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The concept of Sustainable Environments in the UAE: عبد الصمد الخالدي
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Over last decade, rapid growth in economic and population accompanied with depletion of the energy resources lead to serious impacts on environment and humanity. This development coupled with active constructions, which in some examples ignore the impact on the environment and human activities. Therefore, principle of sustainability has required in order to reducing this negative impact on the environment and the humanity.In developing countries, it seems that there is a huge gap between the current construction practices and sustainable principle, which need more attention to clarify and define the problems in order to find suitable solutions before it comes more difficult and expensive. The study aims to choose one of the developing countries and analyze its current standing in terms of building sustainability and performance through collecting and analyzing data on construction practices. The purpose of the study is to identify and highlight the main problems in order to evaluate the current situation and propose the possible solutions.A survey have been designed in order to collect data from experts who are involved in constructions projects such as architects, civil engineers, mechanical engineers, electrical and interior designers. A questionnaire will show the strong and feeble points in order to clarify the current practices in terms of sustainability and performance in constructions. The result of the data lead to highlight the significant important of suitability and buildings performance issues in U.A.E to recognize the problems, reduce the obstacles, and try to stimulated solutions and alternatives to improve the current situation, furthermore to be sure that sustainability implementation will be achieved in future

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 03 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Acute Effective of Chromiume on the Simocephalus expinosus and Mesocyclops hyalinus
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          The effect of acute toxicity of chromium as (k2Cro4) on Simocephalus  expinosus (cladocera) and Mesocyclops hyalinus (cyclopoida) was studied in the present study .Both species can be used as asutible biological indecaters. In addition  Both of them are part of crustacean zooplankton.Their position in the fresh water  food chain, as the cladocerans constitutes the primary consumers while cyclopoids are part of secondary consumers.         To determine LC50 of chromium for the two species the following concentrations  of chromium  were  used 1,2, 3,4, 5,6, 14,18, 22,26,28, and 30 ppm. The results showed that LC 50 o

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Study The Impact of Geopolymer Mortar Reinforced by Micro Steel Fibers
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In this research, geopolymer mortar had to be designed with 50% to 50% slag and fly ash with and without 1% micro steel fiber at curing temperature of 240℃. The molarity of alkaline solution adjusted with 12 molar sodium hydroxid to sodium silicate was 2 to 1, reaspectivly. The heat of curing increased the geopolymerization proceses of geoplymer mortar, which led to increasing strength, giving the best result and early curing age. The heat was applied for two days by four hours each day. It was discovered in the impact test that the value first crack of each mix was somewhat similar, but the failure increased 72%  for the mixture that did not contain fiber. For the energy observation results it was shown that the mixt

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Aug 10 2024
Journal Name
Machine Learning and Vision: Advancing the Frontiers of Diabetic Cataract Management
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Publication Date
Tue Aug 20 2024
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مجلة جامعة ذي قار لعلوم التربية البدنية
A historical approach to the games of futsal and blind football
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Futsal and blind football are group games of a competitive nature due to their excitement, excitement, fun, and aesthetic goals with charming artistic touches. This explains the public's passion for these two games, whether healthy people or blind people play them, to expand their vision and knowledge. About these two games, a historical approach is presented about their origins, development, and how they became globally recognized competitive sports with unified rules and world championships at various levels. Studying the origin and global spread of both futsal and blind football and identifying the most prominent developments in the rules and tools for futsal and blind football. The most important findings were that both futsal and footb

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Impact of Chemotherapy upon Lifestyle for the Patient with BIadder Cancer
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Objectives: The study aimed to determine the effect of chemotherapy on the life style of patients who
receive chemotherapy.
Methodology: A descriptive study was conducted in Specialty Surgery Teaching Hospital, Al-yamok
Teaching Hospital, and Radiation and Nuclear Medicine Hospital in Baghdad for the period from May
2007 to October 2008. A purposive "non-probability" sample of (loo) patients with bladder cancer
who receive chemotherapy where concerned in this study.
A questionnaire fom was constnicted for the purpose of the study and it was comprised of
two parts. The questiormaire consists of (125) items. They include (1) demographic information (2)
assessment of lifestyle dimension. The content validity of the q

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Review of the Asphalt Mixtures Containing Recycled Solid Waste Materials
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Landfill and incineration are the most common and widely used methods to dispose of solid wastes; both of these techniques are considered the main sources of pollution in the world due to the harmful toxic emissions that are considered an environmental problem. Because of the large areas used by landfills, they are not always considered an economical method. With the increase in the production of solid materials, solid wastes increase the pressure on incinerators and landfills, making the environmental pollution hazard more serious. Instead, these waste materials can be used in some other applications. One of the most important of these applications is asphalt pavements, which are the most used types of pavements in the

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 06 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Calculating Techniques for The Contrast of Images Which Have Different Illuminations
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      The distortion, which occurs to the image often affects the existing amount of information, weakens its sharpness, decreases its contrast, thus leads to overlapping details of the various regions, and decreases image resolution. Test images are used to determine the image quality and ability of different visual systems, as we depended in our study on test image, half black and half white. Contrast was studied in the petition so as to propose several new methods for different contrasts in the edge of images where the results of technical differences would identify contrast image under different lighting conditions.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 18 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
The Impact of Nutrition Education Program upon Pregnant Mothers’ Nutritional Knowledge
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Objective: Determine the effectiveness of the Nutrition Education Program upon the pregnant mothers'
nutritional knowledge.
Methodology: ٨ quazi-experimental study was carried out to determine the effectiveness of the nutrition
education program upon the pregnant mother's nutritional knowledge. A non-probability "purposive sample" of
(60) pregnant mother was selected from Al-bayaa' Primary Health Care Center in Baghdad City. These mothers
were divided into two equal groups; study group and control group. A questionnaire was developed as a tool of
data collection for the purpose of the study. A pilot study and follow-up was carried out to test the reliability and
validity of the questionnaire for the period of Octobe

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Accurate Petrophysical Interpretation of Carbonate using the Elemental Capture Spectroscopy (ECS)
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Elemental capture spectroscopy (ECS) is an important tool in the petroleum industry for determining the composition and properties of rock formations in a reservoir. Knowledge of the types and abundance of different minerals in the reservoir is crucial for accurate petrophysical interpretation, reservoir engineering practices, and stratigraphic correlation. ECS measures the elemental content of the rock, which directly impacts several physical properties that are essential for reservoir characterization, such as porosity, fluid saturation, permeability, and matrix density. The ability to accurately determine these properties leads to better reservoir mapping, improved production, and more effective resource management. Accurately determi

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2004
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
The Manufacture of Lead Acid Battery Separators using Locally Produced Polyethylene
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