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Aesthetic and Functional Dimensions of the Industrial Product and their Influence on Construction of Consumer's Visual Impression: جاسم احمد زيدان
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  The visual impression represents a compound process of a group of concepts that might be secondary and interrelated to constitute, in reality, a cognitive image stored in the memory that can be retrieved according the implications of the situation in which the individual lives in his environment, as it awakens in him an image from the sub consciousness, thus it gets stimulated, and it is among the tangible things.
Since we live in our contemporary world under the development of knowledge, micro and wide technology of the devices, tools, materials, mechanisms, current developments and openness… etc. this transformation created visual impressions that the individual in general and the consumer in specific enjoys concerning his preferences for the image of the industrial product.
Thus, the current research problem can be established through an attempt to discover the consumer's awareness level and education, which depends on his visual impressions in preferring the industrial products that are characterized by high quality and technology in the operation mechanisms and the demonstration techniques, which generates functional and other aesthetic dimensions. Therefore, the researcher determined the following question:
What are the functional and aesthetic dimensions of the industrial product and their implications on the creation of a visual impression on the consumer?
The current research aimed at:
1- Identifying the aesthetic and functional dimensions of the industrial product.
2- Reaching the influences of the aesthetic and functional dimensions of the industrial product over the creation of the consumer's visual impression.
The research community is made of the industrial products designed in (2019) by Samsung, and a random sample represented by (automatic washing machine- electronic refrigerator- television screen) has been chosen.
Therefore, these samples have been subjected to the analysis and investigation process to verify the aim of the current research. The following are some conclusions:
1- The idea of the industrial designer, when implementing the product, requires achieving the functional dimensions of it represented by the ease of use according to clear operation mechanisms for the consumer through relying on advanced high efficiency systems.
2- The industrial product can have a high technology which reduces the consumer's time and effort in the process of the functional use of this product in a way suitable with the concept of performance and achieves the benefit.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2001
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Determination of Corrosion Parameters for a Cathodic Reaction Complicated by IR Drop Effect in a Flow System
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
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Semantic Analogy of Quran Text Content Found in Ornamental Figures in Islamic Architecture: وسام كامل عبد الامير
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This study aims at creating an analogy between Quran text Contents as meanings that have representations as visional shapes within ornamental figures in Islamic architecture. The theoretical framework of the study deals with the concept of semantics and its parts, artistic contents of Quran texts, and ornamental figures in Islamic architecture. The study procedures included a population of (69) figures, (5) of them were chosen deliberately for analysis in accordance with a form that had been presented to a number of experts to ensure its validity. The study reached a number of conclusions, the most significant among them are: adopting natural denotation of direct reference in order to link the ornamental figure to the source it was taken

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 02 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Drug Delivery Technology
N-Acetyl Cysteine Plus Metformin Versus Metformin Alone in Treatment of Iraqi Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2006
Journal Name
بيت الحكمة
المنطق منهجا نقديا - دراسة في قراءة الشكل الجمالي
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المنطق منهجا نقديا - دراسة في قراءة الشكل الجمالي كتاب (المنطق منهجا نقدياً – دراسة في قراءة الشكل الفني) يهتم الكتاب بدراسة التصورات المنطقية في الفنون التشكيلية وهو يقع في اربعة فصول خصص الاول منها لبيان المنهجية والفكرة العامة عن علاقة المعرفة بالقواعد الفكرية والقواعد المنطقية موضحا ذلك في (مدخل عام) وتعلق الفصل الثاني بالمفاهيم المنطقية وما كتبه علماء المنطق في عرض شامل ومكثف تناول فيه المؤلف مفهوم ال

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Research In Computer Engineering & Technology
Facial Emotion Recognition: A Survey
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Emotion could be expressed through unimodal social behaviour’s or bimodal or it could be expressed through multimodal. This survey describes the background of facial emotion recognition and surveys the emotion recognition using visual modality. Some publicly available datasets are covered for performance evaluation. A summary of some of the research efforts to classify emotion using visual modality for the last five years from 2013 to 2018 is given in a tabular form.

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2022
Journal Name
Iaes International Journal Of Robotics And Automation
Implementation of a complex fractional order proportional-integral-derivative controller for a first order plus dead time system
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This paper presents the implementation of a complex fractional order proportional integral derivative (CPID) and a real fractional order PID (RPID) controllers. The analysis and design of both controllers were carried out in a previous work done by the author, where the design specifications were classified into easy (case 1) and hard (case 2) design specifications. The main contribution of this paper is combining CRONE approximation and linear phase CRONE approximation to implement the CPID controller. The designed controllers-RPID and CPID-are implemented to control flowing water with low pressure circuit, which is a first order plus dead time system. Simulation results demonstrate that while the implemented RPID controller fails to stabi

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Publication Date
Tue May 02 2023
Journal Name
Social Science Journal
An Investigation of Microstructure Analysis for World Health Organizatioan Speeches during Covid-19 Pandemic: Adopted Van Dijk Theory
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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Certain Assessment of Using MWCNT Nps in Drilling Fluid to Mitigate Stick-Slip Problem during Drilling Operation System
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   Stick- slip is the continuous stopping& release of the Bit/BHA due to the irregular down-hole rotation prompted by the existing relationship between the friction torque and the torque applied from the surface to free the bit.

   Friction coefficient between BHA and wellbore is the main player of stick slip amount, which can be mitigated by support a good lubricators as additives in drilling mud.

   Mathematical (or empirical) solves should be done through adjusting all parameters which supposed to reduce stick- slip as low as possible using different models, one of the main parameters is drilling mud. As per Nanoparticles drilling fluid is a new technology that offers high performance

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Biotechnology
Reliable Reference Gene for Normalization of RT- qPCR Data in Human Cancer Cell Lines
Subjected to Gene Knockdown
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Quantitative real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-qPCR) has become a valuable molecular technique in biomedical research. The selection of suitable endogenous reference genes is necessary for normalization of target gene expression in RT-qPCR experiments. The aim of this study was to determine the suitability of each 18S rRNA and ACTB as internal control genes for normalization of RT-qPCR data in some human cell lines transfected with small interfering RNA (siRNA). Four cancer cell lines including MCF-7, T47D, MDA-MB-231 and Hela cells along with HEK293 representing an embryonic cell line were depleted of E2F6 using siRNA specific for E2F6 compared to negative control cells, which were transfected with siRNA not specific for any gene. Us

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 04 2023
Journal Name
Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy
Removal of <scp>E133</scp> brilliant blue dye from artificial wastewater by electrocoagulation using cans waste as electrodes
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Abstract<p>Solid‐waste management, particularly of aluminum (Al), is a challenge that is being confronted around the world. Therefore, it is valuable to explore methods that can minimize the exploitation of natural assets, such as recycling. In this study, using hazardous Al waste as the main electrodes in the electrocoagulation (EC) process for dye removal from wastewater was discussed. The EC process is considered to be one of the most efficient, promising, and cost‐effective ways of handling various toxic effluents. The effect of current density (10, 20, and 30 mA/cm<sup>2</sup>), electrolyte concentration (1 and 2 g/L), and initial concentration of Brilliant Blue dye (15 and 30 mg/L) on </p> ... Show More
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