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Communicative Values of Visual Suggestion in TV advertising: علاء جاسب عجيل-سارة سالم مهدي
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This research (communicative values of the visual suggestion in TV advertising) presents a precise description for the process of conveying the communicative message through employing the visual suggestion in TV advertisements. This research consists of four chapters. The first chapter includes the research problem which is summarized by the following question: what are the communicative values accomplished in Tv advertisement which produce visual suggestions that raise strangeness and tension in the advertisement?
The research importance lies in benefiting the researchers and scholars in the field of TV advertisement direction and the visual suggestion is one the main ways for building the advertisement. It also benefits the relevant institutions and authorities and its role in reinforcing the communicative values. It also contributes to developing the intellectual and methodological visions in keeping pace with development.
The research objective is limited to revealing the communicative values of the visual suggestion and its role in TV advertising. The researcher set spatial limits represented by studying a questionnaire for the third year students, evening studies, in the department of advertising techniques/ College of Applied Arts. As for the temporal limit, it is represented by the period 2018-2019. The objective limits (the communicative values of the visual suggestion the TV adverting).
The second chapter represents the theoretical framework. It consists of two sections. The first section (communicative values in TV advertising). The second section (visual suggestion in TV advertising). In the third chapter (the research procedures), the analytical descriptive method has been adopted. The research community consists of (100) recipients from the third year students, evening studies, in the department of advertising techniques/ College of Applied Arts. They have been chosen because they are recipients and at the same time they study TV advertisements. The sample has been chosen (50%) from the original community.
The researcher used a questionnaire as a tool for the study. Chapter four consists of the results of the study which showed that the majority of the sample see that these advertisements presented to them contain the communicative values of the visual suggestion. They constitute 58% of the total sample.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
Abstraction and its relationship visual attraction designs in women's modern fabrics: حيدر هاشم محمود الحسيني
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The research problem identified to impose question followingDoes the abstract style role in the backs of visual attraction in modern textile designs?The research aims to reveal the role of the external design in modern women's textile designs printed, design and develop foundations for practical purposes to achieve visual attraction through abstract style used in the design of modern women's fabricsIn regard to the second quarter, which contained the theoretical framework and previous studies, it was included in the board three sections, the first section included the concept of abstraction, while the second section included in place of attraction and infrastructure design, In regard to the third topic was concerned with the concept of m

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Professional Development and its Relationship with some Variables in the Light of Sullivan Theory among Male and Female Teachers in the Basic Education Schools in Sultanate of Oman: سالم بن ناصر بن سعيد الكحالي
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The study aims to reveal the level of professional development in basic education schools from the male and female teachers’ viewpoint in the Sultanate of Oman. It further aims to examine its relationship with some variables in light of Sullivan theory, and the differences in the level of professional development (teachers’ skills, professional participation, professional development problems) according to the gender variable, and the educational stage (first cycle/ second cycle). The study sample consisted of (93) teachers distributed as such: (46) male teachers, and (47) female teachers. A questionnaire was prepared and applied to measure the level of the professional development of the male and female teachers. The questionnaire c

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Attitudes of Teachers of Art Education towards the Use of Visual Intelligence in Teaching: تحرير جاسم كاطع
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     The scientific and technological developments and their practical applications in all fields of life in general and in the education field in specific have led to the emergence of variables in the educational structure, teaching methods and in education in their modern form which is consistent in its entirety with    the spirit of the age. We today live the age of knowledge increase full of wide ranging scientific and technological developments. Thus life demands human capabilities of a special kind able to develop and innovate. Here the increasing significance emerges for taking care of the human powers through educational systems much different from those current traditional systems.  System

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Semiotics of Visual Composition in Iraqi Contemporary Theatrical Show: اسيل ليث احمد-عبد الرحمن داخل احمد
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The theatrical field has witnessed a huge development that included the semantic and formal sides, considering that the theatrical experience has gone through a long period of description and the dominance of literature and linguistics, thus the theatrical experience has been open to many workings and uses of high quality in forming and composing the visual system. The semiotics had a role in presenting transformed sign forms and features generated in the theatrical space. Thus (costumes, décor, makeup, lighting, and actor) are considered elements with sign forms and attributes that together constitute integrated semiotic unit that include all the layouts in the scenographic space. The two researchers determined on semiotics due to its

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
The strategy of visual thinking and its applications in teaching arts (photography model): نورا عبد الله علي
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The study aims at:
1- Identifying the contemporary educational approaches in teaching arts.
2- The effectiveness of using the visual thinking strategy in photography subject for the first year students in the institute of fine arts/Holy city of Kadhimiyah.
The study sample is made of (30 ) first year students (in the institute of fine arts/in Holy city of Kadhimiyah) distributed into two groups, an experimental group made of (15) students and a control group having the same number of students in order to conduct the test. The test for the visual thinking strategy in the subject of photography has been designed and the validity and reliability for the research tool have been verified. In order to demonstrate the results of the

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Methods of using the periodic chart in the case of the missing values of the stable AR model (2)
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In this study, we investigate the behavior of the estimated spectral density function of stationary time series in the case of missing values, which are generated by the second order Autoregressive (AR (2)) model, when the error term for the AR(2) model has many of continuous distributions. The Classical and Lomb periodograms used to study the behavior of the estimated spectral density function by using  the simulation.


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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A Criticism and study of “The Arabic translations of contemporary Persian novels” (“Translations of Muhammad Alauddin Mansour” as a model): قنقـــد و بررسی ترجمـــــه¬ی عربی رمــــان¬های معـــــاصر فــــارسی (ترجمه¬های محمد علاء الدین منصور- بررسی نمونه¬ای)
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     Arab translators have always paid great attention to the translation of the Persian literary genres, in particular, contemporary Iranian novels. They have always translated for the most prominent Iranian novelists such as Jalal Al Ahmad, Sadiq Hidayat, Mahmoud Dowlatabadi, Bozorg Alavi, Ismail Fasih‎, Houshang Golshiri, Gholam-Hossein Saedi, Simin Daneshvar, Sadiq Chubak, Samad Behrangi and others that have succeeded in perfectly picturing the Iranian society.

      Within the perspectives of Arab translators and by using the descriptive - analytical approach, the present study provides an analytical study of the translation into Arabic some of the modern Persian novels. Moreove

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 08 2024
Journal Name
Communicative competence in postmodern art
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This study presents the concept of communicating as criticism analytical vision of art in general and contemporary composition particularly. Art is a means of communication for that activity to participate in the information or meanings, where the artwork is the message that includes what the artist sends ideas ,to the recipient . Thus, the language of communication between the artist and the receiver are made through the artwork (whatever his specialty: theatrically, plastic art, musically) and the magnitude of the meaning of outwardly or inwardly, is determined by the relationship between the artist and the recipient of which lead us turn to the issue of communication between them . .
At that determined search through which we seek

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Publication Date
Thu May 14 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Visual Pollution and its Impact on the Aesthetics: The Town of Eizariya as a Model
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This study seeks to shed light on the aspects of visual pollution and its impact on the aesthetics of the town of Al-Eizariya known to suffer from the phenomenon. In order to identify the real causes of the problem which develops in various forms and patterns, threatening not only the aesthetic appearance of the towns, but also causes the emergence of new problems and phenomena that will have negative repercussions on the population. The researcher uses the analytical descriptive method to analyze the phenomenon of visual pollution in terms of reality, development, manifestations and spread and uses photos which document the visual pollution and its impact on the aesthetics of the known. The study concluded the existence of a strong rela

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 03 2018
Journal Name
Educational Novelty And Its Relation With Visual Thinking With The Students Of Artistic Education Department
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The two objectives of the current research are :-

  1. Uncover the views and opinions of the students of Artistic Education Department about the relation between educational novelty and its relation with visual . 
  2. Identifying the capabilities of the students of artistic education department .

            The society of the research is the  fourth class students of artistic education department -  College of Fine Arts  ( 83 students from both sexes ) .  It was chosen ( 60 ) students sample of  from both sexes by the researcher in order to conduct test upon them .The researcher has adopted descr

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