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The aesthetic features of using Raku in ceramics Uta Grossmann Objects: غيد صادق عبد الغني
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The Ceramic was a part from the humanitarian production that masseure the development and promotion of the Nations through decades. The Ceramic development involve wide and more techniques. One of these techniques that appear through the developmental centuries, the ( Alkaro Ceramic )technique, this technique depended the simplicity that comitted on religions thoughts through their development and its origin, so it had connected with these religions thoughts and had transmitted to the differnt Nations and they development in it to stay as a connection to the original key although its a way to keep them from adoption a new path. The tracker of the Ceramic fine art through its modernal level could knew and touched the Enormons transformation in Asthetic Values and Visions. Ceramic is apole of neumorous variations of arts that left not only the old styles but also the modern too for the benfit of the modernal fine art culture. According to this research, the Researcher wants to focus on a very special techniques of Alrako Ceramic by a german Ceramiacian ( Uta Grossmann ) and shows us how she ( Uta Grossmann ) analies her product to declear its privacy Contain in special. This german Ceramician is considered, one of the most famous modern Ceramician. The Critics and Art Professionals in Arts consider her as one of the most important, famous Ceramician in modernal fine Art in germany as well as in all Europe. Back to her references and their effects in modernal Ceramic fine Art, man can notice that she has privacy especially she belongs to a nation witch has tradition and at the same time has contacts with the other nations which lead to the modernal Ceramic fine Art development


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Publication Date
Thu Mar 19 2015
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The concept of Sustainable Environments in the UAE: عبد الصمد الخالدي
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Over last decade, rapid growth in economic and population accompanied with depletion of the energy resources lead to serious impacts on environment and humanity. This development coupled with active constructions, which in some examples ignore the impact on the environment and human activities. Therefore, principle of sustainability has required in order to reducing this negative impact on the environment and the humanity.In developing countries, it seems that there is a huge gap between the current construction practices and sustainable principle, which need more attention to clarify and define the problems in order to find suitable solutions before it comes more difficult and expensive. The study aims to choose one of the develo

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
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Aesthetic relations and their role in achieving sensory excitement between interior and exterior spaces
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The current research deals with the study of aesthetic relations in the field of interior design and the extent to which its mechanisms achieve sensory stimulation between the internal and external spaces, to generate a continuous visual connection that is an extension of it, achieving in turn sensory stimulation for the users of those spaces. The internal and external spaces meet the desired purpose of feeling pleasure and beauty.” The current research aims to “discover the nature of aesthetic relations between the internal and external spaces and the extent to which mechanisms can achieve sensory stimulation in residential spaces.” The first topic included the concept of aesthetic relations, sensory excitement, and perception at

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
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Artistic features of women form in (Auguste-Dominique Ingres) works: نـدى عايـد يوسـف
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Between decline and appearing dichotomy, art history comes to announce birth of an era that glories past and find new names that are emerged from yearning to past and represented by neo-classical, By refusing the previous approaches and create topics that touché culture and derived from it through s revitalizing ideal beauty standards. One of neo-classical artists, who tried to simulate the classical works, is (Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres), who put framework for semantic aesthetic of the art form by revitalizing past glories and deeply searching myths and cultures through finding special artistic features that emphasizes artist own stylistics and identity. This research studies artistic features of women form in (Jean-Auguste-D

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
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Aesthetic and Functional Dimensions of Environmental Waste in the Products of Students of the Department of Art Education: فردوس خضر الجوفي
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The practice of art is an inevitable result imposed by the circumstances surrounding the human being, as he needs some knowledge associated with raw materials, tools and methods to develop skills in the formation of elements of the work of art in new ways that give a decent artistic appearance to the work of art. Through the exploratory study carried out by the researcher, which included asking the following question to the third grade students, Department of Art Education:

What types of materials are used in handicrafts and from which sources are they obtained? Through the answers, the problem of research was founded as follows:

-Are the products of students of the Department of Art Education in the handicraft material d

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
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Formal coding and its relationship to aesthetic taste among students of the Department of Art Education
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The current research aims to identify pictorial coding and its relationship to the aesthetic taste of art education students. The research community consisted of (10) plastic artworks, and (3) artworks were selected as a sample for analysis and decoding. With the aim of the research, the research tool was prepared as it consisted of an analysis form, and the researcher used statistical methods: Equation (Cooper) to find the percentage of agreement between the arbitrators and the equation (Scott) to calculate the validity of the tool, and the correlation coefficient (Pearson) to extract stability in the method of segmentation half. Shape formations and achieve encryption of the plastic image through decoding symbols, meanings, and the sig

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
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Employing the Psychological Dimension of Sound in the Cinematic Film: أنور عبد شاطي
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         This research deals with the audio part of the cinematic film, which is the sound and its elements inside the space of the cinema picture. It also deals with the psychological side of the sound and the effects made by the sound on the audience through the carefully studied use of the film maker in employing the sound and the picture. For the importance of this element, most of the directors were aware of the seriousness that sound causes to the cinematography, and consequently working as a whole such as the  indications, meanings, symbols, metaphors ,transitions…etc. The research included the methodological framework which consists of the research problem, in which the researcher ma

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
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The Problem of Meaning in Contemporary Iraqi Sculpture: عبد الله فوزي خورشيد
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The concept of meaning is one of the most important topics that have occupied the mind of the recipient and critic in all the arts, especially the plastic arts, where we find that the art of contemporary plastic art, in particular sculpture has multiple readings and many critics differed in terms of different reading and views of the same artistic achievement.

This research will identify the different works of contemporary Iraqi sculptors while presenting and studying their works, as well as (studying the problem of meaning) of the artistic achievements of the sculptors in particular. The various parties interested in Iraqi sculpture did not seize the problem of the objective and subjective meaning of contemporary Iraqi sculpture

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
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Diversity of Temporal Workings in the Narrative of the Feature Film: عباس فاضل عبد
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  Time represented a significant element in building any film story, despite its inability to express itself, but by employing the rest of the elements of the cinematic mediator language to express it. Time factor is present and manifested in all the details of the picture, and the more important is its presence in the event narration process. The narration totally depends on temporal structure in which it appears, which makes time a dominating element in the development of the narrative shapes and patterns. The narrative propositions have come to take new workings that time streams appeared that manipulate the time structure, reversing it, stopping it or making it fluctuate between the three levels of time, or repeating it or make

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
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Design features of medicine box packaging for children: منى محمود حسين
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Graphic design constitutes the human necessity for the design action, so there is no design achievement that is not considered in its founding project and its final realization as a response to a specific necessity. As a result of knowledge, which is the product of experience and is the result of applied science, design is based on observation, study and development, leading to the main goal, which is the utilitarian and aesthetic function that is put into the final consideration of design, and drug packaging design has an important role in all marketing fields, as companies compete with each other to attract the largest number Possible from consumers in a way that guarantees them material profit, and in order to achieve this, it always

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 24 2016
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Poetics transformation and structure in the film: علاءالدين عبد المجيد جاسم
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is divided into two chapter:Chapter one to ensure asyslematic framework for research amd included aresearch problem and also inchuded on the importance of research and the need for him as well as to clarify. The second chapter inchuded a theoretical framework: theoretical framework has been divided into two section. The first topic: poetics transformations The second topic: poetics and scale of rheloric in the film After the comp of the theoretical framework; so the researcher analyzed the film (Antichrist) has arrived ataset of resuits was including


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