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Body Transformations in Drawings the Artist Muhammed Mehraddin: حسن طالب جنزي

The body concept in the human sciences received significant attention through study and investigation, and has been dealt with by many studies, yet this research is an attempt to reveal the body transformations and its concept in the visualized picture (drawing field) in general and in the drawings of the artist Muhammed Mehraddin in specific.  Therefore, the approach of the body, philosophically and technically, in this field has its nature and specificity in revealing the structures and relations in employing the body as a visual, spatially and temporally indicator through the drawing fields of the artist Muhammed Mehraddin, assuming that the body, for the artist's works, constitutes a cultural, artistic performance focus in his artistic career.  

       The first chapter of the research dealt with the procedural framework represented by the research problem and the need for it, the research objective, importance and limits. The second chapter presented the theoretical framework consisting of three sections: the first entitled (the concept of the body cognitively). The second section (the concept of the body artistically), and the third section deals with the referential foundations in the works of the artist Muhammed Mehraddin. The third chapter consists of the research procedures. The fourth chapter consists of the results and conclusions to mention some of them: the body witnessed technical, stylistic and performance transformations in the works of the artist Muhammed Mehraddin

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 26 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Limnological Features of the Southern Part of Gharaf River and the Impacts of Floodplain Period on its Characteristics

The current study was conducted on the southern part of Gharaf  River in   order to define the physical-chemical properties and the impact of the Tigris River’s floodplain water on its ecological characteristics during 2019. Four sites were selected along the southern part of the river. The findings showed a strong connection between the temperature of air and water at all sites. A value ranging from 4.85 - 84.65 NTU was reported for turbidity. The water was found to be oligohaline, low alkaline, and well ventilated due to high dissolved oxygen concentrations. Gharaf  River is considered to be of questionable clean water, according to the results of BOD5. The total a

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 24 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Feasibility of Using UAV Structure from Motion Photogrammetry to Extract HBIM of the Great Ziggurat of UR

Culture heritage reflects nation’s legacy and therefore should be protected from damage in order to pass it to future generations. Recently, such protection can be applied by 3D digitization techniques such as conservation, restoration, documentation, etc. The 3D digitalization of heritage assets has encountered numerous focus in the last two decades due to the development in data capturing techniques and technological advancement in 3D remote sensing (RS) approaches such as photogrammetry and laser scanning. However, the abundance of 3D information resources and spatial data modelling and analysis methods have urged stakeholders to adopt intelligent 3D dat

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 11 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Dynamics And Control
The modified predator–prey model response to the effects of global warming, wind flow, fear, and hunting cooperation

Global warming has a serious impact on the survival of organisms. Very few studies have considered the effect of global warming as a mathematical model. The effect of global warming on the carrying capacity of prey and predators has not been studied before. In this article, an ecological model describing the relationship between prey and predator and the effect of global warming on the carrying capacity of prey was studied. Moreover, the wind speed was considered an influencing factor in the predation process after developing the function that describes it. From a biological perspective, the nonnegativity and uniform bounded of all solutions for the model are proven. The existence of equilibria for the model and its local stability is inves

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 21 2020
Journal Name
Electronic Journal Of General Medicine
The Possible Immunological Pathways for the Variable Immunopathogenesis of COVID—19 Infections among Healthy Adults, Elderly and Children

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Investigating the effects of ultrasonic waves and nanosilica on the viscosity reduction of Sharqy Baghdad heavy crude oil

The current study examines the combined impacts of ultrasonic waves and nano silica (NS) on reducing the viscosity Sharqy Baghdad heavy crude oil with an API gravity of 20.32. NS of an average particle size of 59.93 nm and 563.23 m²/g surface area were produced utilizing the sol-gel technique from Iraqi sand. The XRD analysis indicates the existence of an amorphous silica, the SEM analysis showed that NS tends to agglomerate, and the FTIR spectra exhibited the presence of siloxane and silanol groups. In addition, the TGA analysis demonstrated a total weight loss of 15.62%, validating the thermal stability of the NS. The experiments included a study of the impact of ultrasonic power, exposure time, duty cycle, temperature, and the c

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Effectiveness of an Educational Program For Early Intervention depending on Illustrative Pictures to Acquire some concepts For Children with Hearing impairment

“Child of today is a man of the future" this slogan is one of the most popular logos of international organizations and institutions that dealing with human beings needs in general and children needs in particular, whether these needs are educational, health, social, or economic. Children require special care and extra legal protection, since the child-raising is not the Child’s own issue, but it's the issue of the society in which he/she would integrate.

As the education and language skillsacquisition primarily associated with hearing, because human being receives most of the skills and knowledge through the hearing; that imitate sounds and learn how to speak isacquired only by hearing, so therefore the hearing - impairedchi

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
PART 3 New Experiments Three Factors On The Box plot, Box notch & Outlier Values

New two experiments of the three factors, in this study were constructed to investigate the effects, of the fixed variations to the box plot on subjects' judgments of the box lengths. These two experiments were constructed as an extension to the group B experiments, the ratio experiments the experiments with two variables carried out previously by Hussin, M.M. (1989, 2006, 2007). The first experiment box notch experiment, and the second experiment outlier values experiment. Subjects were asked to judge what percentage the shorter represented of the longer length in pairs of box lengths and give an estimate of percentage, one being a standard plot and the other being of a different box lengths and

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 07 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Quality of Life for Adult Clients with Hypermobility Syndrome Attending Private Clinics in Baghdad City: A Cross-Sectional Study

Objective)s): To evaluate the quality of life for adult clients with hypermobility syndrome at private clinics in Baghdad City. Methodology: A cross-sectional study used a purposive ‘’non-probability’’ sample of (75) adult clients with Hypermobility Syndrome (HMS) male and female who age (25-64) years. The data were collected through the utilization of standard developed questionnaire of the world health organization (WHO). Data collected by interview with each client who is involved in the study. Each interview takes approximately (20) minutes. Results: The study revealed that there is an effect of hypermobility syndrome on the quality of life, which recorded fair level in general. The study also reported that there is an effect

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Future Anxiety and Its Relation to Life Orientation among Male and Female Nurses Working in Gaza Strip Government Hospitals

The study aimed to explore the relationship between future anxiety and life orientation of male and female nurses, working in government hospitals of Gaza Strip governorates. The study sample consisted of 228 nurses (131 male nurses and97 female nurses. To achieve the study objectives , the researcher used the future anxiety scale, prepared by the researcher, and life orientation scale prepared by Scheier and Craver (1985 ) and translated into Arabic by Bader Al-Ansari . The results indicated that the level of future anxiety among nurses working at government hospitals was (64.85%), a high percentage, whereas life orientation was (65.96%), a low percentage. Additionally , the results showed that the Pearson correlation coefficient betwee

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Study Impact of Some Factors on Daily Number of Hours Providing of Electricity in Baghdad City Using Path Analysis

دُرِست العوامل المؤثرة في عدد ساعات تجهيز الكهرباء في مدينة بغداد، وتكونت عينة الدراسة من (365) مشاهدة يومية لعام 2018، وتمثلت بستة متغيرات استعملت في الدراسة. كان الهدف الرئيس هو دراسة العلاقة بين هذه المتغيرات، وتقدير تأثيرات المتغيرات التنبؤية في المتغير التابع (عدد ساعات تجهيز الكهرباء في مدينة بغداد). ولتحقيق ذلك استعملت نمذجة المعادلات الهيكلية/ تحليل المسار وبرنامج AMOS

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