The building of the Babylonian theater is considered as one of the distinctive buildings where its foundations have remained steadfast in the face of geographical changes, social's erosion and groundwater that threatened almost all traces of Babylon despite the destruction of the outer structure of the building. The general directorate of antiques performed prospection for those foundations (the ground map), and then the building was completed by new bricks over the original scheme. It became clear when examining the building; its components and foundations, that the building is unique in comparison with the old buildings of the world throughout Iraq. There are similar buildings in other places like Jordan and North Africa such as Leptis Magna's theater and Sabratha's theater which were built by the Greeks in Libya. A confusion has been emerged about the real builder of the theater where there is no document dated whether the building attributed to a company or a person. To manage this problem, the researcher reviewed the historical documents that could refer to that case. Moreover, he conducted an architectural and sociological comparison between Babylonian theater and the Greek and Roman theaters which were known and built in synchronized intervals with the creation of the Babylonian theater in order to know the differences and similarities between them.The researcher used descriptive and comparative method in the analysis, based on historical documents in order to reach logical conclusions that may dispel those doubts and solve the problem.The most important findings were the existence of the Babylonian theater building before entering Alexander the Great to the city of Babylon, the uniqueness and specificity of this building and the lack of full similarity between Babylonian theater and the Greek and Roman theaters
Este trabajo de investigación ofrece uno de los temas relevantes en la lengua, el cual es estudiar las dimensiones sintácticas, semánticas y pragmáticas de las preposiciones, en general, y de las dos preposiciones "Para" y "Por" en concreto, en una unidad linguística más amplia que la llamada "Oración". En la parte referida al estudio de las dos preposiciones mencionadas, estudiamos sus distntos usos funcionales, usos que se acercan, unas veces, entre sí y se alejan en otras.
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وتهدف هذه الدراسة إلى قياس وتحليل الصدمات النقدية التي تعرض لها الاقتصاد العراقي في فترة الثمانينات والتسعينات وبداية هذا القر
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The researcher concludes that the two journals focus on literary arts in a way which surpasses the journalistic arts. Furthermore, the two journals have concerned with showing the positive values as well as insuring the necessity of rectifying the wrong behaviors. Finally, the researcher recommends that it is necessary to improve the employees who work with children j
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