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Digital Image Visual Communication in Internal Virtual Spaces between the Graphic Design and the Internal Design: وسام حسن هاشم - رغد منذر احمد
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The digital revolution had greatly affected the methods through which we communicate, starting from the basic concepts of the internet technology and the web content in addition to the important issues that concern the culture of the digital media, the internet governance and the variation in the digital age in general and the graphic and internal design in particular.
This research addresses an important topic that goes along with the scientific development in the field of the digital design, especially in the internal and graphic designs. This study consists of two sections: the first includes the problem of the study and the need for it. Starting from the problem of the research, there is no clear perception of the formal characteristics for the digital graphic designs in the internal spaces and determining the roles in the design production between the internal designer and the graphic designer. Two objectives have been set for the research:

The first is revealing the visual communication relations of the digital image and the internal graphic design and describing the results of the interaction between the modern digital techniques and the design. The second is presenting a scientific perception for the role exchange between the internal designer and the graphic designer. The current research is objectively limited to the residential internal spaces that use digital images that have been accomplished until the time of conducting this research. The research identified the terms used in the title of the research. It addresses a theoretical framework through three aspects: the first is the digital communication in the internal space, and the second is the virtual reality and the third is the graphic image and the internal virtual space. The research came up with conclusions the most important of which:
1- The digital image in the interior space simulates facts but according to the interpretation of the designer, and the desires of the space user.
2- The digital image in the internal space is produced by the work and common understanding between the graphic designer and the internal designer in order to reach the goal of the internal designer and to satisfy the desires of the internal space user.
3- The physical components of the internal space and visual digital image exchange roles in the perception of interior space and the integration of space so that the digital image would become part of the overall design of the interior space

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2007
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Study the influence of the reinforced material geometrical shape on the internal stresses in the composite materials
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In this paper the reinforced materials manufactured from steel continues fibers are used in Aluminum matrix to build a composite material. Most of researches concentrated on reinforced materials and its position in the matrix according to its size and distribution, and their effects on the magnitude of different kinds of the stresses, so this paper presents and concentrate on the geometrical shape of reinforced material and its effects on the internal stresses and strains on the composite strength using FEM as a method for analysis after loaded by certain force showing the deference magnitudes of stresses according to the different geometrical shapes of reinforced materials.


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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Palestinian Media Elite Attitudes towards Recording Cinemas in Addressing the Internal Situations: A Field Study
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The follower of the history of cinema in the world notes that cinema started recording one and these films are varied in their subjects, while the life of man was the material of these films to be in a creative artistic style.
If the Palestinian films produced by Palestinian directors do not have an impact on the local, Arab and international levels, this is due to the weakness in several technical fields or with the intention to make them bad or negligence of those who produce these films.
This research deals with the role played by Palestinian films in dealing with the internal situation from the point of view of the Palestinian media elite in terms of their exposure to films and the motives of this exposure and the expectation

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
Digital modeling and its technical variables in contemporary interior design
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The current research sheds light on an important aspect of the great and rapid development in the field of science and technology and modern manufacturing methods as a result of the scientific revolution resulting from the accelerated cognitive development, which prompted designers in general and interior design in particular to exploit and invest in digital technology and the development of digital control in the process of designing the industrial product for the purpose of creativity and innovation through these digital programs Digital models achieve the requirements and desires of the interior designer according to the creative skill using modern software with high efficiency And extreme accuracy that is consistent with the requirem

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Relationship Between The Internal Marketing and Quality Services : a Filed Study on Samples of Customers and Employees In Iraqi Commercial Banks
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The Paper highlights on one of the main activities in marketing management. That is the internal marketing in the commercial banks and its relationship with the quality services offered to satisfy customers needs and wishes in order to reach he ultimate objectives of those banks. Two state and five private banks in Basrah city (Iraq) were taken in a field study. The survey covered the opinions of (184) state bank employees and (158) clients . The analysis of the survey shows that there is a strong relationship between the internal marketing ( in the banks covered by the survey) and the quality of banking objective services and the private banks show greater interest and concern to the internal ma

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluate the effectiveness of internal control systems and their role in providing an effective governance framework in Sudanese banks
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   The study aimed to find out the relationship between the dimensions of internal control systems and the availability of an effective governance framework in the Sudanese banks. The study used descriptive and analytical method for collecting and analyzing the study data using SPSS program. The questionnaire was used as an analysis tool. The target sample of Sudanese bank employees, the study found several results, including that the bank avoids methods that lead to the rational use of available resources, and identifies and separation of tasks among employees, in addition to rapid response to reports The study found several recommendations, including the need for a list of banks that are sufficiently flexible and comp

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Suggested Procedures According To COSO Integrated Framework To Evaluate The Internal Control System In Iraqi Oil Companies
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The research amid to measure the extent of the Suggested procedures of the internal control in accordance with the updated COSO framework in improving the procedures for internal control work in Iraqi oil companies. As the research problem was represented in suggesting procedures for internal control according to the updated COSO framework and finding out the relationship of correlation and influence between the suggested procedures and the internal control procedures that are done in the Iraqi oil companies. The research followed the quantitative approach to handling and analysing data by designing a Questionnaire to represent the research tool for collecting data. The study population was represented in the Iraqi oil companies,

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of the internal audit in the performance enhancing
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  After the internal audit as a tool of internal control in any organization, and helps in the evaluation of all internal control activities, as a tool to ensure compliance with the plans and policies to achieve the goals of the institution as much as possible of the efficiency, effectiveness, and should have the Internal Audit full independence and is linked to senior management, and aims to get the credibility and accuracy of information and data, and keep abreast of modern developments.

  The practical side includes the preparation of the questionnaire, which included a set of questions that fit the hypothesis of the research, was Tozeiha the research sample consisting of employees of the Internal Audit Department an

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The crisis of the Arab regional system between internal reforms and external interventions
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Passes the Arab order moment political precision of disruption and discord and
differences of countless between its components and its parts because of the suffering he
endured and the suffering now from internal disturbances as a result of lack of cohesion
relations intra-and cultural, historical and lack of interaction between these components so
that became the focus of the policies and interests is an unprecedented degree , reduced with
the joint Arab action to the minimum, and began to focus on the interests of special
This is with regard suffering internally, but externally the regime Arab Regional is absent the
biggest influence on international decisions because of the courtesies which were ca

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Principles of sustainable environmental design in the rehabilitation of the marshes region.
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The Marshlands cover an area of ​​about 24% of the land area of ​​Iraq, which gives it special importance to the country with its resources, resources and human capabilities, and because the conditions of this region are different from other areas environmentally and living necessitates subject to certain design principles achieve sustainable environmental integration to maintain them from For future generations, the idea of ​​research is crystallized by the interest of environmental organizations and urban designers in planning and establishing special laws to exploit the region environmentally, economically and tourism, especially after the current focus of the country's economic revival. T tourism and begin the development

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 29 2021
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
هاشم الخطاط وجهوده في الخط العربي الاسلامي
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 The line is among a nation of civilized nations did not attain what Muslims took care

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