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The irony in the narrative film director Pedro Almodovar: محمد أكرم عبد الجليل
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Play a movie role now is very dangerous on a large scale, in the transfer of data in a language of thought and life -strong common understanding , tools and more permeable and effectiveness in the formation of thought and conscience of recipients. Which is an instrument of culture and knowledge , and a means of effective educational tools that aim to improve the community , also plays a prominent role in shaping society's values , and customs , and the arts , as well as used as a means of guiding , counseling and cultural enlightenment , cinema and TV gives the viewer the ability to move from one place to another by the watch and compare it to what it is , which raises the desire to improve the level , where nearly movie scenes in various other ways of life . It has become a cinema nowadays splash force to be reckoned with , have been accompanied by scientific and technical progress in human societies .It provides the basics that have become a vital part of the life of cultured human has launched a researcher from the principle of recognition and look at the experiences of the creators of the various nationalities in the jurisdiction to be of help to us in establishing the rules of aesthetic and technical fit with what we aspire to in the upgrading process artistic creativity in the new Iraq and deeper insights into the experiences of the creators of them in this research will address the researcher experience film has been characterized Ntegath excellence in terms of intellectual , aesthetic and creative in the field of filmmaking spanning more than twenty years of Spanish director Pedro Almodovar to respond to document and study the experience of the creator is not the process easy as it seems to get tender Finished this artist diversified in the field of cinema , so it may felt researcher is seen through and see the creations of art in the field of output and that touches study an important aspect characterized the director's not an element irony that characterized an important part of its business and in light of the availability of the researcher of sources this will be accomplished scientific research for narrative irony in the films of Pedro Almodovar, the Spanish director


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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
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Problems between acter and director in film and t.v: صالح الصحن
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Constitute the relationship between the director and actor mainstay chock done to show art in film and television , both of which occupy what a big role in the mission accomplishment . The leadership of the director of the artwork in various joints require two features two important ( creativity and administration ) , The capabilities director of creative serves as an added intellectual and aesthetic saturated sensation that leaves its impact on all the technical elements involved in done. Either trait administration and leadership it is what requires multiple skills in dealing on according to technical standards and moral and humanitarian allow the transfer of ideas , concepts and visions to those elements to embody and implement the ki

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 24 2016
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Contemporary Sculpture vision and concept: محمد عبد الحسين يوسف
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The research is divided into three chapters, the first of them to the research problem and its importance and its purpose and its limits, while the second chapter review of contemporary sculpture as a vision and concept, The third chapter came to view the most important results reached by the search.


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Publication Date
Sun Mar 12 2017
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the director and the technique of theatrical extemporization
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Extemporization is the ability of the actor to reflect his internal being. It gives a sort of confidence and an ability to show the personal countenance of the role away from tension and rigidity. By extemporization, it is possible to deal with and criticize the real living life so it is an intellectual, emotional, sensual, and perceptive process connected with the psychological energy and the emotional memory and all this goes under the control of the director and his instigations and instructions depending on what the text involves of intellectual, social and psychological motivators so it primarily depends on talent, chance and discussion. The research involves four chapters; the first contains the problem

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 15 2020
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expressive modulation in calligraphic configurations: محمد راضي غضب-علي عبد الحسين محسن
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The follower of the art of Arabic calligraphy accurately identifies three prominent dimensions that have framed the dimensions of this art, the functional dimension and the aesthetic dimension, the last of which is the expressive dimension, as it is an art that does not exhaust its aesthetic and indicative purposes because of its possibilities and characteristics that help it to form with any entity designed by calligrapher, with the expressive dimension of the most important of those The dimensions that can be studied within multiple variables, the most important of which are the significance of the text, the spatial and formal organization of the calligraphic functions and the power of the idea from which the calligraphic formation eme

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
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Mosaic art as a cultural decorative aspect and contemporary mosaic re-employment: محمد طلال عبد آل عبد الله
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  • Islamic art is applied art that searches for everything that is useful and beneficial and Both are properties of Islamic art. Islamic art has many well-established elements and styles and pictures that distinguish it from the rest of the arts among those elements and methods that were used in the architectural cladding artwork Or mosaic murals and mosaic was known in its first form in Babylon in a primitive style similar to it, but the Muslim artist in the era of the Caliphs made the art of mosaic In mosques and palaces.
    Chapter one: This chapter is concerned with introducing the art of mosaic historically and focusing on it.
    Chapter Two: This chapter deals with contemporary Islamic mosaics, especially in Mecca
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 05 2024
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Problematic theatrical landscape design Between the director and designer
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This research discussed analytically based on intellectual institutions and theoretical landscape theater as artistic phenomenon depends on the compounds interacting overlapping mechanism visualization and dazzling Whatever the dilemma it a set of Alaqcar differ among themselves but in the result unit intellectual holds through difference and diversity between trends and styles and ways in design theorist theatrics Valashkalah on apparently formed through variations and different points of view through the philosophy of transformation and interpretation and assignment to offer privacy.
Valashkalah pulled in the design theorist theatrical as system training to arrange time and place and in line with the interpretation of speech text an

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Aesthetics of the Artistic Construction in Educational TV Programs " progrm Hello Hi! A Model": محمد عبد الرضا حسين
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  The TV has the ability to combine sound and picture, which makes it of a direct impact on the recipient as it is a rich communicative tool with various artistic forms that display through this small screen programs and films, so that the TV has become superior over many other means of communication.
This research is concerned with the technical and artistic ability in the production of programs owned by the TV as a means of attraction of educated children aged between 5-12 years old, which makes it an educational supplement for the school that helps them in providing knowledge, acquiring skills and being informed about the different sciences through educational programs. It is known that the child at this stage enjoys when wa

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
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representations of body language in the contemporary Iraqi theatrical show "Imagine That as a model": عمار عبد سلمان محمد
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There is no doubt that each of the arts has a material from which the aesthetic achievement is built, so the researcher found that the art of theater, especially the show, whose artistic achievement is based on the body of the actor who emits the formal language (body language), is the focus of interest and active presence, because the body possesses its spiritual qualities that made him and the ability to The formation of things by (his body language), so the researcher studied this theatrical phenomenon and divided it into four chapters. In the first chapter, the research problem included the following question: (Is there a phenomenon of body language in the contemporary theatrical show "Imagine that" as a model) so It is of cognitive

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 24 2016
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Poetics transformation and structure in the film: علاءالدين عبد المجيد جاسم
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is divided into two chapter:Chapter one to ensure asyslematic framework for research amd included aresearch problem and also inchuded on the importance of research and the need for him as well as to clarify. The second chapter inchuded a theoretical framework: theoretical framework has been divided into two section. The first topic: poetics transformations The second topic: poetics and scale of rheloric in the film After the comp of the theoretical framework; so the researcher analyzed the film (Antichrist) has arrived ataset of resuits was including


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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
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Employing the Psychological Dimension of Sound in the Cinematic Film: أنور عبد شاطي
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         This research deals with the audio part of the cinematic film, which is the sound and its elements inside the space of the cinema picture. It also deals with the psychological side of the sound and the effects made by the sound on the audience through the carefully studied use of the film maker in employing the sound and the picture. For the importance of this element, most of the directors were aware of the seriousness that sound causes to the cinematography, and consequently working as a whole such as the  indications, meanings, symbols, metaphors ,transitions…etc. The research included the methodological framework which consists of the research problem, in which the researcher ma

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