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Techniques of Directorial Narration in Iraqi Theatre Show: سيف الدين عبد الودود عثمان
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            The concept of narration has taken an aesthetic field farther than the primitive human act which was imposed by the necessities of social communication in an ancient historical period. The research addressed the research problem. The importance of the research lies in connecting the concept of narration with the theatre directing elements. The research aims at discovering the narration fields in the theatre directing represented by the perceived videos, audios and motions. The research time limit was (2014).  The theoretical framework is divided into three chapters:

The first chapter (the concept of narration in literature and criticism), the second addressed (the techniques of narration in the theatrical show), and the third dealt with (the directors' works of directing narration techniques). The researcher addressed the indications that resulted from the theoretical framework.

The researcher also dealt with (the research procedures) starting from the analytical descriptive approach depending on the indicators of the theoretical framework and the CDs, in order to use them as a tool to analyze the sample to come up with the results that match the research objective and then the result of the research and studying the conclusions and finally the research ends with the sources

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Effect of sedimentation source on the nature occurrence and distribution of the feldspar in some soil of Alluvial plain Iraq
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The current study was conducted to find out the effect of the sediment source (sedimentary of Iraqi-Iranian borderline and Tigris River) on the content and distribution of feldspar minerals and their effect on the optical properties of these minerals in some soils of Wasit and Maysan province. Eight pedons were chosen to represent the study area, five of them represented sediments coming from the borderline, which included pedons of (Badra, Taj Al-Din, Al-Shihabi, Jassan, and Galat), while two of them represent the sediments of the Tigris River (Essaouira, Al-Dabouni). Finally, the pedon of Ali Al-Gharbi represented the mixing area of sediments of all the torrents coming from borderline and the sediments of the Tigris River. The diagnostic

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 28 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Evaluation of Protective Effect of Different Doses of Terminalia arjuna Bark Ethanolic Extract on Cisplatin Induced Oxidative Nephrotoxicity in Rats
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Cisplatin (CP), a platinum compound, is one of the most active cytotoxic drugs used for cancer treatment. Nephrotoxicity is severe dose limiting side effect of this drug. Abnormal production of reactive oxygen species (ROSs) leading to oxidative stress has been implicated in kidney toxicity by Cisplatin. Here the study was aimed to evaluate nephroprotective effect of ethanolic extract of Terminalia arjuna bark (EETAB) at the doses (200 & 400 mg/kg, body weight) against Cisplatin (7.5 mg/kg, i.p) induced nephrotoxicity in rats. The evaluation was done by measuring % change in body weight, renal function tests such as Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN), Serum Creatinine (Cr), Serum Total Protein (TP) and also Kidney SOD (Super

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Publication Date
Mon May 15 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Determination of the Heavy Metals in the Contaminated Soil Zones at College of Education Ibn Al-Haitham -University of Baghdad
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  Soil is a crucial component of environment. Total soil analysis may give information about possible enrichment of the soil with heavy metals. Heavy metals, potentially contaminate soils, may have been dumped on the ground. The concentrations of soil heavy metals (Cd, As, Pb, Cr, Ni, Zn and Cu) were measured in three zones thought to be deeply contaminated at different depths (5, 25, 50 cm) at Ibn Al-Haitham College. The highest concentration of heavy metals Pb (63.3ppm), Cr (90.7ppm), Ni (124ppm) and Cu (75.7ppm) were found in zone (A) location-1, where the highest concentration of Zn (111.7ppm) was found in zone (C). Cd and As were detected in small amounts in all zones.     PH value, organic matters, carbonat

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The Electrochemical Society
Electrochemical Incineration of Oxalic Acid at Manganese Dioxide Rotating Cylinder Anode: Role of Operative Parameters in the Presence of NaCl
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A detailed experimental study was devoted to the anodic oxidation of oxalic acid using manganese dioxide rotating cylinder anode with the objective to evaluate in a systematic way the effect on the oxalic acid oxidation process of several relevant parameters, including the presence of sodium chloride, the current density (J), the rotation speed, the temperature, and the initial concentration of oxalic acid. Thin manganese dioxide film on graphite substrate has been prepared by electrochemical oxidation from MnSO4-H2SO4 electrolyte. The morphology of this electrode was investigated by XRD, SEM, EDS and AFM techniques. The results show that a firm γ-structure of MnO2 film on graphite rod can be obtained successfully. The results indicate tha

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The impact of the lack of certain vitamins and minerals intake rate of hair loss in pregnant and breastfeeding women
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The research aims to identify the rates of hair loss during pregnancy and lactation and its relation to the rates get some elements motivator urged through the results of the continued failure to meet the need of daily assessments of these elements, which led to the continuation of Hair Loss

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 23 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Kerbala For Agricultural Sciences
Evaluation of the effectiveness of spore suspension and fungal filtrate of Metarhizium anisopliae fungus in controlling Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)
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This study evaluated the effect of spore suspension and fungal filtrate against different developmental stages of Tribolium castaneum third and fifth larval instars and adults. Two isolates of entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae were used (commercially (Met 52 EC), and domesticly). For the two isolates, the effectiveness of various conidial concentrations were (1 × 104 ; 1 × 106 ; 1 × 108  conidia/ ml) and various concentrations of fungal filtrate (100,75,50%) were evaluated. It is observed that the fungal filtrate at a concentration of 75% and the conidial concentration of 1 x 108 conidia /ml for both isolates were the most effective in causing the highest mortality rates to the third and fifth instar larva and adult

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Assessment of Serum Level of Protein Carbonyl as a Marker of Protein Oxidation in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
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Background: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease with an increasing prevalence worldwide and characterized by an increase in oxidative stress and inflammation. The most important factor that is responsible for oxidative stress and production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is hyperglycemia. The major targets of ROS are proteins. The most common and widely used biomarker of severe oxidative protein damage is protein carbonyl content.

The study was designed to assess the serum level of protein carbonyl as a marker of protein oxidation in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and to evaluate the effect of age, body weight, waist circumference, diabetic control and disease duration on the level

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Prediction of the Effect of Using Stone Column in Clayey Soil on the Behavior of Circular Footing by ANN Model
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Shallow foundations are usually used for structures with light to moderate loads where the soil underneath can carry them. In some cases, soil strength and/or other properties are not adequate and require improvement using one of the ground improvement techniques. Stone column is one of the common improvement techniques in which a column of stone is installed vertically in clayey soils. Stone columns are usually used to increase soil strength and to accelerate soil consolidation by acting as vertical drains. Many researches have been done to estimate the behavior of the improved soil. However, none of them considered the effect of stone column geometry on the behavior of the circular footing. In this research, finite ele

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of different concentration of Gibberellic and Proline acid in the growth and production of pea plant Pisum sativum L.
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This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of foliar spraying with gibberellic acid concentrations (0,50,100)mg.L­¹ and proline acid concentrations (0, 25, 50)mg.L­¹ and their interactions on some growth parameters of pea plant using clay pots in the botanical garden of Biology Department College of Education for pure science Ibn –Al-Haitham ,Baghdad University, for the growing season 2012-2013 the experiment involved the studing of some growth parameters as plant?s height, dry weight, wt. of pods.plant­¹, biology yield and the concentration of some major elements (nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium) in plant?s seeds. The experiment was designed according to Completely Randomized Desig(CRD) with three replications. R

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 14 2010
Journal Name
Applied Microbiology And Biotechnology
Elicitation of Streptomyces coelicolor with dead cells of Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus in a bioreactor increases production of undecylprodigiosin
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