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This research is concerned with documenting traditional clothes of girls and children in Makkah in the past 100 years and is a step towards preserving our heritage which is exposed to rapid changes. The researcher’s goal is to contribute to the Saudi’s folklore studies with a qualitative study of clothes and ceremonies used in the past. Sources of information were collected from human and material samples, ceremonies, clothes, techniques used to embellish them and from previous studies. The study concludes that aspects of civilization influenced clothes and resulted in a great deal of change. Children wore scale-down versions of adult clothing. Costumes were rich by their styles and adornment. The researcher emphasizes the importance of protecting our heritage by creating a database that includes similar studies and traditional stories. And suggests updating traditional heritage by employing these materials on modern clothing to reflect Arabian originality on current lifestyle

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
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Characteristics of costume design in children's theater performances
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Theatrical costume constitutes a peculiarity in the theatrical performance because of its ability to communicate and communicate with the rest of the visual elements of the show in highlighting the intellectual and dramatic values. Fashion developments in theatrical performance, the second: the design elements of costumes and their characteristics, the third, which includes research procedures, and the fourth, in which the research results and conclusions were presented, including:

  • The play (Happening on the Farm) is considered one of the plays with educational, educational and aesthetic goals, as it carried in its formats the features of simplicity and diversity of the visual formal connotations of the child.
  • The c

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 17 2016
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Stimuli effectiveness of teaching aids in the development of the technical capacity of secondary school students in the technical configuration items: ليلى شويل حسين
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The importance of culture moot ( visual ) in the community , serves as the conceptual basis for the technical and aesthetic awareness , as all the fields of art represents a kind of social consciousness can not be separated from the practice of performance and awareness of it. That the link between what you do image that expresses the cognitive aspects and performance , and what is reflected on the receiver by turning the event into a set of symbols and meanings that have a correlation relationship to society , education, and other fields. Therefore must provide " material conditions and psychological " that helps the learner to interact effectively and with the active elements of the learning environment in the classroom and gain

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
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Intellectual Concepts of Skepticism in Industrial Product Design: مصعب حسن عبد-شيماء عبد الجبار
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  The industrial design occupies an important status in public and private life activities, because it contains a group of interactive, productive, and interconnected institutions, which is confirmed by Descartes who is credited for promoting the method of skepticism on sound foundations, showing that in order for us to search for the truth, we must suspect everything that we confront let it be once in our life time, especially our options in the scientific research and industrial design and product, starting from the knowledge heritage and the intellectual concepts that ascend to the levels of the functional, aesthetic and environmental performance, the significance of skepticism becomes clear. The research problem lies in this que

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 28 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Al-Bayhaqi’s Preferred Opinions in his Book Al-Khilafiyat-Chapter of Breastfeeding: عذراء حميد فريح , وايمن عبد القادر الهيتي
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This research is a comparative jurisprudential study that focuses on Imam Al-Bayhaqi’s preferred opinions in his book Al-Khilafiyat (The Disagreements), the part of Al-Rida’a (Breastfeeding). It is considered one of the most important familial topics that is concerned with organizing the social relations in Islam, strengthens the family ties and that prevents the family disintegration due to the ignorance and lack in comprehending Sharia laws (Islam law) in all aspects. The study follows the inductive and descriptive method. It aims at examining the prohibition of marriage when breastfeeding takes place at the time of woman’s conversion to Islam or during her infidelity period. It further aims at verifying the prohibition

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 15 2020
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Motion picture output in digital commercial advertising: وسام عبد عبد العزيز -نعيم عباس حسن
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Mobile advertising has become the product of an influential actor in the creation of design ideas that attract the recipient, according to the needs of the society and the interactions of the technological technical age, what the technologies of the mock programs do and what corresponds to the expectations of the recipient, and what the design methods achieve of synchronization and sound in which all The research has found ways to address the most exciting and important snapshots and focus on diversity and diversity, formality, image and color, and what the optical degrees and chromatography achieve sought to attract attention, which contributes from the point of view of the researchers in the field of accuracy, clarity, attention and co

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 28 2025
Journal Name
Al-rafidain University College For Sciences
Use GARCH model to predict the stock market index, Saudi Arabia
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In this paper has been building a statistical model of the Saudi financial market using GARCH models that take into account Volatility in prices during periods of circulation, were also study the effect of the type of random error distribution of the time series on the accuracy of the statistical model, as it were studied two types of statistical distributions are normal distribution and the T distribution. and found by application of a measured data that the best model for the Saudi market is GARCH (1,1) model when the random error distributed t. student's .

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
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Features of Modernity in the Works of Saleh Al-Jami (An Analytical Study): رؤى قحطان عبد الله
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Since the beginning of the twentieth century, the art of composition has witnessed major transformations that accompanied the transformations that occurred in the cognitive field. The plastic artists rejected the prevailing artistic line, and sought to create a new artistic format that accommodates the new social and cultural problems. So was the announcement of the era of modernity in the late nineteenth century, with the birth of the impressionism movement that gave a place to challenge all that is familiar. . And he drew the attention of the researcher, and for that he chose the research title (Characteristics of Modernity in the Works of Saleh Al-Jumayyi (Analytical Study)) The researcher divided the research as follows:

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
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Aesthetic values of the decorations heterogeneities in Islamic architecture: وسام كامل عبد الامير، أشرف كامل عبد الامير
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Covariance technique represents a design to bring out the decorative components And organized in unfamiliar a manner Turn to custom patterned to make a qualitative difference in the pattern of the general composition of the implicit overall,question research problem emerges Based on the above, (Is the aesthetic values of the property heterogeneities in Islamic architecture configurations decorations?). Detect it through the knowledge of the species and decorative components containing heterogeneities And his methods within each of Iraq and Iran and theoretical framework try to monitor the opinions and threads aesthetic perception in the Islamic and Construction decorative art formations in Islamic architecture and features of heterogenei

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2018
Journal Name
Pharmacy Practice
Measuring the health literacy level of Arabic speaking population in Saudi Arabia using translated health literacy instruments
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Foreign Investment and Labor Force Selected Arab Countries(Egypt, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia and Qatar)
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The world has witnessed in recent years a major development in the movement of investment, especially Foreign Direct Investment has got the developing countries, including Arab states share a small insignificant sometimes, despite the paucity of these flows, they have influenced, directly or indirectly in the labor force, and the provision of employment opportunities or Strengthening unemployment, and their impact in both cases depends on the availability of the determinants to attract foreign investment in host countries, and the extent of indulgence Governments of those countries with foreign investors through investment laws enacted by that may be imposed on foreign investors run a certain percentage of local

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