with nozzle straight devoid of flowers overlapped her neck with a bottom round and has a pair of handles are linked to the body knot inspired by the tinea Leaf shape Association, and the body expanding the top and Almstdq from the bottom, while the base are Bhaoh misdemeanor, and another with a mouth of straight laden with floral her body similar to the form bulbar inverted partial top and bottom filled with excerpts crescent repeated on a regular basis and the base of the tapered top and widening towards the bottom. .3 . Decorative vessels laden with mouth of floral and plant leaves that are superimposed show her neck is linked to the body color and form a relatively slim body and widening of the top and bottom of Almstdq based on a concave base is like the pot ..Amamn where decorative works of the vessels was adopted on:1 .decorative works within diverse parts of the immediate establishment of a single species (Casey Zuhri) and the creation of two types (Pink Cups) and (Casey Gsna, and gift items of works (Casey) within a double portion and set up within the other parts.2 .held somewhat decorative gift items unilaterally with floral character and surrounded by views of the natural Created decorative vase with floral vocabulary.3 .decorative gift items with the establishment (Casey) Solid fully chromatically, and served other gift items creation (Casey) Unlike our surroundings subsistence .


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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2013
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Coronary angiogriphy in left ventricular dysfunction patients with no clinical evidence of ischemic heart disease
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Background : Coronary artery disease is theunderlying cause in approximately two thirds of
patients with systolic heart failure ;
Coronary artery angiogriphy may be useful to
define the presence ,
Anatomical characteristics ,and functional
significance of Coronary artery disease in
selected heart failure patients with or without signs
and aymptoms of Coronary artery disease.
Objectives: to verify the clinical usefulness of
coronary angiography (CA) in congestive heart
failure (CHF) patients with no history of ischemic
heart disease and to identify predictive factors for
performing coronary angiography to patients with
congestive heart failure with no obvious ischemia.
Methods :this is a cross-ses

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Optical Technology
Random signal generation and synchronization in lab-scale measurement device independent–quantum key distribution systems
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In this paper, a random transistor-transistor logic signal generator and a synchronization circuit are designed and implemented in lab-scale measurement device independent–quantum key distribution systems. The random operation of the weak coherent sources and the system’s synchronization signals were tested by a time to digital convertor.

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Turkish Journal Of Agriculture - Food Science And Technology
Determination of Operating Characteristics of 540 and 540E PTO Applications in Disc Type Silage Machines
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In this study, performance characteristics such as power take off (PTO) power consumption, fuel consumption, fuel consumption for the unit field-unit product were determined at different working speeds with two different PTO applications (540 and 540E) in a single row disc type silage machine. In particular, the 540E PTO application greatly reduces fuel consumption for unit work. The best results in terms of hourly fuel consumption were achieved in 540E PTO application and V1 working speed. When the field - product fuel consumption is evaluated, the best results were obtained with the 540E PTO application at the V3 working speed. When an evaluation is made considering all the parameters, it is concluded that the 540E PTO application will p

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 13 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effect of Nd-YAG laser-irradiation on fluoride uptake by tooth enamel surface (In vitro)
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Background: The irradiation of teeth with a laser results in an interaction between the light and the biological constituents of the dental hard substance, which is converted directly into heat.This thermal effect is the cause of the structural and chemical enamel changes.The combined treatment of topical fluoride agent with laser may increase fluoride uptake, and reduce progression of caries-like lesions. The aim of this study was to measure the uptake of the acidulated phosphate fluoride and sodium fluoride to the buccal and lingual caries-like lesion enamel surfaces before and after irradiated by Nd-YAG laser in comparison with matching control group. Materials and methods: The sample consisted of 30 human healthy upper premolar teeth wh

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 23 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Design an Algorithm to Calculate the Inverse Permutations Of the Symmetric Group Sn In Computer
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  The search is an application for one of the problems of mathematics in the computer; as providing construction and design of a major program to calculate the inverse permutations of the symmetric group Sn , where 1 ≤ n ≤ 13; using some of the methods used in the Number Theory by computer . Also the research includes design flow chart for the main program and design flow chart for the program inverse permutations and we give some illustrative examples for different symmetric groups and their inverse permutations.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 23 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Diagnosing Water Problem for Asmari Reservoir in Abu Ghirab Oilfield Using Analytical and Numerical Approaches
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Asmari is the main productive reservoir in Abu Ghirab oilfield in the south-east part of Iraq. It has history production extends from 1976 up to now with several close periods. Recently, the reservoir suffers some problems in production, which are abstracted as water production rising with oil production declining in most wells. The water problem type of the field and wells is identified by using Chan's diagnostic plots (water oil ratio (WOR) and derivative water oil ratio (WOR') against time). The analytical results show that water problem is caused by the channeling due to high permeability zones, high water saturation zones, and faults or fracturing. The numerical approach is also used to study the water movement inside the reser

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 05 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Interactive Mobile Technologies (ijim)
A Partial Face Encryption in Real World Experiences Based on Features Extraction from Edge Detection
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User confidentiality protection is concerning a topic in control and monitoring spaces. In image, user's faces security in concerning with compound information, abused situations, participation on global transmission media and real-world experiences are extremely significant. For minifying the counting needs for vast size of image info and for minifying the size of time needful for the image to be address computationally. consequently, partial encryption user-face is picked. This study focuses on a large technique that is designed to encrypt the user's face slightly. Primarily, dlib is utilizing for user-face detection. Susan is one of the top edge detectors with valuable localization characteristics marked edges, is used to extract

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Philological Sciences. Scientific Essays Of Higher Education
Principles of phono-grammar in the annex to progressive categorazation of Arabic and Russian roots
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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
International Journal Of Recent Scientific Research
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Infection with the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii is widely prevalent in humans and animals. Infection with Toxoplasma may associate with miscarriage in many pregnant women due to infection. In this study, the level of lutetropic hormone (LTH), folliclestimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) was measured in pregnant women suffering from toxoplasmosis using mini-VIDAS®technique. Results showed that pregnant women have high concentration of both LTH and FSH hormone(10.80 ± 6.53) ng/ml and (9.51 ± 2.40) μIU/ml respectively, while the concentration of LH hormone was lower than normal(4.49 ± 0.56) μIU/ml. Such finding is to suggest that infection with T. gondii is interfering with these hormones in pregnant women.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
North American Journal Of Medical Sciences
Urinary tract infections caused by staphylococcus aureus DNA in comparison to the candida albicans DNA
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Background: Bacterial DNA released upon bacterial autolysis or killed by antibiotics, hence, many inflammatogenic reactions will be established leading to serious tissue damage. Aim: the present work aimed to elucidate the histopathological changes caused by prokaryotic (bacterial) DNA and eukaryotic (candidal) DNA. Materials and methods: twenty one Staphylococcus aureus and 36 Candida albicans isolates were isolated from UTI patients. Viable cells and DNA of the highest antibiotic sensitive isolates were injected, intraurethraly, in mice. Results were evaluated via histopathological examination. Results: Mildest reactions were obtained from mice challenged with viable C. albicans compared with those challenged with viable S. aureus. Dos

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