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Aesthetical Utilization of Sound in film of Alfred Hitchcock: حكمت مطشر مجيد البيضاني
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This research deals with the nature of the aesthetic employment of wool in the Alfred Hitchcock films, as this director is characterized by rich his experience that dealt with the photo film days of silent film and managed efficiently in the construction of his films, as well as when the audio input The Hitchhiker employ sound aesthetic ways still emulated so far. So I rely researcher this subject and the division of research into four chapters, such as the first quarter included the methodological framework which dealt with the problem of research and the importance of research, and the goals of the research, as well as the limits of research and finally determine the terms.The second chapter includes theoretical framework and previous studies, where the researcher by dividing it into two sections dealt with the two search for a unique cinematic experiences Hitchcock as well as actors in his ways aesthetic Employment sound in all of his movies. In the end, without indications researcher discussed the results of a theoretical framework.Chapter III, action research, where the researcher will select two films of Hitchcock movies and are not birds and film rear window, and analyzed the sample is based on indicators that came out of the theoretical framework. Finally, in the fourth quarter researcher took a series of findings, conclusions and seal Find a range of sources


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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
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The artistic treatment of the expatriate character in the fictional film: آسيا جبار خلف
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Although cinema is moving towards art, it has dealt with the character since the beginning of the discovery of cinematic art in films such as (Doctor Caligari's cabin) and most German expressive films in the third decade of the twentieth century, but the interest of cinema is growing in the estranged human personality, meaning that this character It lives by its alienation from the environment and society that surrounds it, because our present days have witnessed on the material and moral level more social breakdowns such as wars and disasters, and the sharp contradiction in the social and economic level of people themselves or between different societies, or between the individual and his community, and new social relations have increas

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Matec Web Of Conferences
Permittivity and Permeability Characterization of SiC and Ferro Metals for Structural Health Monitoring Utilization
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The need for wireless sensing technology has rapidly increased recently, specifically the usage of electromagnetic waves which becoming more required as a source of information. Silicon carbide (SiC) Nano particles has been used in this study, the material under test (MUT) was exposed directly to a microwave field to examine the electromagnetic behavior. The permittivity and permeability were investigated with different filler materials to approach best and optimal electromagnetic absorbing characteristics to assist engineers to monitor structure-based composite for defects evaluation that may occur during operation conditions or through manufacturing process. XRD, FESEM and both complex permittivity and permeability were measured f

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Scopus (3)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Ain Shams Engineering Journal
Estimating server utilization rate in single server queuing models using an approximate solution of stiff fluid flow model
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Publication Date
Wed May 18 2016
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Aesthetic dimension to the formation of postmodern: إيهاب احمد عبد الرضا
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Find taught dimension aesthetic in the formation of post-modernism, which is one of the themes of aesthetics in the stream of postmodernism, is problematic because of the lack of provisions and fixed values reinforce the concept of beauty, and put done technical plastic in the circle of evaluation and judgment aesthetic, this research as an attempt to reveal the aesthetic concepts that can be drawn from artistic experiments in the formation of post-modernism, through the development of those concepts viable mainstream.
Search contains four chapters: the first chapter includes a general approach to the research, has been showcasing the research problem and the importance of research and goal of Search: detection dimension aesthetic in

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Removal of Suspended Solids Using Pumice Stone in Integrated Fixed Film Activated Sludge Process
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Wastewater treatment plants operators prefer to make adjustments because they are more cost effective, to use the existing tank instead of building new ones. In this case an imported materials would be  used as bio-loads to increase biomass and thus maintain efficiency as the next organic loading increases.In the present study, a local substance "pumice stone" was used as a biological carrier in the aeration tank, and the experiments were carried out in five stages: without biological carriers, filling ratio of 4%,10%,20%, and25% with pumice stone, the maximum organic loading at each stage (1.1884, 1.2144, 1.9432, 2.7768, 3.3141)g BOD /l.d respectively.Other experiments were carried out to determine the best filling ratio, the SS remova

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
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The location element indispensable in the film, it is the container that meets the all the elements of the artwork, and place in the cinema topic or space as the existence of a material perceptible senses, is one of the key elements in the drama because he is one of the conditions to achieve supply drama which, with the nature of the vehicle because it is linked to reality the real and the reality of mental imagined, and returns the importance of the place mentally to change the pattern in the building's traditional place in the world of the film, is that the space under the facts of the events imagined or mental and determined by the processors directorial, and where mental in the movies but found himself a world with a pace sometimes s

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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
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Time Aesthetics in the Documentary Film: حسام الدين محمد عبد المنعم
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The research dealt with the study of the element of time in the cinematic language and the role it plays in creating the aesthetic meanings in the documentary film by means of the various structural constructions with which time is constructed. The research included the introduction and the problem of research, which was represented by the following question: (Did the documentary film adopt the values of time formats in the fiction film or it created for itself special linguistic formulations and models which achieve the aesthetic concept?). It also included the importance of research, the need for it and its goal in addition to clarifying the limits of research.The theoretical framework included three sections the first of which is the

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
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Dramatic Structure Transformations in the Iraqi Feature Film: بان جبار خلف
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The research topic (The dramatic structure transformations in the Iraqi Feature Film) studies the dramatic structure and its transformations in the Iraqi feature film. The research determined the research problem and the need for it in addition to the aims and the limits of the study as well as its importance. The theoretical framework consists of the following themes: the dramatic transformations mechanism and dramatic data in the Iraq film 1957-2003 then the dramatic values transformations and the performance contradictions in the Iraqi film.
The research, after concluding the theoretical framework, came up with a number of indicators of the theoretical framework that have been used as a tool to analyze the sample. The research proc

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
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Problems between acter and director in film and t.v: صالح الصحن
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Constitute the relationship between the director and actor mainstay chock done to show art in film and television , both of which occupy what a big role in the mission accomplishment . The leadership of the director of the artwork in various joints require two features two important ( creativity and administration ) , The capabilities director of creative serves as an added intellectual and aesthetic saturated sensation that leaves its impact on all the technical elements involved in done. Either trait administration and leadership it is what requires multiple skills in dealing on according to technical standards and moral and humanitarian allow the transfer of ideas , concepts and visions to those elements to embody and implement the ki

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 24 2016
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Poetics transformation and structure in the film: علاءالدين عبد المجيد جاسم
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is divided into two chapter:Chapter one to ensure asyslematic framework for research amd included aresearch problem and also inchuded on the importance of research and the need for him as well as to clarify. The second chapter inchuded a theoretical framework: theoretical framework has been divided into two section. The first topic: poetics transformations The second topic: poetics and scale of rheloric in the film After the comp of the theoretical framework; so the researcher analyzed the film (Antichrist) has arrived ataset of resuits was including


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