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Digital Image Visual Communication in Internal Virtual Spaces between the Graphic Design and the Internal Design: وسام حسن هاشم - رغد منذر احمد

The digital revolution had greatly affected the methods through which we communicate, starting from the basic concepts of the internet technology and the web content in addition to the important issues that concern the culture of the digital media, the internet governance and the variation in the digital age in general and the graphic and internal design in particular.
This research addresses an important topic that goes along with the scientific development in the field of the digital design, especially in the internal and graphic designs. This study consists of two sections: the first includes the problem of the study and the need for it. Starting from the problem of the research, there is no clear perception of the formal characteristics for the digital graphic designs in the internal spaces and determining the roles in the design production between the internal designer and the graphic designer. Two objectives have been set for the research:

The first is revealing the visual communication relations of the digital image and the internal graphic design and describing the results of the interaction between the modern digital techniques and the design. The second is presenting a scientific perception for the role exchange between the internal designer and the graphic designer. The current research is objectively limited to the residential internal spaces that use digital images that have been accomplished until the time of conducting this research. The research identified the terms used in the title of the research. It addresses a theoretical framework through three aspects: the first is the digital communication in the internal space, and the second is the virtual reality and the third is the graphic image and the internal virtual space. The research came up with conclusions the most important of which:
1- The digital image in the interior space simulates facts but according to the interpretation of the designer, and the desires of the space user.
2- The digital image in the internal space is produced by the work and common understanding between the graphic designer and the internal designer in order to reach the goal of the internal designer and to satisfy the desires of the internal space user.
3- The physical components of the internal space and visual digital image exchange roles in the perception of interior space and the integration of space so that the digital image would become part of the overall design of the interior space

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Publication Date
Mon May 15 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Professional Business Review
Is It Possible To Adopt A Budget Of Performance In The Iraqi Government Companies?

Purpose: The study aims to investigate the extent to which material and non-material requirements are available in applying budgeting programs and performance in Iraqi governmental companies that are not aimed at achieving profits. whose activities are limited to providing services of public interest. This is done by studying the extent to which the requirements of each stage of preparing the programs and performance budget can be met.   Theoretical framework: The process of evaluating financial performance is the main objective of all economic units, whether they are governmental or private economic units. Budgets contribute to the evaluation process by analyzing deviations in the application. The study includes an analytical pres

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of (1,4) phenylenediamine on the corrosion of lead in 1M hydrochloric acid solution

The accelerating effect of 1,4- phenylenediamine (PDA) additions in 1M hydrochloric acid solution at temperature rang (20-60) C° has been studied by weight losses measurement during ranging time (1-260) h and by following the pb2+ concentration in solution after several times by using Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) . The volume of hydrogen gas involving was followed also in presence and absence of (PDA) in the corrosive solution .Accelerating enhanced by adding (NaCl , NaBr , NaI ) was also investigated.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
European Journal Of General Medicine
The Value of Longitudinal Strain versus Coronary Angiography in Detection of Coronary Artery Disease

Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate the value and accuracy of longitudinal strain in detection of coronary artery disease compared to coronary angiography. Results: The left ventricular longitudinal strain-speckle tracking showed evidence of stenosis of left anterior descending artery, circumflex artery and right coronary artery in (86.1%), (76.4%), and (84.7%) respectively. For the stenosis in left anterior descending artery, the current study showed that the longitudinal strain was a good predictor for presence of significant stenosis with a sensitivity of (93.8%), specificity (75%) and accuracy (91.7%) compared with coronary angiography. For the stenosis in right coronary artery, the left ventricular longitudinal strain had

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 10 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
The performance of a passively Q-switched Cr:YAG4+ in an end- pumped laser system

A characteristic study of a passively Q-switched diode pumped solid state laser system is presented in this work. For laser a comparison study for the theoretically calculated results with a simulation results using a software which calculates the Q-switched solid state laser parameters was such as energy, peak power and pulse width were performed. There was a good agreement between our theoretical calculations and the simulation values.

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 01 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Robust Tests for the Mean Difference in Paired Data by Using Bootstrap Resampling Technique

The paired sample t-test for testing the difference between two means in paired data is not robust against the violation of the normality assumption. In this paper, some alternative robust tests have been suggested by using the bootstrap method in addition to combining the bootstrap method with the W.M test. Monte Carlo simulation experiments were employed to study the performance of the test statistics of each of these three tests depending on type one error rates and the power rates of the test statistics. The three tests have been applied on different sample sizes generated from three distributions represented by Bivariate normal distribution, Bivariate contaminated normal distribution, and the Bivariate Exponential distribution.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 30 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Statistical Equations to Estimate the In-situ Concrete Compressive Strength from Non-destructive Tests

The aim of this study is to propose reliable equations to estimate the in-situ concrete compressive strength from the non-destructive test. Three equations were proposed: the first equation considers the number of rebound hummer only, the second equation consider the ultrasonic pulse velocity only, and the third equation combines the number of rebound hummer and the ultrasonic pulse velocity. The proposed equations were derived from non-linear regression analysis and they were calibrated with the test results of 372 concrete specimens compiled from the literature. The performance of the proposed equations was tested by comparing their strength estimations with those of related existing equations from literature. Comparis

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Mon Sep 18 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effects of Thiourea on the Corrosion of Low Carbon Steel in Hydrochloric Acid Solution

The c.orrosion rate of  low carbon  steel  in 4M  hydrochlwic acid with and without  presence of thiourea has b.een studied  by gravimetric ahd gasometric methods  over the temperature range 303-333 K.


The percentage protection of steel increases  vvith the decrease of thimuea concentrations at  various  temperature range  303-333 K and

approaching highest  protection  (86.82%) at 303K  by using  I X 1 o-4 M

of thiourea. The high concentration .of thiourea  ( lxlo-3 M), enl1ances.

the  corrosion rates and  act  as dcpolariser for  the hydrogen  evolution


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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Epidemiological Surveillance of Communicable Diseases in Baghdad City during the Period January-April 2006

The records of Primary Health Care Centres (Al-Risafa section of Baghdad) were inspected for communicable diseases during the period January-April 2006. There were 8622 recorded cases (the diagnosis was based on a clinical examination and laboratory findings), which were distributed as 4782 (55.5%), 1430 (16.6%), 1604 (18.6%) and 806 (9.3%) for Sadar city, Risafa, A'adhamyiah and Mada'in, respectively. The highest frequency was reported for chicken pox (42.7%), followed by mumps and typhoid fever (20 and 13.7%, respectively), while diphtheria and cholera were not recorded. These three most frequent diseases were further analyzed, and their distribution showed a significant difference (P ? 0.001). April was the month of the highest recorded

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 03 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of surlactin produced by Lactobacillus acidophilus on eye infectious bacteria in rabbits

Twenty five vaginal swabs from outpatients' healthy women were collected from Kamal Al-Samarai Hospital, Baghdad, to isolate and identify of Lactobacillus acidophilus. Three isolates were diagnosed as L. acidophilus which represents 15% of the total number of lactic acid bacterial (LAB) isolates; other LAB types represent 65% (20 isolates).The ability of L. acidophilus to produce surlactin was detected after measuring its biological activity to inhibit the adhesion of biofilm formed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa to surfaces using test tube method. It was found that all isolates were able to produce surlactin but the activity of surlactin was varying in each isolate. Surlactin produced by isolates 1 and 13 was the most effective. Biological appl

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Outcome of buccal mucosal patch graft in the Management of recurrent hypospadias urethrocutaneous fistula

Background: urethrocutaneous fistula after hypospadias surgery repair is the most common complication and remains a frustrating problem for surgeon and the patient. The problem is exacerbated because the urethrocutaneous fistula may recur which adds more demands surgery. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to evaluate of the use of oral mucosal graft for management of recurrent urethrocutaneous fistula after hypospadias repair. Patients and Methods: twelfth patients with age ranging from 4 year to 15 years were presented with history of recurrent fistula. Most of fistula were located in proximal penile and penoscrotal region (58.3%) . those patients were repaired by using oral mucosal graft with mean postoperative follow up period up t

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