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Aesthetics of the Artistic Construction in Educational TV Programs " progrm Hello Hi! A Model": محمد عبد الرضا حسين
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  The TV has the ability to combine sound and picture, which makes it of a direct impact on the recipient as it is a rich communicative tool with various artistic forms that display through this small screen programs and films, so that the TV has become superior over many other means of communication.
This research is concerned with the technical and artistic ability in the production of programs owned by the TV as a means of attraction of educated children aged between 5-12 years old, which makes it an educational supplement for the school that helps them in providing knowledge, acquiring skills and being informed about the different sciences through educational programs. It is known that the child at this stage enjoys when watching certain kinds of these programs. As what most attracts the child's attention is the motion picture and the sound and visual effect, in addition to the cartoon films, Muppets, color, flashiness of lights, and the talking stories in the voices of animals and birds. The industry of educational programs for children must be well educationally prepared through employing the artistic and technical forms that help the child to understand the proposed material or information smoothly. This is the research axis that ends with some pivotal results including that digital technology played a significant role in solving the problems and giving a space for attracting children through the movement, color and effects. Colors represented the identity of the program as it has been employed in a unified way along the series of the program that it got linked in color even with the intervals.

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Publication Date
Wed May 18 2016
Journal Name
The Role of T.V. Shaws in Transmitting Violence in Children: An Analytic Study for T.V. Chanels for Children During 1/3/2014 – 1/9/2014: يوسف محمد حسين
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Our study comes up to clarify the role of television in spreading the culture of violence with a child. This study represents one of the important studies that have tried to highlight the impact of these programmes, particularly cartoons, on the child's behaviors, actions and acquired habits.Violence considers a common phenomenon among the people, as the role of the media, particularly TV has a vital role due to its properties, characteristics and its significant impact on different segments and groups in society and in children particularly through exposure to programmes of films.The results of the study have been affected by the rising proportion of females to males, and that the contribution of real life has a big role in the child ac

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Evaluating Industrial Products emotionally by Using Emojis: محمد علي حسين القيسي
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Researches in the field of evaluation of industrial products emotionally are internationally new and non-existing in the Arabic speaking countries, which is considered the crux of the problem in the current research, in addition to the need of the designers and design students to know how to measure the emotional responses for the industrial product in order to get benefit from them in their designs. The research objective is to get a tool that uses emojis in measuring the emotional responses for the products. The researcher designed an emotional verbal wheel and emojis wheel. The sample of the research consisted of (7) chairs different in design and use, and the respondents were (89) students. The most important results are:
1- Desi

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
IRAQ TELEVISION AND THE PROBLEM OF EMERGENCY PROGRAMS : (An Analytical Study of Emergency Programs in Iraq TV)
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The success of any media work in our contemporary life is based on proper planning. Television in Iraq is like any media outlet that adopts clear planning and programming in order to achieve the goals set in the news, entertainment, education. Iraq TV relies on four programming plans in one year (short term), but we often receive central instructions directly from the Minister of Information ordering to cancel the program plan and what was scheduled for broadcast to be finally replaced by alternative or emergency program associated with an incident, occasion or important news, these programs are all called (emergency programs).

In this present research we will be dealing with these programs as well as the extent of their impact o

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 24 2016
Journal Name
Contemporary Sculpture vision and concept: محمد عبد الحسين يوسف
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The research is divided into three chapters, the first of them to the research problem and its importance and its purpose and its limits, while the second chapter review of contemporary sculpture as a vision and concept, The third chapter came to view the most important results reached by the search.


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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
Journal Name
Creeds in Assyrian Sculpture: جبــــــــــار محمـــــــــــــود حسين العــــــبيدي-حسام عبد الخالق عثمان الطائي
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The research covered Creeds in Assyrian Sculpture

 (Assyrian Sculptures) The ability of the Assyrian sculptor to

 contrast these creeds and tendon in Assyrian sculpture, in various variations, including prominent and stereotypical plaques and winged bulls, in addition to the obelisks and hunting scenes of the Lionسion hunting scenes of the black                                                               

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 15 2020
Journal Name
The effectiveness of the constructivist learning model in acquiring the Institute of Fine Arts' students of artistic analysis skills: اخلاص عبد القادر طاهر
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The constructivist learning model is one of the models of constructivist theory in learning, as it generally emphasizes the active role of the learner during learning, in addition to that the intellectual and actual participation in the various activities to help students gain the skills of analyzing artistic works. The current research aims to know the effectiveness of the constructivist learning model in the acquisition of the skills of the Institute of Fine Arts for the skills of (technical work analysis). To achieve the goal, the researcher formulated the following hypothesis: There are no statistically significant differences between the average scores of the experimental group students in the skill test for analyzing artworks befor

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
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Calendar art activities in private schools Secondary School in Baghdad: سناء عبد الامير حسين
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The technical activities designed to highlight the creations of students by providing activities appropriate to their abilities and capabilities within and outside the school, which is a way for the development of learning and learner behavior aimed at directing guidance educationally and artistically.As a result of the efforts of modern educational activities, art has become part of the philosophy of the modern school and part of the modern curriculum. Because it is enough to configure the practices and habits of a satisfactory and acceptable, and is characterized by precision, order and beauty.Through the researcher with a survey of previous studies that dealt with art activities and found that all studies have been confined to a calen

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
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Characteristics of the Artistic Construction of Light and Color Focus in the Theater Performance: محمد عزيز حسن
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The theater has a living environment that resembles or realistically simulates the real life environment on the stage where we see the place, light and living being  as elements representing a picture of the life scene and for a period of time the theater merely conveyed that image, but with the development of the world industrially and technologically, the perception of this picture has evolved with the emergence of intellectual progress where  each part has advantages and  Philosophical goals that  are consistent with the evolution of form. The theatrical lighting, colors and landscapes have become parts in the composition of a new life component in form and content and based on the above this research is titled&nbs

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 25 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Health TV shows and consumer awareness/ Analytical study of the Green Apple program.: Health TV shows and consumer awareness/ Analytical study of the Green Apple program.
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Television plays an important role in health education development of the consumer, where the health programs offered by satellite channels offering a variety of subjects that deal with human health in general, as do people with some misconceptions health practices either due to lack of awareness or a low level of culture they have is one of the problems that require a search, so the research aims to clarify what the TV play in health education to the consumer through a content analysis of health issues covered by the television health programs and identify health issues positive and negative in everyday human life, it has been identified green apple program Broadcast of the channel mbc1 as a model for health programs offered by the Arab

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The influence of organizational culture on the organizational performance of educational institutions (University of Technology as a model)
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The organizational culture is an effective control mechanism that dictates the behavior of employees and according to their intellectual and social orientations, so it is considered a more powerful way to control employee orientations and determine their management according to organizational rules and regulations, as it was one of the most important factors determining the performance of organizations, while organizational performance is a measure of what the organization has achieved from the objectives of the scheme To ensure that it faces various changes and remains within the global competition, and to reach that it was necessary to identify the most prominent and most important research problems in knowing the extent of com

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