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The optical text in the cinema film Between the presence and absence Play for free mark: حسام الدين محمد عبد المنعم
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The light-based life in the universe, including the human derived concepts and meanings of the fear of darkness and evil, comfort and goodness of light, became constitute bilateral haunted man to this day in various concepts of life.Therefore reflect the light form artistic aesthetic in visual arts such arts Fine Photography and the other until the emergence of art cinema, as the use of lighting in cinema has produced high-energy in the composition of its values expressive and symbolic, where it became dark and light are the space visually moving the vehicles media kit for many within the work structure artwork. The research is divided into five chapters, the first chapter (the methodological framework) that included an introduction the problem of the research was to ask the following (you can have light text in the structure of the artwork as a system function of practice Alamati? And what refers to the text of photosynthesis in the film, the atmosphere, or deepen the event, or deepen the general meaning of the film?). And the importance of research and the need him as well as the objective of this research as well as to clarify the limits of search and search terms. The second chapter has included the theoretical framework and previous studies and the Department of the theoretical framework from two sections the first / text photosynthesis as a system media kit. The second chapter / text photosynthesis and play for free brand. Then we but applications that are adopted by the researcher to analyze the selected sample and to reach the goal of his research included the approach adopted in the research and the reasons for selecting the samples and the search tool and unit of analysis. Then the analysis of the sample consisted And draw the final results emanating from the analysis was highlighted that the mark is subject to employment maker of work and as well as display some of continuous movement has and where it occurs in context, as well as view some of the conclusions derived from the search results also included Some of the recommendations that the researcher deems necessary, as well as proposals for further studies, and research has included a list of sources and references that are adopted by the researcher is also available in Arabic and foreign study and a summary in English


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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2016
Journal Name
Figure role in highlighting and content in the technical poster
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The poster is one of the means which can be communicate with others through it, to transfer ideas that the designer want to focus on, for its importance to accomplish the poster. It’s a visual mean contact aim to submit an idea to the audience to get a clear idea, and that would be through the shapes and subject to submit the idea. Depend on that our goal in this study is to find out, what follows:1-Finding the relationship between the shape and the idea.And the study comes up with several results, like:1-The drawings that contain themes connected with what the designer want to achieve, through the clearness of idea and to make those elements clear by putting more elements to surround the main shape.2-To assure that the strong connecti

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
High Commitment Management and their Impact in Organizational Excellence Afield Research for opinions a sample of managers in the company general Alfurat for chemical industries \Babylon
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In its theoretical framework, this study dealt with the subjects of high commitment management and organizational excellence, as the study came in response to the growing developments and changes in the fields of management. It includes an analysis of correlation and effect between high commitment management, which has been attracting a lot of attention recently due to the intensifying rivalry between organizations because of certain external factors like globalization and world markets liberation, and its effect in achieving organizational excellence.

The practical framework, on the other hand, dealt with the analysis of correlation and effect between the study's variables. The problem

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Sound of the letter (ق) in the Contemporary Arabic Dialects
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The Sound of the letter (ق) in the Contemporary Arabic Dialects

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 03 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Muslim Arab Self and the image of the other, religiously and culturally different: a critical analytical study of the causes and forms of political and social intolerance in Iraq
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This research aims to analyze the intellectual and civilizational regression that afflicted Iraqi and Arab society due to political and religious tyranny and internal conflicts, which was reflected in the deterioration of human rights values and the absence of equality and justice in dealing with the other religiously, which affected the reluctance of members of religious groups to interact with their national societies and then migrate to Outside, which contributed to a double loss, in terms of the loss of these societies by productive and effective national competencies, and in terms of distorting the image of Islam. The research stressed that the first treatments of this phenomenon are the consolidation of the values of citize

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effectiveness of the organization in the philosophy of the most prominent theoreticianAdministrative thought
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This paper discuses the mindset contribution of the organization Science in organizational effectiveness (OE), and the most valuable thoughts they introduced in this subject, starting from the pre- classical era, through classical era to present time. This paper has identified the main contribution in OE. The concept of OE didn’t arise until what had been introduced by Chester Barnard, although Max Weber mentioned this concept in his bureaucratic theory, but he didn’t explain it as Barnard does. After that no clear focus was pointed to this subject until Peter Drucker did so, which considered as the main participant in OE after Barnard. After that many researchers be interested in OE and they start studying this subject like

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of cognitive processes in the areas of organizational changeApplied Study in the Directorate General of Training and Development / Ministry of Electricity
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Centric study on the interest of the Directorate General of Training and Development / Ministry of Electricity to consolidate the concept of process and enhancement of knowledge in the areas of organizational change، it reached a sample of the study (44) people who are highly heads of departments، technicians and administrators in different sections of the Directorate and by using the correlation coefficient (Spearman) & coefficient of simple regression been tested correlations between variables and the impact of the study، as has been reached to integrate the role of cognitive processes with the areas of organizational change and relationships that were significant at the level of overall dimensions and subsidiary organs.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 24 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Comparison of three interpolation methods for the average monthly temperature in the south of Iraqi zone
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This study focuses on evaluating the suitability of three interpolation methods in terms of their accuracy at climate data for some provinces of south of Iraq. Two data sets of maximum and minimum temperature in February 2008 from nine meteorological stations located in the south of Iraq using three interpolation methods. ArcGIS is used to produce the spatially distributed temperature data by using IDW, ordinary kriging, and spline. Four statistical methods are applied to analyze the results obtained from three interpolation methods. These methods are RMSE, RMSE as a percentage of the mean, Model efficiency (E) and Bias, which showed that the ordinary krigingis the best for this data from other methods by the results that have b

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Designing an electronic program for the Assessment of project management in accordance with the methodology (PMBOK)
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The research aims to design an electronic program that allows users to assess the possibility of different practices for projects management professional according to the PMBOK methodology)) and using the requirements Data mentioned in the "knowledge and experience in project management Evaluation guide" issued by the professional Institute of project management According to the results of this program will be electronic The possible classification of project management in terms of both (proficiency_ perform tasks) as less than the desired level or within or above average in terms of best practices, and finally a number of recommendations to overcome the possible shortcomings. The most important is the need to enrich the service

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 16 2023
Journal Name
2023 14th International Renewable Energy Congress (irec)
Utilizing the Controlled Hydropower System to Harness the Collected Water in Drainage System for Power Generation
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The variety of clean energy sources has risen, involving many resources, although their fundamental principles remain consistent in terms of energy generation and pollution reduction. The using of hydropower system for energy production also has a dynamic impact in which it utilizes to harness the water for the purpose of energy production. As it is important to overcome the problem of accidents in the highway and rural areas in the case of server rainfall and flood by implementation a smart system that used for energy production. This paper aims to develop a controlled hydropower system installed in the drainage sinks allocated in highway roads used for producing. The proposed system consists of storage unit represented by pipes used for t

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Experimental study for the properties of Fe3O4 dusty plasma using the air in vacuum chamber system
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In this work, we carried out an experimental study of thedusty
plasma by taking the dust material Fe3O4 with radius of the any grain
0.1μm - 0.5μm. In experiment we use air in the vacuum chamber
system under different low pressure (0.1-1) Torr. The results
illustrated that the present of dust particles in the air plasma did not
effect on Paschen minimum which is 0.5 without dust and with Fe3O4
dusty grains.
The effect of Fe3O4 dust particles on plasma parameters can be
notice in direct current system in glow discharge region. The plasma
parameters which were studied in this work represent plasma
potential, floating potential,electron saturation current, temperatu

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