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Metaphoric assimilation of the place and its total functioning in scenario: إيهاب ياسين طه
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Abstract: The study of the place is hardly a concern for most researchers in the art generally. It is hardly devoid of any movie of some configuration elements that are essential to him about and place one of them, and we find an echo location consists ago to begin screenwriter put Sightseeing begins features emerge there will be functioning simple scenario what would soon receive a growing Cummings final picture film. Metaphoric place begins to emerge in the form of linguistic scenario is soon to be translated in another language, the language of the image. Which in turn complement the creative process of this art and have a significant impact in terms of content and curriculum and installation in and it even to seek the true meaning full and behind the central meaning and show the power of communication metaphoric image and the pursuit of disclosure of its structure and functions, and then the full knowledge of how to functioning within the hierarchy of the footage film. Based on this, the nature of the search warrant that the researcher by dividing the current study, five chapters, namely:1-Chapter I: stating the research problem, which was: What are the main points in which the spatial metaphor is gaining legitimacy and existence within the context of a completely different nature from any internal structure, and is it the absence of an actual place for the president?2- Chapter II: where the theoretical framework that was Includes: The first topic: the theory of interaction and metaphoric concept Film. The second topic: the spatial metaphor, functioning in the scenario.3-Chapter III: The Search procedures as adopted researcher descriptive analytical method.4- Chapter IV: analyzed a sample in which the researcher and his research was not (Shutter island) director (Martin Scorsese).5-Chapter V: Output researcher set of results from the analysis tool developed by his research. With a set of conclusions that explain the goals of his research.


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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Molecular diagnosis of E.coliO157:H7 Which Isolated from Children with Diarrhea by using Multiplex PCR
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A total of 96 stool samples were collected from children with bloody diarrhea from two hospitals in Baghdad. All samples were surveyed and examined for the presence of the Escherichia coli O157:H7 and differentiate it from other Non -Sorbitol Fermenting Escherichia coli (NSF E. coli). The Bacterial isolates were identifed by using morphological diagnostic methods, Samples were cultured on liquid enrichment medium, incubated at 37C? for 24 hrs, and then cultured on Cefixime Tellurite -Sorbitol MacConkey Agar (CT- SMAC). 32 non-sorbitol fermenting bacterial isolates were obtained of which 11 were identified as Escherichia coli by using traditional biochemical tests and API20E diagnostic system without differentiation between

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete T-Beams with Multiple Web Openings under Impact Loading
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effective quality control of a municipal wastewater treatment plant using Geographic information systems: A Review
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Inefficient wastewater disposal and wastewater discharge problems in water bodies have led to increasing pollution in water bodies.  Pollutants in the river contribute to increasing the biological oxygen demand (BOD), total suspended solids (SS), total dissolved solids (TDS), chemical oxygen demand (COD), and toxic metals render this water unsuitable for consumption and even pose a significant risk to human health. Over the last few years, water conservation has been the subject of growing awareness and concern throughout the world, so this research focused on review studies of researches that studied the importance of water quality of wastewater treated disposal in water bodies and modern technology to management w

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Serviceability behavior of High Strength Concrete I-beams reinforced with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer bars
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Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) bars are anisotropic in nature and have high tensile strength in the fiber direction. The use of High-Strength Concrete (HSC) allows for better use of the high-strength properties of FRP bars. The mechanical properties of FRP bars can yield to large crack widths and deflections. As a result, the design of concrete elements reinforced with FRP materials is often governed by the Serviceability Limit States (SLS). This study investigates the short-term serviceability behavior of FRP RC I-beams. Eight RC I-beams reinforced with carbon-FRP (CFRP) and four steel RC I-beams, for comparison purposes, were tested under two-point loading.
Deformations on the concrete and crack widths and spacing are measured and

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Publication Date
Thu May 25 2017
Journal Name
Genome Announcements
Complete Genome Sequence of Lytic Bacteriophage VPUSM 8 against O1 El Tor Inaba Vibrio cholerae
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ABSTRACT<p> The complete genome sequence of bacteriophage VPUSM 8 against O1 El Tor Inaba <named-content content-type="genus-species">Vibrio cholerae</named-content> is reported here. The isolated VPUSM 8 has potential use in future phage therapy or as a biocontrol agent for the prevention and treatment of cholera. </p>
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta
A Kinetic Study of Oxalic Acid Electrochemical Oxidation on a Manganese Dioxide Rotating Cylinder Anode
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Publication Date
Thu Jan 23 2020
Journal Name
Acoustics Australia
Absorption Coefficient of a Double-Layer Inhomogeneous Micro-perforated Panel Backed with Multiple Cavity Depths
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Double-layer micro-perforated panels (MPPs) have been studied extensively as sound absorption systems to increase the absorption performance of single-layer MPPs. However, existing proposed models indicate that there is still room for improvement regarding the frequency bands of absorption for the double-layer MPP. This study presents a double-layer MPP formed with two single MPPs with inhomogeneous perforation backed by multiple cavities of varying depths. The theoretical formulation is developed using the electrical equivalent circuit method to calculate the absorption coefficient under a normal incident sound. The simulation results show that the proposed model can produce absorption coefficient with wider absorption bandwidth compared w

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 25 2018
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Earthquake And Structures
Response of circular footing on dry dense sand to impact load with different embedment depths
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Publication Date
Tue Oct 07 2003
Journal Name
University Of Baghdad
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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Correlation of Penetration Rate with Drilling Parameters For an Iraqi Field Using Mud Logging Data
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This paper provides an attempt for modeling rate of penetration (ROP) for an Iraqi oil field with aid of mud logging data. Data of Umm Radhuma formation was selected for this modeling. These data include weight on bit, rotary speed, flow rate and mud density. A statistical approach was applied on these data for improving rate of penetration modeling. As result, an empirical linear ROP model has been developed with good fitness when compared with actual data. Also, a nonlinear regression analysis of different forms was attempted, and the results showed that the power model has good predicting capability with respect to other forms.

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