تشغل الفضاءات الداخلية الطبية اهتمام واسع , لما توفره من رعاية صحية للمرضى ,فلابد ان يُهتَمْ بها من الجانب الوظيفي(الادائي), لتحقيق الراحة البصرية والنفسية والجسدية لغرض الوصول الى الاداء الجيد للكادر الطبي, ولهذا وجد ضرورة التعرف على تلك الفضاءات الداخلية بشكل اعمق , وهل انها ملاءمة للمرتكزات التصميمية المتعارف عليها؟ , لذلك تم تسليط الضوء على الفضاءات الداخلية للمختبرات الطبية, وقد تناول البحث المشكلة واهميتها والهدف وتحديد المصطلحات, وشمل الإطار النظري مبحثين، فتناول المبحث الأول الشكل وخصائصه والعناصر المعرفة للفضاء الداخلي وأما المبحث الثاني فهو التنظيم الشكلي في الفضاء الداخلي للمختبرات الطبية والعناصر البصرية, أما إجراءات البحث فقد اعتمد البحث المنهج الوصفي في تحليل العينة عن طريق استمارة التحليل التي شملت محاور نتجت عن مؤشرات الاطار النظري , وقد تم اختيار عينة البحث بشكل قصدي, وفي نهاية الدراسة البحثية يتم عرض اهم النتائج والاستنتاجات والتوصيات والمقترحات , ومن ابرزالنتائج البحثية للدراسة الحالية :
In this paper we define and study new concepts of fibrewise topological spaces over B namely, fibrewise closure topological spaces, fibrewise wake topological spaces, fibrewise strong topological spaces over B. Also, we introduce the concepts of fibrewise w-closed (resp., w-coclosed, w-biclosed) and w-open (resp., w-coopen, w-biopen) topological spaces over B; Furthermore we state and prove several Propositions concerning with these concepts.
In the present study, Čech fuzzy soft bi-closure spaces (Čfs bi-csp’s) are defined. The basic properties of Čfs bi-csp’s are studied such as we show from each Čfs bi-csp’s (
A space X is named a πp – normal if for each closed set F and each π – closed set F’ in X with F ∩ F’ = ∅, there are p – open sets U and V of X with U ∩ V = ∅ whereas F ⊆ U and F’ ⊆ V. Our work studies and discusses a new kind of normality in generalized topological spaces. We define ϑπp – normal, ϑ–mildly normal, & ϑ–almost normal, ϑp– normal, & ϑ–mildly p–normal, & ϑ–almost p-normal and ϑπ-normal space, and we discuss some of their properties.
In this paper we define and study new concepts of functions on fibrewise topological spaces over B namely, fibrewise weakly (resp., closure, strongly) continuoac; funttions which are analogous of weakly
(resp., closure, strongly) continuous functions and the main result is : Let <p : XY be a fibrewise closure (resp., weakly, closure, strongly, strongly) continuous function, where Y is fibrewise topological space over B and X is a fibrewise set which has the
... Show MoreDespite ample research on soft linear spaces, there are many other concepts that can be studied. We introduced in this paper several new concepts related to the soft operators, such as the invertible operator. We investigated some properties of this kind of operators and defined the spectrum of soft linear operator along with a number of concepts related with this definition; the concepts of eigenvalue, eigenvector, eigenspace are defined. Finally the spectrum of the soft linear operator was divided into three disjoint parts.
In this work, we present new types of compact and Lindelöf spaces and some facts and results related to them. There are also types of compact and Lindelöf functions and the relationship between them has been investigated. Further, we have present some properties and results related to them.
Image combination is a technique that fuses two or more medical images taken with different conditions or imaging devices into a single image contain complete information. In this study relied on mathematical, statistical and spatial techniques, to fuse MRI images that captured horizontal and vertical times (T1, T2), and applied a method of supervised classification based on the minimum distance before and after combination process, then examine the quality of the resulting image based on the statistical standards resulting from the analysis of edge analysis, showing the results to identify the best techniques adopted in combination process, determine the exact details in each class and between classes.
Twenty clinical and fecal samples (ten clinical samples from patients attending to
Imam Ali Hospital and ten chicken faeces samples collected from local poultry farm
in Baghdad city) collected during December 2015, for isolated Klebsiella
pneumoniae. All K. pneumoniae isolates were extended-spectrum β- lactamase
producers and biofilm formation. The activities of two selected K. pneumoniae
isolates for their biofilm formation and susceptibility to antibiotics after treatment
with several plants extracts were investigated. The results of water and 60% ethanol
extracts for Matricaria chamomile flowers, Alhagi maurorum leafs, Syzygium
aromaticum buds (clove) and Arctium minus leafs were showed reduction of biofilm