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Techniques of Directorial Narration in Iraqi Theatre Show: سيف الدين عبد الودود عثمان
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            The concept of narration has taken an aesthetic field farther than the primitive human act which was imposed by the necessities of social communication in an ancient historical period. The research addressed the research problem. The importance of the research lies in connecting the concept of narration with the theatre directing elements. The research aims at discovering the narration fields in the theatre directing represented by the perceived videos, audios and motions. The research time limit was (2014).  The theoretical framework is divided into three chapters:

The first chapter (the concept of narration in literature and criticism), the second addressed (the techniques of narration in the theatrical show), and the third dealt with (the directors' works of directing narration techniques). The researcher addressed the indications that resulted from the theoretical framework.

The researcher also dealt with (the research procedures) starting from the analytical descriptive approach depending on the indicators of the theoretical framework and the CDs, in order to use them as a tool to analyze the sample to come up with the results that match the research objective and then the result of the research and studying the conclusions and finally the research ends with the sources

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 30 2018
Journal Name
Risalat Al-huquq Journal
Legal protection for producers of phonograms in Iraqi law
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Piracy on phonograms is now, rightly, the crime of the electronic age. Despite the protection sought by States to provide for such registrations, whether at the level of national legislation or international agreements and conventions, but piracy has been and continues to pose a significant threat to the rights of the producers of those recordings, especially as it is a profitable way for hackers to get a lot of money in a way Illegal, which is contrary to the rules of legitimate competition. Hence, this research highlights the legal protection of producers of phonograms in light of the Iraqi Copyright Protection Act No. (3) of 1971, as amended.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 19 2015
Journal Name
Theatrical Visual System between the Cultural Identity and Globalization Culture Iraqi Theatre as Case Study
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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
Forbidden Montage and the transition Technique in one-snapshot Movies 1917 Film- A model: محمد عبد الجبار كاظم-عذراء محمد حسن
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  Starting from the term (forbidden montage) initiated by the French critic (Andre Bazin) as a method of processing the movies that depend on (mise en scene) achieved by the action of the camera and its ability to photograph and employ the depth of the field, in addition to the possibility of free movement without interruption in the filming environment in order to avoid montage as much as possible (the montage that distorts focus and distracts attention and moves away from realism, which is the most important theoretical pillar of Bazin in photography). The pursuit was behind a cinema that depicts its topics in one integrated snapshot with all its details thus approximating reality without any interference of montage. Our study sta

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
Automatic operation of the optical system in the theatrical show
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Theatrical techniques took upon themselves the responsibility of building and organizing the theatrical form for the various forms of performances, and it was the important tool that the show makers could rely on in carrying out the various works at the audio-visual level, and lighting is one of the most important elements of the visual formation of the image in the show, as it is related to the visual process and what it can achieve in operations The contrast that constitutes the aesthetic and intellectual values of the theatrical show, especially since the process of adjusting the element of time and the timings for receiving or delivering, moving, and the movement of the actor is what can determine the rhythm of the scene, which in it

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
Journal Name
Designing Clothes that Meet the Functional and Aesthetic Needs of Children with Hip Dislocation: تهاني عبد الله القديري
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Children who have a health problem need special requirements for their clothes. The purpose of the study is to design functional and aesthetic clothes to meet their needs. The research used the applied descriptive approach. The research sample comprised 120 women whose children suffered from hip dislocation. Designs for injured children presented and submitted to the arbitrators for evaluation regarding the functional and aesthetic aspects. The finding was achieving the design solutions. The most important recommendations are to increase attention to designing clothes to suit all the needs of society.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Osman Mazlumun şiirlerınde ve hoyratlarında kötümserlik duyguları The Pessimistic Feelings in Ottoman Madhalom 's Al- Khouairatand poetry
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Irak Türkmen edebiyatının divan şiirlerinde büyük simalardan sayılan , ve

Irak Türklerinin en içli şairi olan Osman Mazlum .Şiirleri yalnızlık hem ve kederle

dolu olan şairin , her zaman büyük bir üzüntüye kablandığı için bunun tüm

şiirlerinde yansıtmıştır . Her zaman kaderden şikayetci olan şiirlerinde (Mazlum)

mahlasını kullanmıştır . Şairin klasik edebiyatında önemli bir yeri vardır . Hoyrat

yoluyla edebiyata giren mazlum'un gönül yarası bu aşıkla dolunca feyizlenmeye

ve türlü nağmelerle seslenmeğe başladı . İşte bu güne kadar yazmış olduğu şiirler

o sesler hep ahang , terennüm ve tesavırıdır . Bende bu araştırmada i

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 28 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Expressing the Bewilderment of the Modern Man through Silence in Samuel Beckett’s Happy Days: بسعاد ماهر محيل, ومنذر عبد الرزاق سبع
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Samuel Beckett’s Happy Days (1961) clearly portrays a lack of communication among the characters of the play which refers to the condition of modern man. This failure of communication led Samuel Beckett to use a lot of pauses and silences in all plays written instead of using words. To express the bewilderment of the modern man during the 20th century, Beckett adopts the use of no language strategy in the dramatic works. After World War II, people were without hope, religion, food, jobs, homes, or even countries. Beckett gave them a voice. He used a dramatic language out of everyday things, in which silence was part of the syntax as a poetic repetition. Language is no more important to the modern man; instead, he us

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Features of Absence in the Text of the Play Rubbish by Ali Abdunnabi Az-Zaidi: سرمد ياسين محمود-قصي عبد العباس راضي
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In this research, we tackled the idea of absence and what companies it of interpretations and human, textual, philosophical and explanatory concerns. We also tackled the features and drawing them and identifying and lighting them by Ali Abdunnabi Az-Zaidi and how he read them as an Iraqi who writes in order to express a social, intellectual, political and religious reality in some of its aspects. The idea of absence and what accompanies it of pain or heartbreak or human change was a rich subject for all the writers and authors in the Iraqi theatre, and Ali Abdunnabi Az-Zaidi was one of them and the closest and most affected by it, who deserves discussion, explanation and briefing. The research problem was looking for the nature of absenc

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
The controversy of aesthetic interpretation between the sculptures and their titles Contemporary Iraqi Sculpture "Experiments in Contemporary Iraqi Sculpture Exhibition as a Model"
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The research tagged with the controversy of aesthetic interpretation between the sculptures and their titles in contemporary Iraqi sculpture, “Exhibition of Experiments in Contemporary Iraqi Sculpture as a Model”, and it is one of the new research that contributes to strengthening the critical path in the Iraqi fine movement, as the first chapter dealt with the research problem stemming from the question: What is the impact of the aesthetic hermeneutic controversy between the title and the title in contemporary Iraqi sculpture?, and do the titles of the sculptural works help to understand or enhance their contents?, The research objective included: To identify the controversy of the aesthetic interpretation of sculptures and their ti

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Financial corruption and investment opportunities in the Iraqi economy
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Corruption is one of the barriers to economic growth and investment opportunities, and after the most serious security and stability, that corruption plagued the Iraqi economy is striking and has roots since the eighties of the last century to the present day.

The study aimed to identify practical impact of corruption on investment in the Iraqi economy and revealed the possibilities and obstacles to investment in Iraq and clarify the investment opportunities at the level of Iraq and the impact of corruption on investments.

The focus will be on the statement of the extent of corruption and investment in Iraq and the adoption of the style of economic measurement using cross-section

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