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Techniques of Directorial Narration in Iraqi Theatre Show: سيف الدين عبد الودود عثمان
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            The concept of narration has taken an aesthetic field farther than the primitive human act which was imposed by the necessities of social communication in an ancient historical period. The research addressed the research problem. The importance of the research lies in connecting the concept of narration with the theatre directing elements. The research aims at discovering the narration fields in the theatre directing represented by the perceived videos, audios and motions. The research time limit was (2014).  The theoretical framework is divided into three chapters:

The first chapter (the concept of narration in literature and criticism), the second addressed (the techniques of narration in the theatrical show), and the third dealt with (the directors' works of directing narration techniques). The researcher addressed the indications that resulted from the theoretical framework.

The researcher also dealt with (the research procedures) starting from the analytical descriptive approach depending on the indicators of the theoretical framework and the CDs, in order to use them as a tool to analyze the sample to come up with the results that match the research objective and then the result of the research and studying the conclusions and finally the research ends with the sources

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effects of Oral Supplementation of Pomegranate Peel Extract on Some serum biochemical Parameters Related with Bone in Rabbit
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Background and aim: Pomegranate is a medicinal herb that can promote healing of periodontal tissue through differentiation of mesenchymal cells both in vivo and in vitro. Therefore, this study is to investigate the effect of oral supplementation of Punicagranatum L. peel extract on bone defect in rabbit. Methods: Forty five male rabbits were divided into 3 groups; group 1; baseline group(5 rabbits) left without bone defect. Group 2; study group (20 rabbits) with bone defect model that received daily 1ml of oral supplementation of pomegranate peel extract (PoPx). Group 3; control group (20 rabbits) with bone defect model that received distilled water. Bone defect was done into facial plate of lower right central incisor. Blood biopsies by

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Composites Science
The Influence of Strontium Oxide on the Physio-Mechanical Properties of Biomedical-Grade Titanium in Ti-SrO Composites
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Dental implants can be made of various materials, and amongst them, titanium and titanium alloy were the materials of choice for dental implants for many years because of their biocompatibility. The two alloys have a high level of biocompatibility, a lower modulus of elasticity, and better corrosion resistance than other alloys. Thus, they are frequently utilized in biomedical applications and mostly replace stiff fabrics. The latest advances in a new strontium oxide–cp titanium composite alloy are the main topic of this research. With regard to biomedical applications, additions of strontium oxide were synthesized at three distinct weight percentages (2%, 4%, and 6% by wt%). Powder metallurgy was used to create the alloys, which

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 09 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Preparation and In vitro Characterization of Aceclofenac Nanosuspension (ACNS) for Enhancement of Percutaneous Absorption using Hydrogel Dosage Form
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         Aceclofenac (AC) is an orally active phenyl acetic acid derivative, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with exceptional anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic properties. It has low aqueous solubility, leading to slow dissolution, low permeability and inadequate bioavailability. The aim of the current study was to prepare and characterize AC-NS-based gel to enhance the dissolution rate and then percutaneous permeability. NS.s were prepared using solvent/antisovent precipitation method at different drug to polymer ratios (1:1, 1:2, and 1:3) using different polymers such as poly vinyl pyrrolidone (PVP-K25), hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose (HPMC-E5) and poloxamer® (388) as stabilizer

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
The Inhibition Effect of Peach Juice on Corrosion of Low Carbon Steel in Hydrochloric Acid at Different Temperatures
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The corrosion inhibition of low carbon steel in1N HCl solution in the presence of peach juice at temperature (30,40,50,and 60)°C at concentration ( 5, 10, 20, 30, 40and 50 cm3/L)were studied using weight loss and polarization techniques. Results show that the inhibition efficiency was increased with the increase of inhibitor concentration and increased with the increase of temperature up to 50ºC ,above 50ºC (i.e. at 60 ºC) the values of efficiency decreases. Activation parameters of the corrosion process such as activation energies, Ea, activation enthalpies, ΔH, and activation entropies, ΔS, were calculated. The adsorption of inhibitor follows Langmuir isotherm. Maximum inhibition efficiency obtained was a bout 91% at 50ºC in the

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
An Experimental Study of the Effects of Coolant Fluid on Surface Roughness in Turning Operation for Brass Alloy
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The effect of different cutting fluids on surface roughness of brass alloy workpiece during turning operation was carried out in this research. This was performed with different cutting speed, while other cutting parameters had been regarded as constants(feeding rate , and depth of cut). Surface roughness of machined parts that will be tested by electronic surface roughness tester .The results show that the standard coolant gives the best values of surface roughness for fixed cutting speed ,followed by sun flower oil that has approximately the same effect, while the air stream as a coolant gave unsatisfied results for the evaluation of surface roughness.

In the other hand the best values of surface roughness were recorded for max

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 26 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Administration of I.V. lidocaine before induction of general anesthesia prolong suxamethonium action in caesarian section surgeries. clinical assessment--------
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Background: Known as suxamethonium or succinylcholine, is a medication used to cause short-term paralysis as part of general anesthesia. The duration of operation is one of the important factors accounting to the success of the operation. Simple safe available drug can change the plan of anesthesia.

Objective:  The purpose of this study was to assess adding Lidocaine three minutes intravenously before induction of general anesthesia on the duration of optimum prolongation the action of  Suxamethonium  . With other group with regular meth

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Publication Date
Wed May 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Impact strength behaviour of PMMA denture base through addition of different nanoparticles after immersion in some nutrition liquids
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Poly methyl methacrylate PMMA polymer could be considered the main material that used mostly in the recent years in denture base fabrication. It commonly known by it is poor strength properties such as low impact strength. The aim of the present research was to enhance the performance of PMMA denture base through the addition of two kind of nanoparticles (nano particles that selected from artificial and natural sources). Nano -particles from both Al2O3 and crushed peanut Peel were used for comparing purposes.Various weight fraction used in this study for both kinds of the additive (1%, 2% and 3%). Moreover, in this work a study and evaluation in impact strength (I.S.) value were done before and after immersion. The new prepared nanocompo

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 06 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of the aqueous extract of Banana Fruits Peal Musa paradisiaca on Mitosis in Plant and Mammalian cells
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The aqueous extract of banana fruits peal was tested for its effect on mitosis . The root tips of Allium cepa were used as plant test system and the bone marrow cells of the albino mice Mus musculus were used as mammalians test system in vivo .Root tips of Allium cepa were treated for four hours with five concentrations of the extract (5 , 10 , 20 , 40 ,60 mg / ml.).The Metaphase was arrested in all the treatments , the highest percentage ( 100 % ) was recorded in the first concentration , the last concentration caused stickiness and clumping of the chromosomes. The treatments did not cause significant difference in the mitotic index. The peals extract (5 mg /ml) was compared with the extracts of fruits bulb, leaves and r

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 06 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of the aqueous extract of Banana Fruits Peal Musa paradisiaca on Mitosis in Plant and Mammalian cells
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The aqueous extract of banana fruits peal was tested for its effect on mitosis . The root tips of Allium cepa were used as plant test system and the bone marrow cells of the albino mice Mus musculus were used as mammalians test system in vivo .Root tips of Allium cepa were treated for four hours with five concentrations of the extract (5 , 10 , 20 , 40 ,60 mg / ml.).The Metaphase was arrested in all the treatments , the highest percentage ( 100 % ) was recorded in the first concentration , the last concentration caused stickiness and clumping of the chromosomes. The treatments did not cause significant difference in the mitotic index. The peals extract (5 mg /ml) was compared with the extracts of fruits bulb, leaves and roots of

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Assessment of Thermal Pollution at Selected Stretch of Tigris River in Baghdad by Field Observations and Numerical Simulations
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Although many technological improvements are occurring in power production worldwide, power plants in third world countries are still using old technologies that are causing thermal pollution to the water bodies. Power facilities that dump hot water into water bodies are damaging aquatic life. In the study, the impact of the Al Dora thermal power plant on a nearby stretch of Tigris River in Baghdad city was assessed by measuring the temperature of the disposed of hot water in various cross-sections of the selected stretch of Tigris River, including measuring the thermal mixing length. The measurements were conducted in winter, spring, and summer. For field measurements, it was found that the impact of recovery distances

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