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Performing processors of view between impressionism & superrealism (A comparative analysis): فريد خالد علوان

Addressed the problem of the research is marked: (Performing processors for the time between Impressionism and superrealism) the concept of time and how to submit artwork. The search came in four sections: general framework for research and identified the research problem and the need for him. With an indication of the importance of his presence. Then determine the research objectives of (detection processors performing to the concept of time in works of art in each of Impressionism and superrealism. And a comparison between them to reveal similarities and differences), followed by the establishment of boundaries Find three (objectivity, the temporal and spatial) were then determine the terms related to the title. Then provide the theoretical framework and indicators that resulted from academic theorizing of the subject. The researcher has identified three addresses implied within this framework to ensure reading placed search according to the various frameworks tariff. Were as follows: the concept of Performance. Performance in school Impressionism. Performance in motion superrealism. The third chapter was devoted to the search procedures, through thoughtful society and revealed the selected sample of it (4 boards) and then specify the search tool and determine the methodology, followed by an analysis of the sample. The fourth chapter included the search results, including:1. Impressionism was supposed high-resolution camera before its existence, this curriculum was adopted in technical work, while actually that superrealism benefited from its existence.2. Impressionism stop time and assume that appropriate selection flesh artist to documented, while The superrealism has stopped and select by artist to their appropriate moments, via the camera. What a dream by Impressionist artist, achieved artist superrealism, with the help of technology.3. Impressionist artist predicted the existence of details to Leave the eye, represents an intuitive manner, while the artist Alsobriala sensory seen through technical given that proved its existence.4. Impressionism is a performance act of imagination woven into the details of the decree scene. And Alsobrialah performance monitoring precise optical tubeless to the mental effort of the Impressionists


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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
A Comparative Study of the Influence of Different Types of Polymers on Viscosity Index and Pour Point of Iraqi Base Oils

In this study, the effects of blending the un-branched acrylate polymer known as Poly (n-decyl acrylate), and the branched acrylate polymer known as Poly (iso-octyl acrylate), on the viscosity index (VI), and the pour point of the Iraqi base stocks 40, and 60 respectively, were investigated. Toluene was used as a carrier solvent for both polymer types. The improvement level of oils (VI, & pour point) gained by blending the oil with the acrylate derived polymers was compared with the values of (VI, and pour point) gained by blending the oil with a commercial viscosity index, and pour point improver. The commercial lubricant additive was purchased and used by Al-Daura Refineries. It consisted of an un-known olefin copolymer dissolved i

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 20 2021
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)

This study aims at examining and confirming the patterns of phenetic relationships and the levels of variations within and among the species of Lotus L., 1753 in Egypt by using morphometric analysis techniques. We have evaluated 24 morphological characters from about 300 herbarium specimens representing 19 species of Lotus that are currently recognized. Based on numerical analyses of macromorphological characters (cluster analysis, principal coordinate analysis and principal component analysis), 19 species of Lotus were recognized from Egypt. These species were clustered in six species-specific groups: (I) Lotus halophilus Boiss. & Spruner, L. angustissimus L., L. glinoides Delile and L. schimperi Steud. ex Boiss., (II) Lotus glaber

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Scopus (1)
Crossref (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Analysis of the clause relations in the presidential presuasion in a war against Iraq


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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
An Analysis of Stress Distribution in a Spline Shaft Subjected to Cycilc Impulsive Load

In this paper the effect of engagement length, number of teeth, amount of applied load, wave propagation time, number of cycles, and initial crack length on the principal stress distribution, velocity of crack propagation, and cyclic crack growth rate in a spline coupling subjected to cyclic torsional impact have been investigated analytically and experimentally. It was found that the stresses induced due to cyclic impact loading are higher than the stresses induced due to impact loading with high percentage depends on the number of cycles and total loading time. Also increasing the engagement length and the number of teeth reduces the principal stresses (40%) and
(25%) respectively for increasing the engagement length from (0.15 to 0

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Simulation and Analysis the Effect of the Lorentz Force in a Free Electron Laser

Due to the scientific and technical development in the free electron laser devices and the accompanying industrial and technological progress in various fields of civil and military life, it became necessary to expand the understanding of the mechanism of interaction of electrons (as an effective medium) with the magnetic field that they pass through to form coherent photons.

    In this paper, the Lorentz force effect is simulated and analysed. The results showed that the Lorentz force originates from the magnetic field, making the electron move through it oscillate. This sinusoidal motion of the electron causes it to emit two photons for every electron wavelength. It has been concluded that the electron velocity directly affe

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Wed Oct 05 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Basic Science
Loss in the Translation of Colour Euphemstic Expressions in the Qur’an: A Pragmatic Analysis

Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Linguistic Analysis of Deduction in The Holy Qur’an: Surat Ghafir as a Model

This paper aims at discovering the real implication of deduction in the Arabic culture
with concentration on its applications in Arabic grammar, logic, and fundamentals of Islamic
legislations. Some light has been shed on deduction in the Arabic culture but most of recent
works did not analyze deduction according to the pragmatic analysis. This paper will answer
the following questions:
 to what extent deduction in Arabic grammar could comprehend with deduction l logic and
fundamentals of thinking in Islamic thought?
 how can we find the deduction thinking in the Qur’anic surah if Ghafir?
 Can we find parts of deduction in the surah?
The methodology in this paper is descriptive analytical. This metho

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 24 2024
Journal Name
Arab World English Journal
A Critical Discourse Analysis of Women’s Representation in Maysaloon Hadi’s Novel The Black Eyes

This study applies a discourse analysis framework to explore the portrayal of women in Maysloon Hadi’s novel (The Black Eyes) (2011), using Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and Norman Fairclough’s tri-dimensional model (1989) as the analytical foundation. It investigates the roles and challenges women face in the novel. While there is growing interest in the portrayal of women in literature, Iraqi literature—especially from the perspective of Iraqi women writers remains underexplored. Hadi’s *The Black Eyes* provides a unique case to examine this intersection. Despite the novel’s rich narrative, which offers insight into Iraqi women’s lives, there is a lack of comprehensive CDA to understand how its language constructs

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 25 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering Science And Technology

Scopus (29)
Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Analysis of a Partial Temporary Immunity SIR Epidemic Model with Nonlinear Treatment Rate

     A partial temporary immunity SIR epidemic model involv nonlinear treatment rate is proposed and studied. The basic reproduction number  is determined. The local and global stability of all equilibria of the model are analyzed. The conditions for occurrence of local bifurcation in the proposed epidemic model are established. Finally, numerical simulation is used to confirm our obtained analytical results and specify the control set of parameters that affect the dynamics of the model.

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