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Calendar art activities in private schools Secondary School in Baghdad: سناء عبد الامير حسين
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The technical activities designed to highlight the creations of students by providing activities appropriate to their abilities and capabilities within and outside the school, which is a way for the development of learning and learner behavior aimed at directing guidance educationally and artistically.As a result of the efforts of modern educational activities, art has become part of the philosophy of the modern school and part of the modern curriculum. Because it is enough to configure the practices and habits of a satisfactory and acceptable, and is characterized by precision, order and beauty.Through the researcher with a survey of previous studies that dealt with art activities and found that all studies have been confined to a calendar of these activities in public schools only, since the phenomenon of private schools a new phenomenon began in 2003 has increased in the recent increase is striking, prompting the researcher to study the reality of artistic activity in these schools is the civil and whether the required level and commensurate with the rapid developments taking place in Iraqi society at all levels, so the researcher felt that this is a problem it is necessary to pay attention to them. Therefore, considered to address identified ((calendar artistic activities in private schools at the secondary level in Baghdad))The current study targeted the following:1 - Studying the reality of artistic activities in the schools of civil secondary stage of the first breeding Rusafa in Baghdad.2 - Calendar artistic activities in the schools of civil secondary stage from the viewpoint of teachers and teachers of art education in it.The sample research (6) teacher and a school for art education at the secondary level out (30) teacher and a school were selected randomly, by (3) males and (3) of females, were selected (20%) of the total secondary school Of the (30) high school in the Directorate of Education / Rusafa one).The most important results that could be reached as follows: -1 - only the role of teachers and teachers of art education on the administration and supervision, and lacks the guidance and training students to artistic activities.2 - Number of students participating in artistic activities is the proportion of very weak compared with the total number of students in secondary schools.3 - did not adopt the high school civil claim of a complete artistic activities, these activities did not receive adequate support for their development


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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of Education Program on Secondary School Teachers Psycho-Social Changes with Menopause in Baghdad City
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Objective: To assess the effect of education program on psychological and social changes of secondary school teachers with menopause.

Method: A quasi-experimental design is carried out with the application of a pre- post –test for menopause secondary school teacher's bio-psychosocial changes. Non-probability sample consists of (60 female teachers) (40) teachers from Al- Rusafa first Education Directorate secondary schools, and (20) teachers from Al- Karkh third Education Directorate secondary schools. The sample was exposed to pretest, educational program, and posttest. Data were collected through the utilization of the study instrument (the questionnaire) and application of bio-psychosocial ed

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 19 2015
Journal Name
The importance of social acceptability of the universal design: عبد الكريم علي حسين
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The industrial development and raise the level of income that has emerged clearly in the middle of the last century in many rich and medium rich countries has great influence on the risen of the health care level. Which led to a significant increase in the reconstruction of people over 65 years and this in turn has produced markets for products and services through modifications to the existing products to meet their physical needs. The importance of research also has the universal design of a comprehensive actually so that it covers as much as possible from human physical & cultural activities. The importance of research locally is to concentrate on this subject who has not been taken into consideration so far to accommodate the eld

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Personal and Moral Responsibility and Its Relation with Moral Flexibility upon Faculty of Secondary Schools
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The factor that keeps society from collapsing and regressing to chaos, violence, and lawbreaking is to stick to the human moral principles and criteria of moral behavior that prevent the spread of corruption and crime to the extent that law becomes devoid of activity and loss its dot errant power in front of chaos. The role of moral behavior is to motivate individuals to respect the general laws in dealing with others. Because of the dissemination of odd behavior patterns within our society, the social links are been badly affected and it's urgent for educational institutions to perform their duty in working on spreading awareness about moral values and avoid deviant directions and socially threatening t

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Aesthetics of the Artistic Construction in Educational TV Programs " progrm Hello Hi! A Model": محمد عبد الرضا حسين
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  The TV has the ability to combine sound and picture, which makes it of a direct impact on the recipient as it is a rich communicative tool with various artistic forms that display through this small screen programs and films, so that the TV has become superior over many other means of communication.
This research is concerned with the technical and artistic ability in the production of programs owned by the TV as a means of attraction of educated children aged between 5-12 years old, which makes it an educational supplement for the school that helps them in providing knowledge, acquiring skills and being informed about the different sciences through educational programs. It is known that the child at this stage enjoys when wa

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Obstacles to Administrative Creativity of Female Leaders in Secondary Schools (Curriculum System) in the Northern Border Region in Saudia Arabia
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The study aimed to reveal the obstacles of administrative creativity among the leaders of secondary schools (the curriculum system) in the northern border region, which relate to the obstacles (organizational, motivational, and psychological). In addition, to identify the most important statistical differences between the responses of the members of the study sample, which attribute to the variables (educational qualification, year’s Administrative expertise). To achieve the goal of the study, the researcher used the descriptive analytical approach, and to verify the validity of the tool, it has presented to several referees and faculty members in the educational field. The validity of the internal consistency was also calculated for t

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
Applications of Interior Space Design According to Shape Generation Systems: عبد الكريم علي حسين
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Treatises concerning analyzing the interior spaces multiplied and their directions varied, that some of them analyzed the interior space on the basis of the intellectual and philosophical affiliation or the historical period and others in the light of the concept and mechanisms of the shape. The researcher has not been able to find a research that dealt with analyzing the space within the systems of shape generation, thus it is possible to determine the research problem with the following question: to what extent is it possible to analyze the interior space based on systems of shape generation? As far as the importance of the research is concerned, it sheds light on five of the systems of the shape generation which are: Syntax, shape gra

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 13 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effect of Obesity and Socioeconomic Status on Adolescents' High School Students' Intelligence Quotient in Baghdad City
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Objective(s): To determine the effect of obesity and socioeconomic status upon adolescents' high school students' intelligence quotient in Baghdad City. Methodology: A descriptive design is carried throughout the study to determine the effect of obesity and socioeconomic status on adolescents' high schools students' intelligence quotient in Baghdad City for the period of January 7th 2017 to May 29th 2017. A non-probability, purposive sample, of (120) high school students, is selected. The sample is comprised of (12) students from 7th grade, (26) students from 8 th grade, (14) students from 9th grade, (3

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Attitudes of School Teachers and Principals at Regular Government Basic Schools toward Inclusion of Disabled Students in Ajloun Governorate
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This study aimed to identify the attitudes of school teachers and principals at basic government schools in Ajloun governorate towards the inclusion of disabled students at basic schools, and investigate how they will accept the merger. To achieve the purpose of this study, a questionnaire containing 35 items was administered to school teachers and principals to measure their attitudes toward the inclusion of disabled students in regular schools. The sample of this study consisted of 43 male teachers and (74) female teachers and principals. The frequency, normal distribution, arithmetic means and t-test were used to analyze the data of present study.          The findings showed that there

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
tv series with multiple parts from the viewers viewpoint: عبد الكريم حسين عباس السوداني
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TV drama has gone through many developmental stages until it reached and settled in the form of TV series of thirty episodes. Alongside the development of the TV technologies and the widespread of satellite channels, the form of the TV drama has changed and the series has consisted of two parts and then parts multiplied until they amounted to ten parts and more. This form of TV drama has become an artistic phenomenon, that once the series is displayed on one of the channels and achieves a noticeable success, its producers work to produce a second part of that series and so on. This form of TV drama has remained away from being researched.
This has urged the researcher to accomplish this study entitled (TV series of multiple parts fro

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Formal Formation and its Semantic Projections in the Design Interior Spaces of the Daily newspapers Buildings: آراء عبد الكريم حسين
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The research deals with the topic of (formal formation and its semantic projections in the design interior spaces of daily newspapers buildings) including the research problem summarized by the following question: (does the formal formation do a semantic role in the design of the interior spaces?). The research objective has been evident in discovering strong and weak points in the formal formations and their semantic projections in the design of the interior spaces for the daily newspapers buildings, reaching at the best design foundations, and shedding light on the cognitive and scientific importance of the research, and the objective, temporal and spatial limits in addition to identifying the terms. The theoretical framework includes

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