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Digital Image Visual Communication in Internal Virtual Spaces between the Graphic Design and the Internal Design: وسام حسن هاشم - رغد منذر احمد
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The digital revolution had greatly affected the methods through which we communicate, starting from the basic concepts of the internet technology and the web content in addition to the important issues that concern the culture of the digital media, the internet governance and the variation in the digital age in general and the graphic and internal design in particular.
This research addresses an important topic that goes along with the scientific development in the field of the digital design, especially in the internal and graphic designs. This study consists of two sections: the first includes the problem of the study and the need for it. Starting from the problem of the research, there is no clear perception of the formal characteristics for the digital graphic designs in the internal spaces and determining the roles in the design production between the internal designer and the graphic designer. Two objectives have been set for the research:

The first is revealing the visual communication relations of the digital image and the internal graphic design and describing the results of the interaction between the modern digital techniques and the design. The second is presenting a scientific perception for the role exchange between the internal designer and the graphic designer. The current research is objectively limited to the residential internal spaces that use digital images that have been accomplished until the time of conducting this research. The research identified the terms used in the title of the research. It addresses a theoretical framework through three aspects: the first is the digital communication in the internal space, and the second is the virtual reality and the third is the graphic image and the internal virtual space. The research came up with conclusions the most important of which:
1- The digital image in the interior space simulates facts but according to the interpretation of the designer, and the desires of the space user.
2- The digital image in the internal space is produced by the work and common understanding between the graphic designer and the internal designer in order to reach the goal of the internal designer and to satisfy the desires of the internal space user.
3- The physical components of the internal space and visual digital image exchange roles in the perception of interior space and the integration of space so that the digital image would become part of the overall design of the interior space

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Dar Amjad For Publishing And Distribution, The Hashemite Kingdom Of Jordan
Statistical methods for calculating the validity and reliability of tests and measures using IBM SPSS Statistics Version24
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لقد كان حرص المؤلف على إصدار هذا الكتاب نابعا ً من قناعة تامة بأن مجال التقويم والقياس بحاجة إلى كتاب علمي حديث يتناول عرض أدوات الاختبار والقياس والمتمثلة بالصدق والثبات ويتسم بالوضوح في التعبير عن المفاهيم والمصطلحات والأنواع لكل منها ليكون وسيلة مبسطة بأيدي الأساتذة والباحثين وطلبتي الدراسات العليا الماجستير والدكتوراه لإستخراج صدق وثبات الاختبارات والمقاييس بطرق إحصائية متقدمة من خلال إستخدام البرنا

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Publication Date
Wed May 15 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Rheological and Thermal Properties of Lubricating Oil Enhanced by the Effect of CuO and TiO2 Nano-Additives
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The specifications of lubricating oil are fundamentally the final product of materials that have been added for producing the desired properties. In this research, spherical nanoparticles copper oxide (CuO) and titanium oxides (TiO2) are added to SAE 15W40 engine oil to study the thermal conductivity, stability, viscosity of nano-lubricants, which are prepared at different concentrations of 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.5%, and 1% by weight, and also their pour point, and flash point as five quality parameters. The obtained results show that CuO nanoparticles in all cases, give the best functionality and effect on engine oil with respect to TiO2. With 0.1 wt. % concentration, the thermal conductivity of CuO/oil and TiO2/

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Crossref (20)
Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
1st Samarra International Conference For Pure And Applied Sciences (sicps2021): Sicps2021
The persistence and bifurcation analysis of an ecological model with fear effect involving prey refuge and harvesting
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 05 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Aquatic Science
Effects of Selenium Sources and Concentrations on the Performance, Meat Quality, and Tissue Properties of Broiler Chickens
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We wanted to find out how selenium (Se) affects broiler chicken performance, meat physicochemical properties, and selenium deposition in the tissues of broilers. Each of the 96 experimental pens had 30 chickens and included a total of 2,880 one-day-old broilers (Cobb 500 strain). A factorial design of four-by-three (SY + SS) and eight replicates (SY + SS) was used for the 12 experimental treatments, with selenium levels ranging from 0.15 to 0.60 ppm and organic (SY) or inorganic (SS) sources of selenium and their relationship (SY + SS). There were no differences in performance (P > 0.05) across Se levels or sources. 106 g/day of ADFI, 63 g/day of ADG, and 1.6844 kg/kg of FCR were found to be the averaging values for these three parameters:

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of 1,4-Napthaquinone (NQ) and benzophenone (BPH)on the photodegradation and biodegradation of methyl cellulose film
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The induced photodegradation of methyl cellulose (MC) films in air was investigated in the absence and presence of aromatic carbonyl compounds(photosenssitizers): 1,4-naphthaquinone (NQ) and benzophenone (BPH) by accelerated weathering tester. The addition of (0.01 wt %) of low molecular weight aromatic carbonyl compounds to cellulose derivatives films(25µm in thickness) enhanced the photodegradation of the polymer films.The photodegradation rate was measured by the increase in carbonyl absorbance. Decreases in solution viscosity and reduction of molecular weight were also observed in the irradiated samples. Changes in the number-average chain scission, the degree of deterioration and in the quantum yield of chain scission values are als

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 20 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Using Entropy and Linear Exponential Loos Function Estimators the Parameter and Reliability Function of Inverse Rayleigh Distribution
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     This paper is devoted to compare the performance of non-Bayesian estimators represented by the Maximum likelihood estimator of the scale parameter and reliability function of inverse Rayleigh distribution with Bayesian estimators obtained under two types of loss function specifically; the linear, exponential (LINEX) loss function and Entropy loss function, taking into consideration the informative and non-informative priors. The  performance of such estimators assessed on the basis of mean square error (MSE) criterion. The Monte Carlo simulation experiments are conducted in order to obtain the required results. 


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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Bioautomation
Model for Prediction of the Weight and Height Measurements of Patients with Disabilities for Diagnosis and Therapy
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Background: Accurate measurement of a patient’s height and weight is an essential part of diagnosis and therapy, but there is some controversy as to how to calculate the height and weight of patients with disabilities. Objective: This study aims to use anthropometric measurements (arm span, length of leg, chest circumference, and waist circumference) to find a model (alternatives) that can allow the calculation of the height and the body weight of patients with disabilities. Additionally, a model for the prediction of weight and height measurements of patients with disabilities was established. Method: Four hander patients aged 20-80 years were enrolled in this study and divided into two groups, 210 (52.5%) male and 190 (47.5%) fe

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Scopus (2)
Crossref (2)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Influence of Nd and Ce doping on the structural, optical and electrical properties of V2O5 thin films
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Nano-structural of vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) thin films were
deposited by chemical spray pyrolysis technique (CSPT). Nd and Ce
doped vanadium oxide films were prepared, adding Neodymium
chloride (NdCl3) and ceric sulfate (Ce(SO4)2) of 3% in separate
solution. These precursor solutions were used to deposit un-doped
V2O5 and doped with Nd and Ce films on the p-type Si (111) and
glass substrate at 250°C. The structural, optical and electrical
properties were investigated. The X-ray diffraction study revealed a
polycrystalline nature of the orthorhombic structure with the
preferred orientation of (010) with nano-grains. Atomic force
microscopy (AFM) was used to characterize the morphology of the
films. Un-do

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Matter density distribution and longitudinal form factors for the ground and excited states of 17Ne exotic nucleus
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The two-frequency shell model approach is used to calculate the
ground state matter density distribution and the corresponding root
mean square radii of the two-proton17Ne halo nucleus with the
assumption that the model space of 15O core nucleus differ from the
model space of extra two loosely bound valence protons. Two
different size parameters bcore and bhalo of the single particle wave
functions of the harmonic oscillator potential are used. The
calculations are carried out for different configurations of the outer
halo protons in 17Ne nucleus and the structure of this halo nucleus
shows that the dominant configuration when the two halo protons in
the 1d5/2 orbi

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The synergistic effect of borax and chlorinated paraffin as flame – retardants for epoxy and unsaturated polyester resins
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In this investigation , borax (B) (additive I) and chlorinated paraffin (CP.) (additive II) ,were used as flame retardants for each of epoxy and unsaturated polyester resins in the weight ratios of 2,4,6, & 8% by preparing films of (130×130×3) mm dimensions. Also films of these resins with a mixture of [50%(B.)+50%(CP.)] (additive III) in the same weight ratios were prepared in order to study the synergistic effect of these additives on the flammability of the two resins . Three standard test methods were used to measure the flame retardation which are : 1-ASTM : D-2863 2-ASTM : D-635 3-ASTM : D-3014

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