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Aesthetic and Functional Dimensions of the Industrial Product and their Influence on Construction of Consumer's Visual Impression: جاسم احمد زيدان
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  The visual impression represents a compound process of a group of concepts that might be secondary and interrelated to constitute, in reality, a cognitive image stored in the memory that can be retrieved according the implications of the situation in which the individual lives in his environment, as it awakens in him an image from the sub consciousness, thus it gets stimulated, and it is among the tangible things.
Since we live in our contemporary world under the development of knowledge, micro and wide technology of the devices, tools, materials, mechanisms, current developments and openness… etc. this transformation created visual impressions that the individual in general and the consumer in specific enjoys concerning his preferences for the image of the industrial product.
Thus, the current research problem can be established through an attempt to discover the consumer's awareness level and education, which depends on his visual impressions in preferring the industrial products that are characterized by high quality and technology in the operation mechanisms and the demonstration techniques, which generates functional and other aesthetic dimensions. Therefore, the researcher determined the following question:
What are the functional and aesthetic dimensions of the industrial product and their implications on the creation of a visual impression on the consumer?
The current research aimed at:
1- Identifying the aesthetic and functional dimensions of the industrial product.
2- Reaching the influences of the aesthetic and functional dimensions of the industrial product over the creation of the consumer's visual impression.
The research community is made of the industrial products designed in (2019) by Samsung, and a random sample represented by (automatic washing machine- electronic refrigerator- television screen) has been chosen.
Therefore, these samples have been subjected to the analysis and investigation process to verify the aim of the current research. The following are some conclusions:
1- The idea of the industrial designer, when implementing the product, requires achieving the functional dimensions of it represented by the ease of use according to clear operation mechanisms for the consumer through relying on advanced high efficiency systems.
2- The industrial product can have a high technology which reduces the consumer's time and effort in the process of the functional use of this product in a way suitable with the concept of performance and achieves the benefit.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Visual discourse of statues of symbolic figures Christ as a model (An analytical study): مصطفى ممتاز نوري الياور
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The topic of this research deals with an analytical study of the nature of the visual sent by the sculptural monument of the person of Christ around the world, the nature of this monument, the manner of its embodiment, the mechanism of reception for each of the societies that this monument addressed to them, how it was reflected on them, how it was reflected on them, and whether these works are related to their culture or not, I discussed this study All this, and the researcher has established theoretical research axes for the research according to the desired goal of this study, which is the definition of the mechanism of visual discourse of statues of Christ around the world and were as follows: (The first axis: the discourse and visua

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 11 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
An Investigation Study of Tool Geometry in Single Point Incremental Forming (SPIF) and their effect on Residual Stresses Using ANOVA Model
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Incremental forming is a flexible sheet metal forming process which is performed by utilizing simple tools to locally deform a sheet of metal along a predefined tool path without using of dies. This work presents the single point incremental forming process for producing pyramid geometry and studies the effect of tool geometry, tool diameter, and spindle speed on the residual stresses. The residual stresses were measured by ORIONRKS 6000 test measuring instrument. This instrument was used with four angles of (0º,15º,30º, and 45º) and the average value of residual stresses was determined, the value of the residual stress in the original blanks was (10.626 MPa). The X-ray diffraction technology was used to measure the residual stresses

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 16 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Complementary Relationship between Target Costing and Value Chain In The Public Corporations Of The Jordanian Industrial Sector: An Empirical Study
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This research aims to study the target costing and value chain with their complimentary relationship in reducing product costs, meeting the needs of customer, and achieving strategic competitive advantage for manufacturing corporations in response to face international competition, technological development and continuous changing expectations of customers.    No doubt, the target costing and value chain both currently occupy a great deal of the attention of managers and accountants at the manufacturing corporations due to the significance to insure their continuity, growth and development. This significance has been the main motive to examine the role of target costing and value chain in a sample of public corporations of the

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
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Aesthetic values of the decorations heterogeneities in Islamic architecture: وسام كامل عبد الامير، أشرف كامل عبد الامير
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Covariance technique represents a design to bring out the decorative components And organized in unfamiliar a manner Turn to custom patterned to make a qualitative difference in the pattern of the general composition of the implicit overall,question research problem emerges Based on the above, (Is the aesthetic values of the property heterogeneities in Islamic architecture configurations decorations?). Detect it through the knowledge of the species and decorative components containing heterogeneities And his methods within each of Iraq and Iran and theoretical framework try to monitor the opinions and threads aesthetic perception in the Islamic and Construction decorative art formations in Islamic architecture and features of heterogenei

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 07 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Molecular Histology
Structural and functional relations between the connective tissue and epithelium of enamel organ and their role during enamel maturation
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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Internet banking services and their impact on customer's: Applied Research on Sample of Iraqi Commercial Banks
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This research examines the issue of Internet banking services and their impact on customer's perceived value to know the potential of Iraqi commercial Banks to provide Internet banking services as well as determine the customer's level of perception of the value of such services. The research aims to demonstrate the effect that Internet banking services have on the customer's perceived value and to find how online banking services can be used to add value that the customer perceive. The main findings were that research sample banks don't have a sophisticated network of electronic Windows through which banking services are provided to allow customers to manage their accounts, and perform various operational operations through the

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Restructuring of the public industrial sector companies Wayshift to private shareholding companies and mixed (Iraqi experience as a model)
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That the main feature of  the economics many countries in general is a tendency towards defining the role of the public sector in economic activity and the tendency towards encourage the private sector to investment in public projects especially in countries those tendency towards market economy actually.

That increased economic development proven failure in achieving more economic growth both individually in many countries especially developing countries socialist, by researchers this led one way or another to direction of corrective reforms in their economic was one of them in Transformation of public companies into Shareholding companies contributes to the public sector in resources and expertise

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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            The aim of the research is to identify the impact of the areas of organizational change in strategic marketing planning in cement factories operating within the city of Al-Khums, and this effect was measured using a questionnaire consisting of 28 phrases, and it was relied on the descriptive approach that suits the nature of the subject of the research, while the research community consists of heads And members of the board of directors, authorized managers, unit managers and heads of departments in the factories under study, which numbered 55 respondents, during the month of September of the year 2021, and a sample of the compreh

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 12 2017
Journal Name
The Origins of Chinese Influence on Pottery in the Tang and Song Dynasties
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This research study of influence of Chinese thought on porcelain in the tang and song period, the study came into four sections, which are:
* First section contains general framework of the research, which include the problem, which is represented by following of questions:
1- Is there intellectual and ideological dimensions in Chinese porcelain?
2-What are the mechanisms and techniques of Chinese porcelain?
.the importance of this research and the need counted as a study providing cognitive addition into the Chinese arts field, especially ceramics of the Chinese. The aim of the research included of areas of artistic creativity in Chinese pottery and ceramics according to the bases of construction and composition. As the impo

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 03 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
A Study of Some Biochemical Variables and Functional Indicators and Their Relationship to the Achievement of 200m Young Runners
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ES Hussein

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