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The optical text in the cinema film Between the presence and absence Play for free mark: حسام الدين محمد عبد المنعم
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The light-based life in the universe, including the human derived concepts and meanings of the fear of darkness and evil, comfort and goodness of light, became constitute bilateral haunted man to this day in various concepts of life.Therefore reflect the light form artistic aesthetic in visual arts such arts Fine Photography and the other until the emergence of art cinema, as the use of lighting in cinema has produced high-energy in the composition of its values expressive and symbolic, where it became dark and light are the space visually moving the vehicles media kit for many within the work structure artwork. The research is divided into five chapters, the first chapter (the methodological framework) that included an introduction the problem of the research was to ask the following (you can have light text in the structure of the artwork as a system function of practice Alamati? And what refers to the text of photosynthesis in the film, the atmosphere, or deepen the event, or deepen the general meaning of the film?). And the importance of research and the need him as well as the objective of this research as well as to clarify the limits of search and search terms. The second chapter has included the theoretical framework and previous studies and the Department of the theoretical framework from two sections the first / text photosynthesis as a system media kit. The second chapter / text photosynthesis and play for free brand. Then we but applications that are adopted by the researcher to analyze the selected sample and to reach the goal of his research included the approach adopted in the research and the reasons for selecting the samples and the search tool and unit of analysis. Then the analysis of the sample consisted And draw the final results emanating from the analysis was highlighted that the mark is subject to employment maker of work and as well as display some of continuous movement has and where it occurs in context, as well as view some of the conclusions derived from the search results also included Some of the recommendations that the researcher deems necessary, as well as proposals for further studies, and research has included a list of sources and references that are adopted by the researcher is also available in Arabic and foreign study and a summary in English


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Publication Date
Sun Jun 11 2017
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Ceramic Art and Urban Planning for the city of Baghdad
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Ceramic art associated with urban growth in the cities, it overlapped with architectural construction, the increasing of population, urban growth, knowledge, and civilization was considered ceramic arts as an important aesthetically architecturally complement in the cities, including those in the squares and architectural institutions in the city of Baghdad .the title (Ceramic Art and Urban Planning in the City of Baghdad) the problem was its wonders : 1- Does ceramic monuments suited their locations in the city of Baghdad with the architectural planning urban of the city.2- Does the recipient interacted with these monuments and the reasons of their existence. Then the aim: knowing the relationship of the ceramic monuments with the urban

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 12 2017
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The aesthetic and communicative " dimensions in t.v photo"
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T.V photo in modern shows has emerged with special characteristics and signs that have developed in cope with the development of medium and technique. This leads to adding a variety of aesthetic dimensions which are capable of attracting audience because of its communicative elements that have an important role in increasing of T.V show Watching. As a result, the research is limited to methodological Framework as the problem. The problem of the research deals with emerging the aesthetic dimensions of T.V photo. The major question is (what are the aesthetic and communicative dimension of T.V Photo?). The research aims at finding out the aesthetic dimensions of T.V photo in modern artworks. The significance of the research on the presented

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2016
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Intent in the Holy Quran (meanings and connotations)
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The most honorable of science was what was related to the book of God, the Almighty, the Constitution of this nation and the way of its guidance and method of advancement there is no life except for him and safety only by its application and it is no secret to the competent studies of the importance of the subjective studies in the Koranic studies to address issues of great importance enlighten the path of the nation and revive From here comes the importance of the topic covered by the research, which is "Intent in the Holy Quran meanings and semantics", and this topic features features that made it worthy of writing, including the importance of clarifying theories of Qur'anic character of a systematic nature, such as the theory of inten

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 20 2016
Journal Name
مجلة كلية التربية الاساسية
The secret of Repentance and Confession in Christianity
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The reason for studying (The secret of Repentance and Confession in Christianity) goes back to the deep roots of repentance in all religions, specially the three revealed religions, and those who adhere to them. The human psych by nature is incessantly demanding sins and the wrong deeds. It is in need of repentance which God has opened for them. Almighty God is happy when his creatures repent and refrain from sinning. This is the reason for success in life and the hereafter and the principle of the happiness. It is also a condition for the good course. Therefore, man should refrain from sinning and feel regret for committing sins forever.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2024
Journal Name
الدراسات اللغوية والرتجمية
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Phraseological or phraseological turn - unchanged in structure and composition, integral in meaning and lexically indivisible phrase or sentence, performing the function of a separate dictionary unit - lexemes. Idioms are found in any language of the world. But such a number of winged phrases, as in Russian, is nowhere else. Idioms play a role in displaying the national-cultural characteristics of any language. They very clearly and accurately reflect the characteristics of the perception of the world, the characteristic features of the material and spiritual life of native speakers, his mentality.

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 17 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Human values and principles in the three religions
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The laws of the three religions tend to extend the rules and foundations of coexistence, and this is achieved in achieving the values and principles that these laws have nourished in all societies.

Our research deals with a major problem that has broken out in our societies, namely (disturbing the balance of values and behavioral standard between people), and perhaps one of the greatest causes of the problem is to move away from the correct divine discourse and sound approach, as well as corruption of common sense and the violation of its rules and found principles in the hearts of people.




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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Purposes of Thinking in the Light of the Holy Qur’an
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This study aims to explain the purposes of thinking in light of the Holy Qur’an. The study adopted the deductive method by analyzing the meanings of the eighteen thinking verses mentioned in the Holy Qur’an That is by referring to the ancient and contemporary book interpretations and inferring the purposes of thinking from the context of those verses. The study concluded that there are seven main purposes, for thinking in the light of the Holy Qur’an, are understanding the universal regulations, contemplating the social codes, inferring, extracting maxims and meanings from the Qur’anic proverbs, analyzing the situation objectively, balancing between interests and evils, and freeing the mind from the authority of the paranormal. T

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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The Semitic Languages have    her its  Articulatory   That  what  we  attend  to  discuss  In  this  Research  to  Represent the  Relation  Between  them  and  the Light  Of  Semitics   a Comparative Studies  where  ever  It's  Exists   The Semitic languages by comparing the words whish most Semitic languages share with each other. We call such Words the Semitic denominator. We have adopted a comparative framework in our Research, which is based on comparing an Arabic word with its Semitic counterpart in Order to identify the forms that control grammatical  change in both language

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Imam Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Yazid                Bin Harun Abu Bakr Alkhalal             And his jurisprudence in transactions
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The message of our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was the most complete of the messages, and the conclusion of the messages and completed by the mercy of this nation. Al-Khalal al-Baghdadi al-Hanbali (may Allaah have mercy on him) was a scholar who updated his writings. And The Nha Brhnha and became an independent and arranged doctrine Such a world of Galilee Hambali must show his character and his knowledge and its impact on the Islamic arena.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of Adapting IFRS 15 on Auditing Procedures for Auditors in Iraqi Environment
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The purpose of the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS 15) is to determine the basis for reporting useful information to the users of financial reports on the nature, amount, timing and uncertainty about revenues and cash flows arising from a contract with a customer. It is based on specific conditions for recognizing revenue from the contract. When the two parties to the contract or one of them fulfil the performance obligations, specifically after the customer has the ability to exercise control over the product or service that is the subject of the contract. As a result of the failure of the revenue reporting requirements in the Iraqi environment to provide adequate and honestly representative information on the o

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