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Motion picture output in digital commercial advertising: وسام عبد عبد العزيز -نعيم عباس حسن
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Mobile advertising has become the product of an influential actor in the creation of design ideas that attract the recipient, according to the needs of the society and the interactions of the technological technical age, what the technologies of the mock programs do and what corresponds to the expectations of the recipient, and what the design methods achieve of synchronization and sound in which all The research has found ways to address the most exciting and important snapshots and focus on diversity and diversity, formality, image and color, and what the optical degrees and chromatography achieve sought to attract attention, which contributes from the point of view of the researchers in the field of accuracy, clarity, attention and contrast, has reached Research on the importance of the moving image and its rhetorical and symbolic potential in the significance and absorption, attention and focus on the inclusion of the vocabulary of the animated image advertising within the training and educational programs in the relevant institutions

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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
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Improvisation Effectiveness in the Performance of the Actor in the Theatrical Show: مصطفى عباس خلف
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Improvisation is that spontaneous automatic achievement which is formed by a new cognition that is not based on something prior to it or a previous cognition. It is instantaneous. Whereas in art, improvisation also inters in all types of applied and performance arts as a foundation for launching and initiating it in music, painting, cinema, television and theater. In order to study the improvisation of the actor, the researcher put forward a theoretical study that included two sections. The first section is (the improvisation concept) and the second section is (improvisation in the show). The researcher, in the research procedures, took an intentional sample that was represented by the theatrical show (Rehearsal in Hell Play) and after t

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
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Artistic Integration of Aesthetic Manifestations in the Andalusian Islamic Style into the Interior Architecture (Mansour Laalaj's Door / Meknes a Case Study): شهريار عبد القادر محمود -سعد جرجيس
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The Islamic architectural heritage constitutes a civilized fortune that has to be preserved and protected and work should be done to maintain its development to be more convenient for the circumstances of the age and the civilization transformations. Due to the fact that architecture represents the civilization pot and cultural identity, its originality has to be preserved and work has to be done to prevent the strange architectural invasion that changes its character and make it lose the identity and the character and detached from its roots and environment.    

Decoration, in the interior design, as a concept is connected to ornamentation process of interior spaces, which is a process of adding certain items

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Publication Date
Wed May 18 2016
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Abstraction and exaggeration formalism and its reflection in the industrial product: نور عباس حسين
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This study deals with the reality of the design of a washing machine automation available in the markets Mahlah.otata importance of this issue is through the development of technological and technical exploited for the benefit of the consumer and always seeking perfection in industrial product through providing comfort to the user and reduce fatigue and the effort and time-saving as well. On this basis, the research aims of this study put the foundations for the development of design automation washer. The boundaries of the study were products company LG producing Sna2012.uahtot this study on five chapters included Allvsal first importance of research and the need for a mechanism in addition to Alchuklh research objectives and Hdodh.ama

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
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Expressive Discourse in the Rural Singing Form: وليد حسن الجـــــــابري
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The expressive discourse, in the form of the rural singing, is considered one of the interactive framework and the metaphorical dialogues in creating the aesthetic climate that connects the circles of its basic elements, singing, playing music, expression, costumes, sham movements and so forth.  

     The rhetorical language in this field includes all those parts and turns them into an integrated idea within the culture of the musical science, specifically the heart of the rural singing. This research dealt with a number of topics of relevance in the expressive discourse for the form of the rural singing. The first chapter consists of the methodological framework of the research, represented by the r

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 25 2019
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The Expressionistic Features in the Drawings of Artist Abdul Razzaq Yasser: محمد فهمي عباس
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To understand what the arts in general, and plastic arts in particular, have to do, it is necessary to know how they perform, not only that, but also to know their history, which we should understand at least in general terms. Which in turn gives an image of the standards of taste prevailing in each age, and some of the social and historical relationship of each era, and the cultural expression of that era, which is shown in the arts. We need to understand that the arts of each stage, although different from each other, yet remain interrelated in what we see through the effects that appear through the succession of times, which creates certain artistic traditions, inherited by one generation after the other. The research in this field de

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
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Negative space in branding: حاتم كاطع لكن حسن العطواني
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Human interest in negative space has existential roots, in addition to its cognitive value of things. In the environment, it includes space features from facts and activities, as negative space plays an active role in the field of visual perception, and this value comes from the need to absorb vital relationships in its environment, Man represents the positive part of negative space through his presence in this environment, and therefore this is reflected in the design of its types and the function of each element in the design, for the real effectiveness that the elements gain and their impact comes through the negative space that surrounds them and organizes their relationships with other elements, that the orientation is distributed a

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
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The excellence and uniqueness is what makes the artwork creative or not, and the School of Op. Art in Iraq came to reveal new phenomena distinct style, unique in units built, although a few worked in this aspect of the art, but they left their mark distinct, in the research, construction and installation of what binds them in heritage and civilization, it is a new vision of linking the past with the present, they adopt and engineering units may be architectural sometimes in composition, concluded a researcher at the end of the research to the main findings and conclusions, which is that more business was a square-shaped or semi-square, which is commensurate painting with visual, which is a set of vocabulary or repeat units, we do not fin

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
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Social Graphic Design and its Reflection in Combating Drug Abuse: محمد عباس مظهر الزيدي
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Social graphic design is the design that realizes the role and responsibility of the designer in society, and the use of graphic design in bringing about social change, especially as it is a professional contribution that plays an important role in the behavioral development of societies, and through the above, the researcher found a logical justification for his research problem, which is summarized by the following question: (What is the concept of Social Graphic Design and its implications in the fight against drug abuse)
While the two objectives of the research were identified in defining the social graphic design and its effect on combating drug abuse, and the theoretical framework was divided into two topics, the first study dea

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
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Communicative Values of Visual Suggestion in TV advertising: علاء جاسب عجيل-سارة سالم مهدي
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This research (communicative values of the visual suggestion in TV advertising) presents a precise description for the process of conveying the communicative message through employing the visual suggestion in TV advertisements. This research consists of four chapters. The first chapter includes the research problem which is summarized by the following question: what are the communicative values accomplished in Tv advertisement which produce visual suggestions that raise strangeness and tension in the advertisement?
The research importance lies in benefiting the researchers and scholars in the field of TV advertisement direction and the visual suggestion is one the main ways for building the advertisement. It also benefits the relevan

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
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Hijab and Burqa in Islamic Fashion System: فرات جمال حسن العتابي
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Most of the propositions and researches that dealt with fashions in the Middle East, specifically this region from the world, from a historical perspective have not been sufficient, and were characterized by many aspects of immature thinking, in addition, they have been varied in quality. This can be attributed to many factors including: the focus in the field of researches and Middle East studies is on languages, arts, history, and political thinking of the region. Other factors are the information asymmetry, the differences in sources and references, in addition to differences in the scientific value of these sources added to the difficulty of gathering them at the same time especially that these sources are scattered in many places wh

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