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Outstanding aesthetic decoration in the doors of the holy shrines (shrine of Imam Hussein, model): ماهر حسين علي الحبوبي
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The problem of the search (how to employ own aesthetic values sculpture prominent decorations doors in the holy shrines) as research aims to detect these formulas employed in relief sculpture in accordance with the aesthetic values of the decorations that add structure in the form of doors shrines dimensions of functional and aesthetic and expressive By selecting the general system configurations spaces for doors and select the components of the structural configurations decorative prominent types (geometric and floral and linear and composite) as well as identify the techniques adopted in the executive configurations doors at the level of raw materials and processors show. Find and define the beauty of decorative formations prominent of all types and formations embodied in the interior and exterior doors and entrances that are at the doors of the holy shrines in Iraq, and the shrine of al-Husseini al-Sharif, in its present Year 1435 A.H. - 2014 A.B.Comprised the theoretical framework Display the following topics: The purpose decorative doors holy shrines and public space for the doors, and regulations in configurations doors, divisions basic space doors, and regulations of formal configurations decorative figures, and variations decorative for those configurations in terms of the fundamentals of building approved where as well as aesthetic formations decorative prominent at the level of raw materials and technology implementation. Depend Search procedures descriptive analytical method, through the research community the original's (21) the doors chosen are elected and deliberate represented by (3) the doors embody the research sample, represented by (the door of Qathi Ilhajaat of woodgrain door, Mr. Ibrahim Al-Mujab of the severity of silver, and the door of Al-Ra’as Al-Sharif of the severity of gold and enamel), which resulted in the analysis process to devising a set of results, including:(1)Stretch the foundations for expanding the vertical extent of the potential space for the doors wide for spatial divisions, had the sculptor and ornate depending on the geometric shape of the door rectangle partition.(2)Dependent structural basis for the formation of the total cross-section of the plurality of organizations use decorative carved and compatibility with the diversification of the formal carved decorations.(3)Light plays an significant role in highlighting the carving technique in aesthetic dimension impart values expressionistic decorative active within the unit.(4)In raw texture within a single winning by technical significant impact on the activation of light as an aesthetic model for the decorative unit.


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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Semiotics of Musical Sign in Iraqi Pantomime Show (Ahriman) as a Model: علي عدي صاحب-شيماء حسين طاهر
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The musical sign was associated with the first appearances of acting that are based on human gestures and expressive and silent movements, and they contributed in accentuating and clarifying these gestures and explain their meanings and indications, and they remained with them until these gestures turned into artistic theatrical shows so that the musical sign would have many functions and constitute the main pillars for this kind of show.
The musical sign is a language not much different than the human language in the semiotic analysis. There has been an increased interest in it and its use in the mime shows by the graduates who realized its necessity and significance in the pantomime show intellectually, artistically and aesthetical

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
legitimacy           Revolution of Imam Hussein From an Islamic perspective
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The sole aim of the tribe of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and his basilica was to revoke the Umayyad heresy and to refute the suspicions through which they climbed to the top of the pyramid of power and legitimized the leadership of Muslims (heresy of hereditary rule) with the sword and blood. Therefore, Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) began his Ashura process with his short divine message in its words and great in its vocabulary and content and even the future of Mohammedan Islam over the times and spaces - what we will see in the folds of research, God willing.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Anthropometric Treatments of the Study Seat Units Used in Elementary Stages: ضفاف غازي عباس -سهى علي حسين
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  The study entitled (Anthropometric Treatments of the Study Seat Units Used in Elementary stages) highlighted the relations between the sizes of dimensions of the study seats and the different anthropometric sizes of the students. The study problem is manifested in the following question: what are the anthropometric treatments used in the design of the study seats in the elementary stages? The research aims at finding design treatments for the anthropometric variables of the study seats used in the elementary stages, because the study seats have to do with preserving students health and safety through providing an ideal seating mechanism compatible with the anthropometric variables which enhances comfort, safety and focus in the mo

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Visual illusion in Contemporary Theatre décor A Study in technical Variables: سامي علي حسين
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Our research deals with the role of theatrical decoration in creating visual thumbs and the effect achieved as a result in the theatrical presentation in terms of supporting the idea of centralization of the dramatic construction of the show, as the researcher emphasizes that this topic has begun with a new horizon removed many technical concepts and knowledge in the theater.
Horizon knowledge and discoveries based on the structures of light and sight to achieve an existing transformation from steel to ethereal. According to these new concepts, systems other than those based on old methods of presentation have been formed.
In light of this, the researcher divided his research into:
First: the problem of research and the need fo

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Evaluating Industrial Products emotionally by Using Emojis: محمد علي حسين القيسي
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Researches in the field of evaluation of industrial products emotionally are internationally new and non-existing in the Arabic speaking countries, which is considered the crux of the problem in the current research, in addition to the need of the designers and design students to know how to measure the emotional responses for the industrial product in order to get benefit from them in their designs. The research objective is to get a tool that uses emojis in measuring the emotional responses for the products. The researcher designed an emotional verbal wheel and emojis wheel. The sample of the research consisted of (7) chairs different in design and use, and the respondents were (89) students. The most important results are:
1- Desi

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
Applications of Interior Space Design According to Shape Generation Systems: عبد الكريم علي حسين
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Treatises concerning analyzing the interior spaces multiplied and their directions varied, that some of them analyzed the interior space on the basis of the intellectual and philosophical affiliation or the historical period and others in the light of the concept and mechanisms of the shape. The researcher has not been able to find a research that dealt with analyzing the space within the systems of shape generation, thus it is possible to determine the research problem with the following question: to what extent is it possible to analyze the interior space based on systems of shape generation? As far as the importance of the research is concerned, it sheds light on five of the systems of the shape generation which are: Syntax, shape gra

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
Instigation in the Iraqi theatrical discourse: حسين رضا حسين
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The first chapter included the frame approach on research in which we discuss instigation in Iraqi drama as it as an active sign to enrich the structure of the speech so the researcher limits the problem of his research which is to follow the important of instigation in the Iraqi theatrical discourse. this chapter also contains the important of the research and its aim and limits. And reflected the importance of research in approaching the concept of instigation and effectiveness within the paths of the Iraqi, theatrical discourse.The 2nd chapter included the two sections and reviewed in the first section manifestations of incitement in the global theatrical discourse. the 2rd studied instigation in the Arab theatrical discourse. The 3rd

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
Journal Name
The aesthetic of structural relationships in linear formations
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This research is concerned with the study of (the aesthetic of constructive relations in linear composition) with what distinguished Arabic calligraphy through the style and artistic method in its construction, and the specifications it carries that enabled it to pay attention to building formations to achieve in its total linear ranges aesthetic values and relationships. Through the research, the models and the exploratory study that he obtained, the researcher was able to raise the research problem in the first chapter according to the following question: What is the aesthetic of constructive relations in linear formation?
The importance of the research in achieving the aesthetics of the formations, which is a wide field according t

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 28 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Conflict of Active Regional and International Powers over Nagorny Karabakh Region: وداد حسين خضير علي , و مهيمن عبد الحليم طه الوادي
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      The current study is descriptive; it focuses on studying the contemporary geopolitical problem, and sectarian differences in Caucasus. Nagorno-Karabakh is considered an important disputed region nowadays. Many parties and states participated in this dispute, especially after the conflict had developed into an open war between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Thus, the study aims to examine the causes of the conflict in this region, analyze the international positions on this conflict, and find if Armenia was able to occupy this region. The methodology adopted by the researchers is the functional approach, and the theory of power analysis that Cohen created for analyzing all strengths that drove each of the parties t

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Effectiveness of cooperative learning in at the implementation of floral material for celli graph and decoration
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The purpose of this resesrh know (the effectiveness of cooperative lerarning implementation of floral material for calligraphy and ornamentation) To achieve the aim of the research scholar put the two zeros hypotheses: in light of the findings of the present research the researcher concluded a number of conclusions, including: -
1 - Sum strategy helps the learner to be positive in all the information and regulations, monitoring and evaluation during the learning process.
2 - This strategy helps the learner to use information and knowledge and their use in various educational positions, and to achieve better education to increase its ability to develop thinking skills and positive trends towards the article.
In light of this, the

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