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The Constant and Variable in Theatrical Shows Music for the Department of Arts Education: مروة شاكر رضا الشيباني
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This study is concerned with the topic of the constant and the variable within the artistic theatrical phenomenon and specifically the accompanying music for the movements, scenes and dramatized idea, which translates the Iraqi environments (the serious ones). The researcher, here, tries to determine those variables and constants as a methodological scientific study to serve the scientific and cultural institutions and contribute in settling them intellectually, and entering them in the academic environments that depend on studying the artistic associations between the theatrical science and musical science. We find that this study which addresses the topic (the constant and the variable in the theatrical show music for the department of arts education), which will deal with one of the plays that was presented in the college of Fine Arts, department of Arts Education, as a model subject to the methodological analysis, in line with the subject of the study and investigating of all its merits. The researcher adopted the descriptive method which analyzes and criticizes the musical phenomena, in order to attain the research objective based on discussing the facts and opinions about the subject of the constant and the variable in the music superimposed on the idea of the play. The research consisted of four chapters. The first chapter, the research methodological framework represented by the problem, importance and objective of the research. The second chapter, the theoretical framework represented by the following topics: A historical overview of music with theatre, importance of music in theatre, reasons of the constant and the variable in the theatre music, and the music of theatre shows in the department of arts education). The third chapter consists of the research methodology and the analysis. The fourth chapter consists of the results and conclusions, then a number of recommendations and suggestions have been put forth and finally a list of references.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
Strategies of brain-based learning theory and its impact on the achievement of students of the Department of Art Education in Teaching Methods
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The aim of the current research is to reveal the effect of using brain-based learning theory strategies on the achievement of Art Education students in the subject of Teaching Methods. The experimental design with two equal experimental and control groups was used. The experimental design with two independent and equal groups was used, and the total of the research sample was (60) male and female students, (30) male and female students represented the experimental group, and (30) male and female students represented the control group. The researcher prepared the research tool represented by the cognitive achievement test consisting of (20) questions, and it was characterized by honesty and reliability, and the experiment lasted (6) weeks

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 05 2024
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References of the directed education to the Member Teaching Stuff performance in the departments of the art Education
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This study has came as a result to discover on the references of the educational theories which leads the professors in the educational art departments in the Iraqi universities through knowing these ideological references indeed in an important slice of the society. This slice is: the members of professoriate. The study goal knows the ideological references to these theories for the professors in these departments.
In order to approve the research's goals. The researcher has selected a sample contains (50) professoriate members in these departments in the Iraqi universities which they have the educational art profession among the next scientific degrees (assistant teacher. teacher. assistant professor & professor).
The resea

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
The effectiveness of visual intelligence strategy in the collection of students in the Department of Art Education in the perspective material: أسامة حسن عبد علي الصفار
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Select the researcher discussed problem of asking the following : Do you use visual intelligence strategy effective in the collection of students in the Department of Art Education in the foreseeable material ? The research aims to " measure the effectiveness of the strategy in the collection of visual intelligence students in the Department of Art Education in the foreseeable material ". To verify the objective of this research was identify hypotheses zero to measure the level of achievement in the foreseeable material second grade students in the Department of Art Education - Faculty of Fine Arts . The population of the research students in the Department of Art Education / Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Baghdad who are stud

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effect of relaxation music in reducing symptoms of dental anxiety
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Many behavioral researchers pointed out the importance of relaxation techniques in the treatment of different psychological disorders where find  the importance of these techniques in reducing anxiety and stress and the resulted of behaviors and habits, with the development of these techniques are being used to gain public health, whether mental health or physical or mentality, and one of these techniques is music therapy that reduces tension and anxiety and operates a state of relaxation, which is used in the treatment of  patients of dental clinic.                        


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Publication Date
Sun May 10 2015
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Impediments to the use of the Iraqi musical instruments in the orchestra: احسان شاكر محسن زلزلة
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The diversity of ideas and freedom of expression among the authors, who are looking for what's new serve the goals of musical expression and aesthetic, which calls for the use of traditional instruments with the formation of the great instrumental music and well-known orchestra, is a major challenge from several quarters, the failure of some of those musical instruments or limited potential or method performed by costly sometimes prevents the use of a permanent in this great configuration, had to be the emergence of some of the problems faced by the author and musician on the one hand and the receiver on the other hand, which must be looking for the perfect, some of these musical instrument are used systematically follows the work of the

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
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Pedagogy and its applications in art education curricula
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               The research aims to (identify the applications of pedagogy in art education), the research community included, art education for the primary stage, so the community consisted of (8) main areas in art education, either the research sample was chosen, two main areas (objectives, and content), and included the research methodology (descriptive and analytical), the researcher built the research tool represented (the validity form of the tool) and presented to a group of experts to indicate its validity as well as to measure its stability,  To show the results, the researcher used the percentage, and the researcher recommended - modifying the curriculum every period of time, such as every four years, others

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 03 2018
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The privacy of the interior design of art education spaces in the schools of excellence
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The current research deals with the specificity of the interior design of the classes of art education in the schools of excellence for the province of Muthanna and its center of the city of Samawah. In the first chapter، the problem of research was determined by the lack of internal spaces of the classes of art education to designs that meet the requirements and needs of students in these educational stages.  The importance of the research in being an addition to knowledge in the field of interior design and engineering department of the general directorates of the Ministry of Education. The objectives of the research were determined through.

  1. Identifying the reality of the halls of art education for sch

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 19 2015
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Music Advertising People: علي عبد الله
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Songs hawkers or steadfast in the market of the most important sources of musical heritage, most notably the popular influence in people's lives and their careers cultural, as history records for Those tunes Chorales and invested by the vendors to attract these people in order to promote their goods and for marketing.This study reviews a brief history of those tunes drafted by the innate taste stems from folk music with the rhythms of vigor and vitality originated and grew up on the audio format is consistent with the need for people eager to hear the tunes left moved the feelings and send to communicate with the idea that came from her.As contemplated in the study models of those melodies and recording musician with the installation of

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 08 2024
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Designing a module in light of cognitive learning theories and their impact on the achievement of students of the Department of Art Education and their motivation in learning the subject of aesthetics.
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This research aims to:
1 – Make a proposed module for (aesthetics) for the second stage - Department of Art Education under education theories.
2 - Verification from the effect of the proposed module on student achievement and motivation towards learning aesthetics material.
To verification the second goal we wording these two hypotheses:
1- There are no individual differences with statistically significant at level (0.05) between the student's scores average. (Experimental group ) who studied according to the proposed module and the average student's scores (control group) who studied in the usual way for the achievement test for the Aesthetics material.
2- There are no individual differences with statistically signifi

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
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The aesthetic effect of vocal recitation in building the theatrical image
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Between the duality of sound and image, the completeness of the actor’s personality at the director comes to announce the birth of the appropriate theatrical role for that character as the basic and inherent element of the artwork, within his working system in the pattern of vocal behavior as well as motor/signal behavior as he searches for aesthetic and skill proficiency at the same time.
This is done through the viewer’s relationship with the theatrical event, which the director considers as an area of active creative activity in relation to (the work of the actor) through vocal recitation and the signs it broadcasts in order to fulfill the requirements of the dramatic situation and what it requires of a visual vision drawn in t

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