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The Variation of The Designing in decorative the Calligraphic authorization: حسـين علي يونــس

Formed a decoration element Tzeigna important holidays linear, since regulating mechanism of vocabulary and formative elements Btnoatha through activation design with space linear in order to add value expressionistic, and achieve career goals and aesthetic, has promised these diversities and one of the finest artistic achievements that excelled the designer patterned through expertise and skill in the output of the design artwork beautiful image to fit with the importance degree in the field of calligraphy and set the rules, and was questionably basic research problem is the following:
What are the variations in the design of linear motifs Vacations?
In order to solve these problems and to reach the desired outcomes research aims to detect variations in the design of linear motifs Vacations, set by the researcher Macs that have emerged
In Iraq and Turkey, within a period determined by the year (1268 AH 0.1852 m), and up to (1430 -2010 AD).
Dealt with the theoretical framework the following topics; and origination Vacations linear evolution, and variations decorative holiday linear, and the foundations of building designs in decorative holiday, and public space design motifs, and the diversity of design boards leave sin, has also been studying the diversity of units formative in decorative design.
The third chapter devoted to display the search procedures, which included his community on the boards Vacations linear ornate kinds and which numbered (40) model, researcher selected ones specimens intentionality and of (4) models, accounting for (10%) of the community overall, has Follow the descriptive analytical method, using the instrument whose form for analysis, which was built on several axes, and presented to the experts to ensure their validity, and achieve goals.
The fourth chapter evolved to include the results of which: that diversity phenotypic to form frames decorative add versatile Last implicitly with the overall design on according to the compatibility between the shapes and elements that make up the overall design., And a variety of spaces because of the diversity of sites occupancy and thus the diversity of designs approved in organized Vatceft mostly in color dark This is due to the spaces characterized by linear light colors. And the adoption of a particular division to design a symmetrical or asymmetrical design space given various options through a variety of motifs occupancy within the space in a uniform manner.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 18 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Effect of Attitudes in the ethics of the public job of the individual

Attitude is an important subject that has attracted researchers and thinkers in organizational theory and organizational behavior because of its great importance in various field studies. Field evidence suggests that individuals in their daily lives or careers respond to specific events through a set of internal tendencies Internal tendencies are negative or positive and systematic. These trends tend to be invisible, not limited to certain boundaries, and involve a significant number of individuals within organizations or society.

 The research aims to identify the impact of trends in the ethics of public service workers for individuals, through a sample of (72) doctors and (60) administrative staff

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Patterns of Feedback Used in the E-Learning System from the Teachers of the First Cycle in the Governorate of Muscat at the Sultanate of Oman



This study aims to identify the degree to which the first cycle teachers use different feedback patterns in the e-learning system in addition to the differences in the degree of use according to specialization, teaching experience, and in-service training in the field of classroom assessment, as well as the interaction between them. The study sample consisted of (350) female teachers of the first cycle in government schools in Muscat Governorate for the academic year 2020/2021. The study used a questionnaire that contained four different patterns of feedback, which are reinforcement, informative, corrective, and interpretive feedback. The psychometric properties of the que

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Scientific Journals in the websites of the colleges of University of Baghdad on the web

The aim of the research is the knowing of the academic Scientific Journals of the colleges of University of Baghdad , through searching in the University of Baghdad website and the websites of colleges and thus studying the presentation of these journals in those website , and this is done by surfing the main pages of the websites for the colleges included in the research , and by analyzing the research made a menu for all the academic Scientific Journals for all institutes of the University of Baghdad , which simplifies the way for the researchers to publish these researches in the specific journals for their specialties .

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Transitional justice in light of the change in the Arab region

Many changes took place in a number of Arab countries, most of which ended with the change of the ruling leadership and a new coming. The same change brought about the hopes of the people to turn the page of the past into a democracy through which to overcome the grievances of previous years and achieve justice in all its aspects. The same new grievances have been added to that precedent and justice has not yet been achieved. Here we try to address the justice that is applied in the stages of change or transitional stages, which have been called, ie transitional justice, which has mechanisms and conditions of different application between countries, each of which the conditions applied in them and through a review of these mechanisms bet

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Publication Date
Sun May 08 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
the reality of the transportation network in Iraq

Transportation network could be considered as a function of the developmental level of the Iraq, that it is representing the sensitive nerve of the economic activity and the corner stone for the implementation of development plans and developing the spatial structure.
The main theme of this search is to show the characteristics of the regional transportation network in Iraq and to determine the most important effective spatial characteristics and the dimension of that effect negatively or positively. Further this search tries to draw an imagination for the connection between network as a spatial phenomenon and the surrounded natural and human variables within the spatial structure. This search aiming also to determine the nat

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 19 2018
Journal Name
The Effectiveness of the Movement in Graphic Design

The movement is considered one of the important factors which attracts the receiver attention in designing artificial works in general, and especially in the advertisements, moreover the subject of the movement in the designing advertisements needs more care and study by the scholars. From this importance and from reaching to the basic streams of the research topic (the effect of the movement in the graphic design) the problem of the research has been set according to the following wonder:

  • What is the designing process that establishes the movement in the commercial advertisements designs?


      The researche

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The wisdom of diversity in the Holy Quran

Research summary


The first step towards the goal of coexistence with diversity, we must all recognize each one of us the rights of others regardless of his religion, color, gender, and point of view, and that each one agrees with his partnership with others, and a person’s belonging to a religion or doctrine must be based on conviction and self-motivation, and that the true Sharia prohibits a Muslim To impose on others what they do not believe and believe in, for God Almighty did not give His Prophet this right, so how about others, and it is not surprising for everyone that disharmony and rivalry impede the attempt to advance in society, and it is natural that our enemies take advantage of our division among us,

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 05 2024
Journal Name
The concept of metaphor in the contemporary sculpture

Despite the importance of this term in linguistics and rhetoric ancient and modern literary forms in general, is that it is possible to use in clarifying the foundations of the relationship hidden and manifest between shapes in models art adjacent or successive spatially, as the artwork plastic in general and sculpture in particular consists of formal structure somewhat similar to the structure in any language text and we can decode these blades structure and analyze the implications and come to their meanings and re-read and interpreted under the guidance of the concepts and techniques of neighboring developed primarily for linguistic analysis of texts or launched from their references. This split search to four chapters included the fi

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The provisions of the uncle in Islamic jurisprudence

There is talk of the Prophet ﷺ proud of his relative, which is the uncle, and the importance of this subject, this search for doctrinal matters related to the two things between us: the interest of the Prophet ﷺ responsible, and also responsible forbidden marriage and marriage as it is forbidden to marry the uncle, and in the uncle language: mother's brother, aunt Her uncle may spend his uncle's nephew, the uncle may embrace his nephew, the uncle shall be the guardian of the little or the small, not to cut off the uncle if he steals from his nephew's money. "

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 30 2008
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The rule of leading the boy in prayer

God Almighty has imposed on us obligations and set limits on us, and among these obligations is the prayer, which is considered a pillar of Islam. And recently on the statement of its importance, and through extensive explanations, they elaborated on the statement of its pillars, its obligations, its Sunnahs, its rituals, and its bodies, and it is known that the imam in prayer is an important part of the parts of prayer. Whoever assumes this responsibility must be aware of these conditions, the most important of which is jurisprudence in religion, and there has been a disagreement between the jurists, especially the owners of the four schools of thought, about who is qualified to lead the imamate, and this is within many and wide details

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