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Techniques of Directorial Narration in Iraqi Theatre Show: سيف الدين عبد الودود عثمان
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            The concept of narration has taken an aesthetic field farther than the primitive human act which was imposed by the necessities of social communication in an ancient historical period. The research addressed the research problem. The importance of the research lies in connecting the concept of narration with the theatre directing elements. The research aims at discovering the narration fields in the theatre directing represented by the perceived videos, audios and motions. The research time limit was (2014).  The theoretical framework is divided into three chapters:

The first chapter (the concept of narration in literature and criticism), the second addressed (the techniques of narration in the theatrical show), and the third dealt with (the directors' works of directing narration techniques). The researcher addressed the indications that resulted from the theoretical framework.

The researcher also dealt with (the research procedures) starting from the analytical descriptive approach depending on the indicators of the theoretical framework and the CDs, in order to use them as a tool to analyze the sample to come up with the results that match the research objective and then the result of the research and studying the conclusions and finally the research ends with the sources

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Annals Of Tropical Medicine And Public Health
In vitro Scavenging Activity of Rosemary Extract and its Activity Against Some Pathogenic Microorganisms
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Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) is one of the most economically important species of the family Lamiaceae. Rosemary extract was examined by applying 2.2-diphenyl-1- picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical-scavenging assays. The result proved that rosemary extract had a higher antioxidant activity by absorption at a wavelength of 517a nm by using three different concentrations (0.5, 1.0 and 3) mg/ml which performed the absorbance at (2. 314, 0. 211 and 0.296) nm in comparison with control (21.8, 92.2 and 90) nm respectively. Results obtained using chemical detection of the phytochemicals indicated the presence of flavonoids, phenols, saponins, Steroids and cardiac in rosemary water extract. Water extracts of R. officinalis leaves were inves

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Publication Date
Sat May 09 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Innovations In Scientific Engineering
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The aim of this paper is to design artificial neural network as an alternative accurate tool to estimate concentration of Cadmium in contaminated soils for any depth and time. First, fifty soil samples were harvested from a phytoremediated contaminated site located in Qanat Aljaeesh in Baghdad city in Iraq. Second, a series of measurements were performed on the soil samples. The inputs are the soil depth, the time, and the soil parameters but the output is the concentration of Cu in the soil for depth x and time t. Third, design an ANN and its performance was evaluated using a test data set and then applied to estimate the concentration of Cadmium. The performance of the ANN technique was compared with the traditional laboratory inspecting

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 18 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Advances In Chemistry
Anastatica Hierochuntica L. Used As an Alternative of Conjugated Estrogen (Premarin) in Rabbit Females
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There are risks and benefits with all medicines and estrogen replacement is no exception. In fact, estrogen replacement is one of the most controversial topics in Endocrinology. Anastatica hierochuntica L. is a popular treatment for the management of female reproductive disorders. The present research highlights the effect of aqueous extract of plant against conjugated estrogen(Premarin) in rabbits. Femal oryciolagus cuniculus rabbits were divided into four groups: the 1 st group, rabbits were orally administered (using a feeding solution )with daily dose(5 mL distilled water)for two months, the 2nd group, the rabbits were treated with conjugated estrogen (50 µg/kg b.w, body weight )for one month. The 3rd group, the rabbits were treated w

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Al-ustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
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ABSTRACT This study closely investigates the elements of Sigmund Freud’s theory “The Uncanny” in one of Larson’s most famous novels. Although the novel touches upon racial issues, the study explores the mysterious relationship between Irene and Clare based on the main features of Freud’s “The Uncanny,” which are represented by hidden sexual desire, envy, supernatural power, and double characters. The aspect of the sexual desire is indicated in the novel by sexual undertones expressed by Irene towards Clare’s physical features. Envy in the novel is expressed by Irene who shows resentful longing aroused by Clare’s possessions and qualities due to her passing to the white community. The aspect of omnipotence of thoughts is in

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 23 2017
Journal Name
Brazilian Journal Of Analytical Chemistry
Microvolume-DLLME for the Spectrophotometric Determination of Clidinium Bromide in Drug, Urine, and Serum
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The present study combines UV-Vis spectrophotometry and dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction (DLLME) for the preconcentration and determination of trace level clidinium bromide (Clid) in pharmaceutical preparation and real samples. The method is based on ion-pair formation between Clid and bromocresol green in aqueous solution using citrate buffer (pH = 3). The colored product was first extracted using a mixture of 800 µL acetonitrile and 300 µL chloroform solvents. Then, a spectrophotometric measurement of sediment phase was performed at λ = 420 nm. The important parameters affecting the efficiency of DLLME were optimized. Under the optimum conditions, the calibration graphs of standard -1 (Std.), drug, urine and serum were ranged

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Scopus (5)
Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Conference: 4th International Conference On Innovative Studies Of Contemporary Sciences
An anatomical and chemical comparison study of Epipremnum aureum cultivated in soil and soilless
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The present study took up the different ways to cultivate the species Epipremnum aureum by two habitat water and soil and comber the anatomical features of the root, stem, and leaf. The results showed amazing significant anatomical features to the ecosystem. The root and stem anatomy showing decrease in all characters that studied but the leaf anatomy showing increase of palisade, spongy tissue thickness, midrib thickness, number of vessels in the xylem also the long and width of stomata of the soilless plants than soil ones. The upper epidermis empty from the stomata for the two treatment and the stoma diffuse in the lower epidermis, the type of it paracytic type. Also the total of flavonoids in the plant that were growth in soil reached 1

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Egyptian Journal Of Chemistry
Assessment of follicular fluid paraoxonase activity with pregnancy outcomes in women undergoing IVF/ICSI
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Publication Date
Fri Jul 24 2020
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Speculations of Immunotherapy in COVID-19 Patients with Practical Applications During Childhood and Pregnancy
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The rapid spread of novel coronavirus disease(COVID19) throughout the world without availablespecific treatment or vaccine necessitates alternativeoptions to contain the disease. Historically, childrenand pregnant women were considered high-riskpopulation of infectious diseases but rarely have beenspotlighted nowadays in the regular COVID-19updates, may be due to low global rates of incidence,morbidity, and mortality. However, complications didoccur in these subjects affected by COVID-19. Weaimed to explore the latest updates ofimmunotherapeutic perspectives of COVID-19patients in general population and some added detailsregarding pediatric and obstetrical practice.Immune system boosting strategy is one of therecently emerging issue

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Estimation of the Rock Mechanical Properties Using Conventional Log Data in North Rumaila Field
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Hydrocarbon production might cause changes in dynamic reservoir properties. Thus the consideration of the mechanical stability of a formation under different conditions of drilling or production is a very important issue, and basic mechanical properties of the formation should be determined. There is considerable evidence, gathered from laboratory measurements in the field of Rock Mechanics, showing a good correlation between intrinsic rock strength and the dynamic elastic constant determined from sonic-velocity and density measurements. The values of the mechanical properties determined from log data, such as the dynamic elastic constants derived from the measurement of the elastic wave velocities in the material, should be more accurate t

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Al-kufa University Journal For Biology
natomical and Histological study of prosencephalon (Cerebrum) in Stock Dove Columba oenas Linnaeus, 1758
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Morphological and histological study was conducted to examine the structure of prosencephalon (Cerebrum) in Columba oenas (Linnaeus, 1758). Thirteen animals of C. oenas were used in the present study. The brains were excised, fixed and recessed for the preparation of microscope slides and used hematoxylin-eosin stain, methylene blue and Bielschowsky’s stain. The result of morphological study showed that the cerebrum is apportion of the prosencephalon and the largest part of the brain and the dorsal surface was smooth and convex and composed of two cerebral hemispheres. The cerebral hemisphere contains the cavity which called lateral ventricle. The hemispheres were connected by the anterior commissure. Histologyically the cerebral hemisphe

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