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Actor performance features in the types of theatrical silent: راسل كاظم عوده
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Each art has its own language. Per his style as an artist, which is characterized by the other. The methods differ and vary expressive art to another depending on the tools and methods used, and is a theatrical phenomenon did, and see, and touch, grasp, understand, and imagine, and emotion, and the blending of ideas and images. When unable to speak the language of the traditional theater For the delivery of a specific meaning or a single non-current at the time the highlight of our new language with a very wide area up to the extent of the unification of the languages of the world as it is in fine painting, it's the body of actor language, so it has become a mime art, which expressed Representative meanings reference and movement of various physical and expressions . Representative in the exercise of this difficult type of performance should be able to express an idea and passion so that entices the audience a sense that they lack the provision of traditional word in traditional theater, but in order to know the performance of the actor in the silent theater emerged several questions resulted in the emergence of the research problem, namely, Actor performance features in the types of theatrical silent. In order to methodological research it was founded researcher theoretical framework to research problem, objectives and limits. Then the theoretical framework that Two topics: The first topic (mime: the beginnings and ends) in which he addressed the researcher beginnings of mime and the reasons for his appearance and Agheiat cation of its founding. And second (kind of silent theater) where the researcher explained the difference between the types of mime exclusive and differentiated from representation which does not include theatrical dialogue (the job playwright). Then research procedures, which the researcher identified a sample of his research included performing Representative of three offers. Then came the researcher several results. Then put the researcher list of sources of research and review. Finally, the title and abstract in English.


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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Anthropology and Representations of Magic in Arab Theatrical Text Harut and Marut's Play as a Model: وصال خلفة كاظم البكري
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The research (Anthropology and Representations of magic in Arab Theatrical Text, Harut and Marut's play as a Model) is concerned with studying magic and the forms of its presence in the theatrical text in different human cultures where it belongs. The research consists of four chapters.
The first chapter includes the research problem that revolves around the following questions: (what is the mechanism of employing magic anthropology and its representations in the Arab theatrical text Harut and Marut's play as a model?), and the research importance which is attributed to the necessity of studying (magic) in the Arab theatrical text as it is considered the inauguration of one of the social phenomena that many researchers in the field o

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 20 2016
Journal Name
Initial evaluation to the performance of the Iraqi actors playing The role of ( Mackbeth ): مظـفر كاظم محـمد
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From 1979 to 1999 several theatricl groups had produced (Mackbeth) by shakespear which were directed by different director and the role being played by different actors. So the questions are: How did those a Iraqi actors approach that character by their performance? Did they interpret the character Truelly as the poet wanted to be. The researcher aims to find out the true performance by the actor who impersonate (mackbeth) as a wicked personality, who had un rational ambition. The researcher also aims to expose the style of acting fallowed by the Iraqi actors in that play. In chapter of review of literature, The researcher discusses the weaning and procedure of the actor performance which include characterization and transformation. He a

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 25 2019
Journal Name
The Dialectic of the Living Body (the actor) and the Dead Body (the Sinography Item) in the Construction of the Staged Image of the Play: جاسم كاظم عبد - عماد هادي عباس
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The current research deals with the dialectical relationship resulting from the conflict in the violent combination and construction of the living ( the actor)and the dead (the item) in the structure of the Sinography construction and the emergence of the theatrical play space , which can be summed up by the following question: what is the nature of the dialectical relationship between the living (the actor) and the dead( the item) in the Sinography creation, which limited the research in a central objective : to identify the controversy of the living (actor) and the dead (item) in the performance unit of the theatrical scene . The research, in its objective limits set forth in its methodological framework, analyzes this controversy in o

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
The aesthetic effect of vocal recitation in building the theatrical image
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Between the duality of sound and image, the completeness of the actor’s personality at the director comes to announce the birth of the appropriate theatrical role for that character as the basic and inherent element of the artwork, within his working system in the pattern of vocal behavior as well as motor/signal behavior as he searches for aesthetic and skill proficiency at the same time.
This is done through the viewer’s relationship with the theatrical event, which the director considers as an area of active creative activity in relation to (the work of the actor) through vocal recitation and the signs it broadcasts in order to fulfill the requirements of the dramatic situation and what it requires of a visual vision drawn in t

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Types of parallelism in the poetry of Mahmoud Darwish
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This research deals with the study of types of parallelism in contemporary Arabic poetry and took the hair Mahmoud Darwish, a model for the study has been the goal of research to clarify the term parallelism and the statement of the most important types, said evidence of that in the poetry of Mahmoud Darwish

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
The Physical Performance Of The Actor Within The Shows Of Anas Abdul Samad ( the play silence as the cry as a model): حليم هاتف جاسم
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The body has the ability to effect the audience in the the theatrical show , since he or she is transmitter , sender , seen and viewer of the humanitarian discourse as well the the images and connotations of the theatrical show, it is a tool of communication that substitutes for millions of spoken words, the modern schools of direction focused on the body language of the actor and gave it prominence in depicting facts by different connotations. The researcher studies the physical performance of the actor throughout focusing on the connotational dimensions of the body within the theatrical show , as well as the positioning of performative body within the modern schools of direction depending on the theatrical show (Rebuke ) of the Iraqi d

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
The Dominating Sign of the Space Structure in TV Drama: صادق كاظم عبد علي
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  The space constitutes a cornerstone of the creativity process since the emergence of arts and literature. Gaston Bachelard has a significant role in highlighting the importance of the place in his book entitled (Poetics of Space). Since then, the space, especially in the TV drama, is no longer a mere background indicating the location or the date of the event. Space inside these series has become an inseparable part of the artistic or dramatic fabric, that the visual scene started to formulate alongside the movement of the individuals in their language or accents that are specified inside the space as an incubator for the décor, clothes, makeup, accessories and lights in addition to the sound and musical effects. The lens angles

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Dramatic signs of place in contemporary classical shows: كاظم عمران موسى
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(The sign) was born with the birth of man, after the primitive man revealed through it the forms of speech, to express his needs and instincts, and he expressed his insides through them, through the effect of his interaction and conflict with his human counterpart on the one hand and nature on the other hand, for the purpose of communicating and communicating information, as a primitive language Indicative ...., until the linguistic language replaced it and thus signs took a further development, represented by other means that were embodied by gestures, signs and movements that took common social formulas .. such as the dances that a person practiced in his social rituals and the objective and transitional movements they contained And ge

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Power of language and carriers meaning in communication discourse: كاظم مؤنس عزيز
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It reveals speech communication whether it is legible audible or visible on a comprehensive formula inhabited open language on the modalities for reporting cases of the source say, making communication cognitive processes, is not to produce arguments as it is about the generation of the content of communication, so the contact of any kind remains practice for the cognitive action by the language in which it operates as a way agreed to their units between the poles of communication circle in the framework of a certain socio-cultural context, and that becomes the basis of the text of the message external referrals, making it feasible for multiple readings in semantic dimensions and deliberative

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Some Types of Mappings in Bitopological Spaces
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            This work, introduces some concepts in bitopological spaces, which are nm-j-ω-converges to a subset, nm-j-ω-directed toward a set, nm-j-ω-closed mappings, nm-j-ω-rigid set, and nm-j-ω-continuous mappings. The mainline idea in this paper is nm-j-ω-perfect mappings in bitopological spaces such that n = 1,2  and m =1,2 n m. Characterizations concerning these concepts and several theorems are studied, where j = q , δ, a , pre, b, b.


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