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An Educational Model in Journalistic Production Course to Develop the Creative Thinking Skills of Printing Design Students
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The printing designer's creative thinking is a deliberate  mental process based on specific skills that stimulate the motivation of  the student to learn and call for  new information for the investigation and research to discover the problems and attitudes and through reformulating the experience in new patterns depending on the active imagination and the flexible scientific thinking through providing the largest number possible  of various unfamiliar  printing design models, and testing their suitability and then readjusting the results with the availability of  suitable educational, learning and academic atmosphere.

The designer's creative thinking depends on main skills. Fluency skill is to put the largest number of the given designs and ideas.  Flexibility skill is the diversity of these ideas. The originality skill is the production of     ideas and designs characterized by excellence. Problem sensitivity skill is represented by (analysis and synthesis). The detailing skill is represented by the largest number of details and finally the assessment skill is represented by (examination, assessment, and determining the final design). 

 The objectives of the research are as follows: 

  • Designing an educational model in the journalistic direction course.
  • Measuring the effectiveness of the educational model in developing the creative thinking through its application to an experimental sample of printing design students. The researcher, thus,  intentionally chose the study community from  the students  of  the department of  printing design/ the Institute of Fine Arts-  the evening study for the academic year (2017-2018) which was made of (20) students taken all for the sample and divided into two (experimental and controlling ) groups , ten students in each group.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2018
Journal Name
Pakistan Journal Of Biotechnology
Correlation between BOD5 and COD for Al-Diwaniyah wastewater treatment plants to obtain biodegradability indices.
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The present study aims to establish an empirical correlation between biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) of the sewage flowing in Al-Diwaniyah wastewater treatment plant. The strength of the wastewater entering the plant varied from medium to high. High concentrations of BOD5 and COD in the effluent were obtained due to the poor performance of the plant. This was observed from the BOD5 /COD ratios that did not confirm with the typical ratios for the treated sewage. Regression equations for BOD5 and COD removal percentages were suggested which can be used to evaluate rapid effluent assessment after the treatment processes or optimal process control to improve the performance of wastewater treatment plants.

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Frame-Based Change Detection Using Histogram and Threshold to Separate Moving Objects from Dynamic Background
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      Detecting and subtracting the Motion objects from backgrounds is one of the most important areas. The development of cameras and their widespread use in most areas of security, surveillance, and others made face this problem. The difficulty of this area is unstable in the classification of the pixels (foreground or background). This paper proposed a suggested background subtraction algorithm based on the histogram. The classification threshold is adaptively calculated according to many tests. The performance of the proposed algorithms was compared with state-of-the-art methods in complex dynamic scenes.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jul 26 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Aridland Agriculture
Modern GPS diagnostic technique to determine and map soil hardpan for enhancing agricultural operation management
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Among the undesirable effects of soil compaction is a measurable reduction in plant growth and crop yield. The prevailing belief is that compacted tillage pans are caused by repetitive farming practices, heavy tractors, tillage tools, and field traffic. This experiment was conducted to determine and map the hardpan layers across an agricultural field through advanced technologies of precision agriculture. These valuable techniques such as data logger, yield map, and data analysis of performance indicators were linked with accurate global positioning systems (GPS) datasets. These important technologies provided the farmers and helped them to identify and manage areas of the fields with higher compacted layers. Three ground speeds 4.3

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2014
Journal Name
Paripex-indian Journal Of Research
Inundation Map Development by Using HEC-RAS Hydraulic Simulation Modeling from Roseires to Khartoum Cities
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Inundation floodingmap aimedto find outearly warningsto avoidenvironmental damageandhumanin terms of theheight ofthe wave ofwater, speed time arrival, effects of inundation sideanddepth of the water/ distanceand reduce the impact of the flood wave after obtaining the process of collapse of the dam in the lower part of the river to the dam area. The study has been using a numerical model one-dimensional depends on the development of equations (Saint-Venant) so that parts of the river, any river channel main banks of the right and left treated as separate parts, that’s the difference in the characteristics of the hydraulic and engineering, along the line of the flow will take into account in each section of the sections and flow in the riv

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Transfocation Technique to Overcome Atmospheric Scintillation Effect on a Laser Detection and Tracking System (LDTS)
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Atmospheric transmission is disturbed by scintillation, where scintillation caused more beam divergence. In this work target image spot radius was calculated in presence of atmospheric scintillation. The calculation depend on few relevant equation based on atmospheric parameter (for Middle East), tracking range, expansion ratio of applied beam expander's, receiving unit lens F-number, and the laser wavelength besides photodetector parameter. At maximum target range Rmax =20 km, target image radius is at its maximum Rs=0.4 mm. As the range decreases spot radius decreases too, until the range reaches limit (4 km) at which target image spot radius at its minimum value (0.22 mm). Then as the range decreases, spot radius increases due to geom

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Methods of computer word formation in the modern Russian language: Способы словообразования в сфере компьютерных неологизмов в современном русском языке
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This paper discusses the study of computer Russian language neologisms. Problems of studying computer terminology are constantly aggravated by the processes of computer technology that is introduced to all walks of life. The study identifies ways of word formation: the origin of the computer terms and the possibility of their usage in Russian language. The Internet is considered a worldwide tool of communication used extensively by students, housewives and professionals as well The Internet is a heterogeneous environment consisting of various hardware and software configurations that need to be configured to support the languages used. The development of Internet content and services is essential for expanding Internet usage. Some of the

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of electronic payment systems on the effectiveness of monetary policy
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Information and Communication Technology  revolution has led to the emergence of electronic payment systems and their means And that the replacement of these modern means replace the traditional means (legal money) issued by the Central Bank has influenced the performance of monetary policy, especially that monetary policy is one of the most important policies used to achieve economic stability ,  The aim of the research is To know the impact of electronic payment systems on the tools of monetary policy as these means, such as cards and electronic money issued by credit institutions and companies, that is, the Central Bank is not responsible for issuance and spread And the lack of regulation by the Central Bank will lea

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 05 2016
Journal Name
Formal unknown and its role in enriching the speech communication designs women's fabrics
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The design fabrics of the most important episodes that are at the core process rhetorical communication, until they became these episodes ample room for research and investigation, and the issue of non-familiar formality is nothing but the result of those relationships Constructivism, which is the result of an effort builders coherent activate the shape and attributes of phenotypic, therefore it will cause him a lot of questions about his and founded the organization in order to activate the speech communication between the product(cloth)and the receiver .On this basis, the research problem identified on imposing the question follows:1. Does the non-familiar formal role in enriching communication discourse of women's fabric designs?2. Ar

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Camille Ben Ziad and his Place in the Arab-Islamic Heritage (Historical Study)
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In a quick reading of the character of Camille Ben Ziad al-Nekha al-Kufi al-Taabi, one of the most sincere companions of Imam Ali (peace be upon him), he enjoyed great status and status because he was one of the people of his people who lived alongside Imam Ali (peace be upon him) since his tribe migrated from Yemen to Kufa To this end, he became loyal during the reign of Imam Ali (peace be upon him), who is also a member of the delegation coming from Kufa to protest against the actions of the Wali of Kufa during the reign of Caliph Uthman ibn Affan. After the death of Caliph Uthman bin Affan, (Peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) (Duaa kamil), one of the most famous and important supplications in Islamic history, and each one of u

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Analysis Of Elements Of The Iranian Story In The Story Of Rustom And Suhrab - A Stylistic Study: بررسی عناصر قصه ایرانی در داستان رستم و سهراب، با رویکرد سبک‌گرایی
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Iranian stories have been one of the most important aspects   of Iranian society's culture and have reflected us as a mirror of all its cultural, societal and political dimensions.Among the important elements of the story can be the creation of space and the movement and the creation of characters and conflict and content and the angle of vision and landscape, language and subject. Studying the elements of the story leads to more understanding and determining the strength and skill of the author by studying the elements of his story. The story of Rustom and Suhrab is also one of the many stories in which the elements of the story are often noticed and show the skill of the great professor Al-Fardousi to benefit from these eleme

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