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Techniques of Directorial Narration in Iraqi Theatre Show: سيف الدين عبد الودود عثمان
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            The concept of narration has taken an aesthetic field farther than the primitive human act which was imposed by the necessities of social communication in an ancient historical period. The research addressed the research problem. The importance of the research lies in connecting the concept of narration with the theatre directing elements. The research aims at discovering the narration fields in the theatre directing represented by the perceived videos, audios and motions. The research time limit was (2014).  The theoretical framework is divided into three chapters:

The first chapter (the concept of narration in literature and criticism), the second addressed (the techniques of narration in the theatrical show), and the third dealt with (the directors' works of directing narration techniques). The researcher addressed the indications that resulted from the theoretical framework.

The researcher also dealt with (the research procedures) starting from the analytical descriptive approach depending on the indicators of the theoretical framework and the CDs, in order to use them as a tool to analyze the sample to come up with the results that match the research objective and then the result of the research and studying the conclusions and finally the research ends with the sources

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
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The irony in the narrative film director Pedro Almodovar: محمد أكرم عبد الجليل
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Play a movie role now is very dangerous on a large scale, in the transfer of data in a language of thought and life -strong common understanding , tools and more permeable and effectiveness in the formation of thought and conscience of recipients. Which is an instrument of culture and knowledge , and a means of effective educational tools that aim to improve the community , also plays a prominent role in shaping society's values , and customs , and the arts , as well as used as a means of guiding , counseling and cultural enlightenment , cinema and TV gives the viewer the ability to move from one place to another by the watch and compare it to what it is , which raises the desire to improve the level , where nearly movie scenes in variou

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Critical Discourse Analysis of Martin Crimp’s Piece “Advice to Iraqi Women”: عفراء عبد الحسين ناصر , سراب خليل
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Language is a vehicle for social values and ideologies that a man intends or attempts to express. Dramatic texts are one of the discursive practices that embody values and ideologies. What is expressed in dramatic text is deliberate because it is meant to affect other’s values, trends and ideologies in one way or another. Such ideologies and values are not explicit. To bring them out requires putting language under scrutiny to unveil what is implied. The present study attempts to analyze a dramatic script entitled Advice to Iraqi Women by the British playwright Martin Crimp in an attempt to unveil the intended political ideologies underlying the text. The title reflects a political aspect embedded in the word “Iraqi” that

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 24 2016
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Contemporary Sculpture vision and concept: محمد عبد الحسين يوسف
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The research is divided into three chapters, the first of them to the research problem and its importance and its purpose and its limits, while the second chapter review of contemporary sculpture as a vision and concept, The third chapter came to view the most important results reached by the search.


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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
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Utilization of Design Principles of Nature in Innovating Contemporary Metal Products: علياء عبد العزيز الفـدّا
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The paper studies the science of “Biomimicry” or imitation of nature, and how to utilize it to create contemporary designs. It starts by defining biomimicry and innovation. Then, the style of imitating nature is highlighted, which is considered one of the most important methods of innovation. It includes simulating animals and plants (in their environmental conditions) to use the natural and dynamic design solutions to produce innovative designs, that enhance the concept of sustainability. Various forms of natural species are presented, to show their benefit in contemporary metal product designs. Finally, a model of a metal lighting unit is developed, where innovative ideas inspired by silkworm cocoon are used in its design. The stud

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 20 2016
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Indicative coding of the actor’s performance in the Iraqi theater show
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Taboo Words Vs. Social Deixis: A sociolinguistic Analysis of La Justice or The Cock that Crew: A Play from the Theatre of Ridiculous
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Linguistic taboos exist in most cultures. Tabooed words are generally being culturespecific
and relating to bodily functions or aspects of a culture that are sacred. Such words are
avoided, considered inappropriate and loaded with affective meaning and failing to adhere to.
Strict rules, often, governing their use and lead to punishment or public shame. These taboo
words can be used as a way of violating social deixis represented by four types of honorifics;
addressee, referent, bystander, and finally setting honorifics. This paper shows how these
taboo words are used in Kenneth Bernard's play La Justice or The Cock that Crew from the
theatre of the Ridiculous as means of violating social deixis in its four types. Th

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Publication Date
Sun May 10 2015
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Artistic trends to the formation of postmodern: إيهاب احمد عبد الرضا
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This research includes interested in studying art contemporary, by studying the experiences of sculpture for the formation of post-modernism, assuming the existence of trends in public art can be classified, in spite of the multiplicity of styles and methods of work since the second half of the twentieth century to the present day, and this shenanigans knowledge on how to the Technical that is the art is not restricted, It is art refuses laws and fixed values and traditional styles, and always aspires to diversity and innovation.Search contains three chapters and an introduction containing information about the research problem and the importance of research and the goal of the research, the goal of research is: Detection of artistic tre

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Publication Date
Wed May 18 2016
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Aesthetic dimension to the formation of postmodern: إيهاب احمد عبد الرضا
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Find taught dimension aesthetic in the formation of post-modernism, which is one of the themes of aesthetics in the stream of postmodernism, is problematic because of the lack of provisions and fixed values reinforce the concept of beauty, and put done technical plastic in the circle of evaluation and judgment aesthetic, this research as an attempt to reveal the aesthetic concepts that can be drawn from artistic experiments in the formation of post-modernism, through the development of those concepts viable mainstream.
Search contains four chapters: the first chapter includes a general approach to the research, has been showcasing the research problem and the importance of research and goal of Search: detection dimension aesthetic in

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
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Calendar art activities in private schools Secondary School in Baghdad: سناء عبد الامير حسين
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The technical activities designed to highlight the creations of students by providing activities appropriate to their abilities and capabilities within and outside the school, which is a way for the development of learning and learner behavior aimed at directing guidance educationally and artistically.As a result of the efforts of modern educational activities, art has become part of the philosophy of the modern school and part of the modern curriculum. Because it is enough to configure the practices and habits of a satisfactory and acceptable, and is characterized by precision, order and beauty.Through the researcher with a survey of previous studies that dealt with art activities and found that all studies have been confined to a calen

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 17 2016
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Expressionism in painting contemporary in Iraq Study features formalism: عبد الرزاق جبار رحيل الكناني
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In the present research is marked (expressive drawing in contemporary Iraq, the study of morphological features) eating expressive as the direction of modern art in the drawing for the period before and after World Wars I and II. And follow the tracks. And in research and investigation about the origins and sources and characteristics of expressionist painting at adult patrons and art gatherings, and the extent of their impact in the drawing for contemporary Iraqi sixties and seventies generation (generation of professors) and down to the younger generation in the eighties of the last century. Over the nearly two decades of history of fine movement in Iraq, a period specified in the search within the limits of temporal boundaries, and by

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