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Semiotic Transformations in Scenography of the Iraqi Theatre Show "The Play of Ali Al-Wardi and his Opponent- A Model": باسم محمد احمد حسن
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      Semiotics has been through wide experiences in various human sciences, especially in the fields of poetry, novel and myths. But its interest in the theatre and drama was much less and unique despite the richness of the theatrical connection as it is a probable field for the semiotic investigation which may require the semiotic approach in dealing with the theatrical and dramatic show during the two processes of: structural construction and deconstruction starting from a set of overlapping and interconnected texts inside the show, which can be limited in the text, then it would be difficult to semiotically cover all these complex and tricky texts. The theatre in its structural and aesthetic construction is considered a comprehensive art and the father of arts and consequently, this requires the semiotician to be familiar with a number of sciences and, knowledge, arts and images. The previous researches dealt with scenography as an art of arrangement and ornamentation or the engineering of the scene, and it has not been treated as a visible language that talks during the theatrical show through the visual stimulator of the modern technologies that has made long strides in the possibilities and modalities of use that scenography today has become an indispensable part of the show and has fans, specialists and critics. Thus the title of the research is (Semiotic Transformations in Scenography of the Iraqi Theatre Show the Play of Ali AL-Wardi and his Opponent- A Model).

      The research consists of four chapters. The first chapter dealt with (the methodological framework), the research problem and the need for it, then the importance of the research, objective, limits and the major terms have been specified. The second chapter (the theoretical framework) in which the researcher addressed two sections. The first section: the concept of semiotics and where it was centered and how was it manifested. The second section: the semiotic transformations in the scenography of the theatrical show. The chapter ended with a set of indicators of the theoretical framework.

         As for  the third chapter: the research procedures including specifying  the research community, samples, and the selection method starting from the research methodology, tools and methods, and then analyzing  the sample which is the Iraqi paly ( Ali Al-Wardi and his opponent) which has been deliberately chosen in order to reach  and discuss  the results of the research.  

The fourth chapter: the researcher came up with the final results and conclusions. The research ends with a list of margins, references and sources that have been used in addition to the abstract in English.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 11 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
(639هـ) The speech act in the grammatical discourse, a study in the book "Guiding Al-Luma'" by Ibn Al-Khabbaz (639 AH)
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The study of the " Speech act " in grammatical codes reveals great efforts in the study of the elements of linguistic communication contained in their efforts, and is part of the study of the linguistics of heritage, and the research has been designed to identify the verbal act in the blog of Ibn al-Khabaz (guiding the shine) by studying its sections comprehensively; To the spirit of grammatical discourse as well as the combination of the concept of the semantic act already verbal according to Searle, and its response in the form of indirect verbal acts more than direct acts, as well as the pure formulas of the opinions of the violators in the speech of Ibn al-Khabaz other than the proven verbal formulas Approval and approval, the class

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The husband's right to discipline his wife
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The husband’s discipline of his wife is a right prescribed by the Sharia, but it is conditioned discipline with conditions that make this discipline intended to preserve the family institution from disintegration and scattering, so the Islamic Sharia entrusted the husband, the guardian of the family, with the task of disciplining the disobedient and disobedient wife and deviating from the family’s values ​​and constants of mutual respect and obedience in what is good. And a sense of responsibility. This discipline goes through three sequential stages, starting with exhortation and dialogue, passing through abandonment in the beds, and ending with beating. As for the sermon, it is a quiet dialogue followed by a threat of abandonme

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2024
Journal Name
Hammurabi Journal For Studies
حكومة أبي احمد ومستقبل اثيوبيا
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بعد أن انتخب البرلمان الاثيوبي أبي احمد رئيساً للوزراء عام 2018م، لاحت بوادر الصراع القبلي والعنف المسلح من جديد في اثيوبيا ما بين قادة الجيل االقديم المتمثلة بقادة الجبهة الديمقراطية الثورية للشعب الاثيوبي والجيل الجديد المتمثل بأبي احمد وافكاره الجديدة بضرورة الانتقال باثيوبيا لواقع جديد مختلف تماما عن ثلاثة عقود مضت تحت سيطرة نخبة بذاتها على الحكم في اثيوبيا واحتكارها للنفوذ والثروة، الامر الذي شجع

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
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The effectiveness of change and transformation of formal displacement in the internal space (historical passenger stations as a model)
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Intellectual and material displacement is one of the design strategies through many mechanisms and means, and depends on the idea of changing the shape within the internal spaces at times and has concepts related to the transformation at other times. And represented by the boxes for travelers, the research problem emerged through the following question: (What is the effectiveness of displacement in the formal structures in the interior design of historical sites), and the aim of the study is to reveal the reality of the use of historical internal spaces and to determine the formal displacement that occurs as a result of change and transformation, and it included two topics, the first topic Transformation and the effectiveness of formal d

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Kinds of Food and Drinks in Morocco in the Period of Al-Murabteen and Al-Moahideen
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Cooking was of great importance in the Islamic Arabic culture and the
people of Morocco have shown great interest in this aspect and also in the
variety in the making of food. They used all kinds of meat of and have shown
interest in preserving and distributing it .The people of Morocco used the
additives in their cooking such as salt, saffron and many other kinds to add
special flavor and taste and their cooking a distinctive flavor.
Sweet and pastry, in addition to the drinks, represented another aspect of the
Moroccan kitchen. At that time women were brought as slaves from Sudan
and as a result they brought their experience in the making of sweets and
pastry with them to Morocco, they used sugar, fat, wheat

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 04 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Psychological Pollution in Iraqi Society and its Relationship With some Variables
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The research aims to identify the level of psychological pollution in Iraqi society and the significant differences in psychological pollution in the Iraqi society according to variables. A sample of (600) individuals randomly selected from all governorates of Iraq, with (285) males and (315) females was used in the current study. The researcher adopted the scale of (Muhammad, 2004) psychological pollution consisting of (118) items, which limited (46) items after modification distributed into four areas: denial and abuse of the civilized identity, attachment to foreign formal aspects, effeminacy, and anarchism. The results of the research showed that there is no statistical significance among the individuals of the research sample. They

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Social Work and Social Policies in Iraqi Society
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Through the study of social work and social policy ( problems of marginalization and empowerment opportunities ) and taken a theoretically descriptive and analytical and highliyhed the role of social work in social policy its achieved only through community intraction and paamong all parties and according to social policies include of material resources and haman and integrated in to the planning and development framework with the aim of providing social services for allsegments of society and become the study in social work that include the introducation / and five chapters each chapter in cludes several detectives and each complements the other .
1 – The absence of social development projects on social policy .
2 – social pol

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Effect of applying the CAMEL model to profitability of banks )An applied study on a number of Iraqi banks for the period 2010-2016(
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The evaluation of banks plays an important role in maintaining the interests of customers with the bank as well as providing continuous supervision and control by the Central Bank. The Central Bank of Iraq conducted an assessment of the Iraqi banks through the implementation of the CAMEL model during a certain period. This evaluation did not continue. The research provides continuity to the Central Bank's assessment and as a step to continue the evaluation process for all banks through the use of the CAMEL model. ROA and ROE by using the regression model for four Iraqi banks registered in the Iraqi market for securities during the period 2010-2016. The results showed that the capital and profitability indicators have a significan

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
Journal Name
Philosophy of Precognitive Dream in the American Film (Minority Report - a Model)
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When we talk about the foresight in films, it is necessary to talk about dreams because foresight represents one of its distinct types. The Precognitive vision has become a possible material in dealing with as subjects in the film industry that adopt these ideas with their philosophical and scientific orientations, because they represent the imagination that predictors are specialized with. It can be invested through the introduction of a vision of another kind to achieve its goals and ambitions in the film industry and in particular the huge institutions of production as in Hollywood. The cinema works in the light of those concepts of production which found the prognostic dream (the foresight) as a distinctive genre in its films,

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The illusion of al-Tabarsi in the kunya of Abi Jaafar in the interpretation of Majma' al-Bayan
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The persons who Allah Ioves them in the holly Quran

Objectivity Study0Dr 0muyad Turky Ali 

Allah men tioned in Auran the loving of benevolent and who Allah loves him gave him everything 0the loving of benevolent came fist and after that the loving of justice who remove injustice and after that loving purified and in noeent 0After that mentioning loving of Knighters ( fighters )The eharity with money and to clear up the justice and loving purified is a reason of accessing paradise 0 

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