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Structure and Melodic Sabean Mandaean
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The Mandaean religion of ancient and important religions in Iraq and Iran has its own rituals which are characterized by the use of singing and toning of speech. It began with the creation of human beings through a group of prophets. Peace be upon them. Researcher research problem, and explained the importance of research and objectives and limits and identify terminology. The second topic is the theoretical framework to include the history of the Sabean Mandaean, secondly their religious rites, sources, major books and secondary books for the Latin tribes of Mandaean. Finally, the researcher tackled the sources of their sacred books and previous studies. The third topic represented the procedures. The researcher dealt with the musical analysis and analysis system he prepared, The fourth topic is the analysis of the selected sample. The fifth section represents the results and the conclusions are based on the objectives required in this research. Then recommendations and proposals, followed by a list of resource margins, and finally a summary of the research and title in English

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The structure and optical properties of CdSe:Cu Thin Films
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A polycrystalline CdSe thin films doped with (5wt%) of Cu was fabricated using vacuum evaporation technique in the substrate temperature range(Ts=RT-250)oC on glass substrates of the thickness(0.8?m). The structure of these films are determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The X-ray diffraction studies shows that the structure is polycrystalline with hexagonal structure, and there are strong peaks at the direction (200) at (Ts=RT-150) oC, while at higher substrate temperature(Ts=150-250) oC the structure is single crystal. The optical properties as a function of Ts were studied. The absorption, transmission, and reflection has been studied, The optical energy gap (Eg)increases with increase of substrate temperature from (1.65

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Article Japan's social structure and useful Implications for Iraq
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The development of Japanese society passed through long historical stages and as a result of the bitter experience of Japan in the Second World War and its exhaustion, it was able to build a modern modern state after 1945. Japan is a country of culture, civilization, science and technology, a country that appreciates the value of solidarity work. And the role of active civil society. This is what makes us in Iraq stand and draw their experience in the advancement and development, especially that they also passed bitter political stages, Iraq today passes through the most historical periods of forestry through its historical heritage in terms of the existence of complex social problems, the US occupation of Iraq in 2003 highlighte

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Publication Date
Mon May 11 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Acoustic and Thermal Insulation of Nanocomposites for Building Material: Improvement Of Sound And Thermal Insulation Properties Of Nanocomposite
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This work aims to enhance acoustic and thermal insulation properties for polymeric composite by adding nanoclay and rock wool as reinforcement materials with different rations. A polymer blend of (epoxy+ polyester) as matrix materials was used. The Hand lay-up technique was used to manufacture the castings. Epoxy and polyester were mixed at different weight ratios involving (50:50, 60:40, 70:30, 80:20, and 90:10) wt. % of (epoxy: polyester) wt. % respectively. Impact tests for optimum sample (OMR), caustic and thermal insulation tests were performed. Nano clay (Kaolinite) with ratios ( 5 and 7.5% ) wt.% , also hybrid reinforcement materials involving (Kaolite 5 & 7.5 % wt.% + 10% volume fraction of rockwool ) were added as reinforcem

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2016
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A steel-concrete composite structure (1) is described. The steel-concrete composite structure comprises a steel member (2) having an upper surface (5) and a plurality of shear connector elements (6) upstanding from the upper surface and a concrete slab (4) having upper and lower surfaces (7, 8). The slab is supported on its lower surface by the upper surface of the steel member. The slab comprises a plurality of through holes (9) between the upper and lower surfaces, each through hole tapering towards the lower surface so as to form an inverted frustally-shaped seating surface (10). The concrete slab is configured and positioned with respect to the steel member such that at least one shear connector element projects into each through hole.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 15 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Nuclear Structure Study of 188OS
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The energy level scheme of 188Os has been established on the basis of
y-y coincidence measurements. Ge (Li) and HPGe detectors were
employed to study the gamma spectra produced in the -decay of 188Re to
188Os. Fourteen new transitions and four new levels at 1660, 1871, 1948
188and 2034 keV are suggested. Relative intensities from singles
measurements, branching ratios  and loft values were calculated and
multipolarities, spins and parities deduced

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 11 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Structure Social Group Attachment measure
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This study aims to answer the following question: Is a student who attaches to the social group strongly affected by social interaction and social status?  The population of the study included a group of medical students at the University of Al-Kufa. To collect the required data, a scale of Social Group Attachment consisting of (25) items was administered to a sample of (600) students, (257) male students, and (343) female students. The results revealed that students do not have a high level of attachment to the social group and they have a fear of that. There are no significant differences between the levels of attachment between males and females. There are no significant differences regarding colleges, the four academic levels, a

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 06 2022
Journal Name
East European Journal Of Physics
Exotic Structure of 17Ne-17N and 23Al-23Ne Mirror Nuclei
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       In terms of the core nucleus plus valence nucleon, shell-model calculations using two model spaces and interactions, the relationship between a nucleus' proton skin, and the difference in proton radii of mirror pairs of nuclei with the same mass number are investigated. In this work, two pairs of mirror nuclei will be studied: 17Ne-17N and 23Al-23Ne. For 17Ne-17N nuclei, p-shell and mixing of psd orbits are adopted with Cohen-Kurath (ckii) and psdsu3 interactions. While for 23Al-23Ne, the sd-shell and sdpf shell are adopted with the universal shell model (USD) and sdpfwa interactions. Also, the ground state density distributions, elastic form factors, and root mean square radii of these pairs' nuclei are studied and com

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 15 2018
Journal Name
Indian Geotechnical Journal
Local and Global Granular Mechanical Characteristics of Grain–Structure Interactions
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The focus of this work is on systematically understanding the effects of packing density of the sand grains on both the internal and bulk mechanical properties for strip footing interacting with granular soil. The studies are based on particle image velocimetry (PIV) method, coupled with a high resolution imaging camera. This provides valuable new insights on the evolution of slip planes at grain-scale under different fractions of the ultimate load. Furthermore, the PIV based results are compared with finite element method simulations in which the experimentally characterised parameters and constitutive behaviour are fed as an input, and a good level of agreements are obtained. The reported results would serve to the practicing engineers, r

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 17 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A New Cipher Based on Feistel Structure and Chaotic Maps
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Chaotic systems have been proved to be useful and effective for cryptography. Through this work, a new Feistel cipher depend upon chaos systems and Feistel network structure with dynamic secret key size according to the message size have been proposed. Compared with the classical traditional ciphers like Feistel-based structure ciphers, Data Encryption Standards (DES), is the common example of Feistel-based ciphers, the process of confusion and diffusion, will contains the dynamical permutation choice boxes, dynamical substitution choice boxes, which will be generated once and hence, considered static,

            While using chaotic maps, in the suggested system, called

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 24 2020
Journal Name
State-of-the Art-Powerhouse, Dam Structure, and Turbine Operation and Vibrations
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Dam and powerhouse operation sustainability is a major concern from the hydraulic engineering perspective. Powerhouse operation is one of the main sources of vibrations in the dam structure and hydropower plant; thus, the evaluation of turbine performance at different water pressures is important for determining the sustainability of the dam body. Draft tube turbines run under high pressure and suffer from connection problems, such as vibrations and pressure fluctuation. Reducing the pressure fluctuation and minimizing the principal stress caused by undesired components of water in the draft tube turbine are ongoing problems that must be resolved. Here, we conducted a comprehensive review of studies performed on dams, powerhouses, a

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