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The optical text in the cinema film Between the presence and absence Play for free mark: حسام الدين محمد عبد المنعم
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The light-based life in the universe, including the human derived concepts and meanings of the fear of darkness and evil, comfort and goodness of light, became constitute bilateral haunted man to this day in various concepts of life.Therefore reflect the light form artistic aesthetic in visual arts such arts Fine Photography and the other until the emergence of art cinema, as the use of lighting in cinema has produced high-energy in the composition of its values expressive and symbolic, where it became dark and light are the space visually moving the vehicles media kit for many within the work structure artwork. The research is divided into five chapters, the first chapter (the methodological framework) that included an introduction the problem of the research was to ask the following (you can have light text in the structure of the artwork as a system function of practice Alamati? And what refers to the text of photosynthesis in the film, the atmosphere, or deepen the event, or deepen the general meaning of the film?). And the importance of research and the need him as well as the objective of this research as well as to clarify the limits of search and search terms. The second chapter has included the theoretical framework and previous studies and the Department of the theoretical framework from two sections the first / text photosynthesis as a system media kit. The second chapter / text photosynthesis and play for free brand. Then we but applications that are adopted by the researcher to analyze the selected sample and to reach the goal of his research included the approach adopted in the research and the reasons for selecting the samples and the search tool and unit of analysis. Then the analysis of the sample consisted And draw the final results emanating from the analysis was highlighted that the mark is subject to employment maker of work and as well as display some of continuous movement has and where it occurs in context, as well as view some of the conclusions derived from the search results also included Some of the recommendations that the researcher deems necessary, as well as proposals for further studies, and research has included a list of sources and references that are adopted by the researcher is also available in Arabic and foreign study and a summary in English


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Publication Date
Mon May 20 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Correlative Study Between Haematological and Biochemical Parameters in Hepatitis B
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    Hepatitis-B (HBV) is a viral disease cause liver damage, cirrhosis, fibrosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Present study attempted to elucidate the biochemical and haematological markers other than Australia antigen, of hepatitis,B,vairusV (HBsAg) for better assessment of HBV infection.  The present study was conducted on 76 men, 50 of them were found to be HBeAg positive and 26 were negative, mean age was53±5.7years. Haematological parameters such as Absolute  Erythrocyte( Abs  Eryt), Absolute Leukocyte(Abs Leuk) , Haemoglobin(Hb), Packed Cell Volume(PCV),Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV), Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW), Mean  Corpuscular  Haemoglobin (MCH),MCH Concentration(MCHC) ,Neutrophi

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2024
Journal Name
Academic Science Journal
Comparison between MDDV and VADD routing protocols in VANET (Case Study)
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Routing is the process of delivering a packet from a source to a destination in the network using a routing algorithm that tries to create an efficient path. The path should be created with minimum overhead and bandwidth consumption. In literature, routing protocols in VANET were categorized in many ways, according to different aspects. In the present study, we prefer the classification based on the number of hops to reach the destination node. In literature, these are single-hop and multi-hops protocols. We first discuss the two types and then compare the MDDV (multi-hops protocol) with VADD (single-hop protocol). The comparison is theoretically and experimentally implemented by providing a network environment consisting of SUMO, VIENS and

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 14 2021
Journal Name
Natural Volatiles And Essential Oils
Relationship between Toxoplasma gondii Antibodies and Blood Group in University Students
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Background: Toxoplasma gondiiis an obligate intracellular protozoan that may infect nearly all warm-blooded animals, including humans. T gondiiis thought to infect one-third of the human population.The symptoms depending on the adequacy of the immune antiparasitic response. In humans, the main source of infection is through contact with the feces of infected cats, the final host in which the T. gondii completes its life cycle. Other source of infection occurs when drinking raw milk, ingestion of contaminated meat. Aim: This descriptive study estimated the seroprevalence and risk variables for Toxoplasma gondii infection forundergraduate students of a college of Pharmacy who were studying at University of Baghdad. The frequency rate ofToxopl

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
Saudi Medical Journal
Relationship between human leukocyte antigen DRB1 and psoriasis in Iraqi patients
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 13 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Comparison Between ESP and Gas Lift in Buzurgan Oil field/Iraq
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Buzurgan oil Field which is located in south of Iraq has been producing oil for five decades that caused production to drop in many oil wells. This paper provides a technical and economical comparison between the ESP and gas lift in one oil well (Bu-16) to help enhancing production and maximize revenue. Prosper software was used to build, match and design the artificial lift method for the selected well, also to predict the well behavior at different water cut values and its effect on artificial lift method efficiency. The validity of software model was confirmed by matching, where the error difference value between actual and calculated data was (-1.77%).

The ESP results showed the durability of ESP regarding th

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 04 2024
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Correlation between plasma homocysteine and ischemic heart disease in young Adults
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Background Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a leading cause of death worldwide. Ischemic heart disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Lack of blood supply to the brain can cause tissue death if any of the cerebral veins, carotid arteries, or vertebral arteries are blocked. An ischemic stroke describes this type of event. One of the byproducts of methionine metabolism, the demethylation of methionine, is homocysteine, an amino acid that contains sulfur. During myocardial ischemia, the plasma level of homocysteine (Hcy) increases and plays a role in many methylation processes. Hyperhomocysteinemia has only recently been recognized as a major contributor to the increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) owing to its eff

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 24 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Role of Education in Enhancing the Value of Citizenship in Children through the Interactive Life Process in Educational Institutions
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The aim of the research is to diagnose the methods of enhancing the value of citizenship in children through the interactive life process in educational institutions; the descriptive approach was used to achieve the objective by identifying social theories that corresponded to the national value or the theoretical principles of citizenship education. The study focused on educational activities and their role in establishing values, national educational philosophy in interactive activities, as well as the presentation of previous studies on the subject of citizenship, and maps of each of the strategies of active learning, skills in the process of interactive life in the field of education, Institutions that have the responsibility to prom

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
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The influence of the Bauhaus in contemporary graphic design
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This research aims to study and reveal the influence of Bauhaus principles in contemporary graphic design. The researcher determined the objective/spatial/temporal limit: Study of the Bauhaus influence in the design of the graphic poster in Germany in 2020. The theoretical framework in the first section dealt with (the emergence and factors of the emergence of the Bauhaus school and its characteristics), while the second topic dealt with (the intellectual, functional and aesthetic data of the Bauhaus School), after which the indicators that resulted from the theoretical framework were produced.

He mentioned four previous studies, one of them was discussed in detail. In the third chapter he defined the methodology, society, and sam

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Contextual Indication of admonition in the Holy Quran
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Context has occupied a distinguished place as far as the understanding of the texts and deducting the rules from them or analyzing them. The context was considered as one of the important presumptions as far arriving at the desired meanings is concerned. The word is worthless and the meaning is not known unless we know the context in which it came. The context in its two types the lingual and non-lingual types. It is the best for knowing the intended meaning of the Quranic verses to know the real meaning.  

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 02 2021
Journal Name
كلية التربية الاساسية
Imitating the opposite sex in the culture of peoples
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Hardly a society is devoid of manifestations of imitating the opposite sex with the disparity between societies in quantity and quality, as imitating the opposite sex is an old phenomenon, and whoever follows what the old researchers wrote on this subject, finds various sayings, some of which lack evidence, being a kind of guesswork, A generalization that is not based on what is evidenced by it, and others consider resemblance to a behavior in which an animal resembles a human being. I will highlight in this research the resemblance to the opposite sex in the cultures of peoples, making the study into three sections. The manifestations of resembling men and women spread in Greek society greatly, and then the second study was devoted to the

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