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Transformations of the Actor's Performance of many Characters in the Iraqi Theatre "Facebook a model": اقبال عبد الجبار عيفان

Transformations of the actor when acting many characters are the product of joint work between the actor and the director through the instructions and the exercises that facilitate the reach for the desired goal.

The method or way has often been used which is Stanislavsky premises in his work with the actor in the role. The first section consists of two parts under the heading of the actor's work with himself. The two parts are preparing the actor in creative suffering (internal), and in coexistence and embodiment (outside). The second section is the book of the actor's work with the role. The current research aims at identifying the mechanism of the acting performance transformations among many characters of the same actor.

The results reached at in the current research are: The correspondence of the actor's performance and his transformations with the overall scenarios that are formed in the presentation space through (the white helmets) in addition to the lighting and the Facebook screen and its connection to the process of revealing the dimensions of the character and its interrelations within the   semantic referral logic open to multiple meanings (protesting citizen, prisoner, politician).

The most important conclusions are: The theatrical performance and its transformations involved many indications in line with the technical openness imposed by the nature of modern era transformations and means of communication through scenography consisting of a large computer screen representing the actor's personal page that covered the theatre space

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Simulation As One Of The Tools Of Visual Thinking And Its Effect On Developing Drawing And Design Skills To Produce Innovative Artworks: عائشة عبد الجبار العيسى

The research emphasizes importance of preliminary drawings in design of any product. Therefore, using of simulation as tools for visual thinking in developing drawing and design skills. So that practice of drawing by hand, considering shape of ideas in first stage of visualizations, and practice of its techniques and continuous training.
Hence, the research problem arose with the role of simulation method for developing preliminary sketches in the sample of students of the Product Design Department at the College of Design and Art, PNU, as it is important tool for visual thinking that helps the designer in designing and producing innovative artistic works.
Therefore, the research axes, a number of findings and recommendations were

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 14 2022
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The genealogy of rough discourse in contemporary theatre (YES, GODOT play) as a model

The research is exposed to the concept of rough discourse in contemporary theater with a critical reading that takes the genealogical work as a starting point in deconstructing the references of rough discourse and pursuing its paths in the civilization and cultural framework and how it identifies aesthetically within the theatrical field and the extents of its procedural treatments in order to reveal it and clarify its limits and representations, as the research included the first chapter. (methodological framework), the second chapter (theoretical framework), which included two sections, the first took place under the title (rough dramatization), while the second topic took place under the title (rough drama), and the second chapter re

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 24 2016
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Poetics transformation and structure in the film: علاءالدين عبد المجيد جاسم

is divided into two chapter:Chapter one to ensure asyslematic framework for research amd included aresearch problem and also inchuded on the importance of research and the need for him as well as to clarify. The second chapter inchuded a theoretical framework: theoretical framework has been divided into two section. The first topic: poetics transformations The second topic: poetics and scale of rheloric in the film After the comp of the theoretical framework; so the researcher analyzed the film (Antichrist) has arrived ataset of resuits was including


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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
Journal Name
The Problem of Meaning in Contemporary Iraqi Sculpture: عبد الله فوزي خورشيد

The concept of meaning is one of the most important topics that have occupied the mind of the recipient and critic in all the arts, especially the plastic arts, where we find that the art of contemporary plastic art, in particular sculpture has multiple readings and many critics differed in terms of different reading and views of the same artistic achievement.

This research will identify the different works of contemporary Iraqi sculptors while presenting and studying their works, as well as (studying the problem of meaning) of the artistic achievements of the sculptors in particular. The various parties interested in Iraqi sculpture did not seize the problem of the objective and subjective meaning of contemporary Iraqi sculpture

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
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Methods of Acting Performance and Watching Industry in Street Theatre- Play (Sold) - A Model: بهاء زهير كاظم

  The audience is one of the important practical elements in the theatrical show and its importance is not confined to its static activity as a receiver element only, rather it went beyond that issue as an effective and influential element in the proceedings of the show and the process of meaning construction, that it gains an active role in the construction and production of the connotation that influences and is influenced by the actor, where the communication channels are open between the two sides, consequently a kind of watching and joint interaction happens between them. Thus, it has become necessary for the actor to create a suitable environment for the onlookers in order for it to be an essential part of the show system. The

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 20 2016
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Indicative coding of the actor’s performance in the Iraqi theater show: راسل كاظم عوده

Summary Search Alachtgalat process semantic encoding carried out by the actor inside the theater to deliver the intellectual sense, and social, as well as the aesthetic to the recipient, the fact that the code is the function is operated relationship in accordance with the prior intent to deliver the implications of a particular intent, too, and the fact that encryption is the best way to transfer messages in system theater, where should the actor that has the ability to create images (sensory) or intellectual new in human consciousness on the basis of conversion of impressions collected from reality and re technically formed inside the theater, allowing the recipient to arrange these marks to obtain the meaning that lies in them. So he

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
The Impact of Elements of the Ancient Iraqi Heritage in the Gallery of the Iraqi Natural History Museum: محمود حسين عبد الرحمن

  The research addresses the most important elements of the ancient Iraqi heritage represented by architecture and plastic arts being the direct means that preserved the heritage due to the ease of preserving them and the speed of circulating them and diversity of their topics. Through the features of these elements, the research problem has been defined in the form of questions including: what are the most important elements of the ancient Iraqi heritage? What are the plastic arts? What are the most important topics adopted? What is the concept of palm in the ancient Iraqi heritage? What is the evidence for that?
Has it been employed in the Iraqi contemporary art? What is the evidence for that? How to employ it in the arts and t

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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
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Improvisation Effectiveness in the Performance of the Actor in the Theatrical Show: مصطفى عباس خلف

Improvisation is that spontaneous automatic achievement which is formed by a new cognition that is not based on something prior to it or a previous cognition. It is instantaneous. Whereas in art, improvisation also inters in all types of applied and performance arts as a foundation for launching and initiating it in music, painting, cinema, television and theater. In order to study the improvisation of the actor, the researcher put forward a theoretical study that included two sections. The first section is (the improvisation concept) and the second section is (improvisation in the show). The researcher, in the research procedures, took an intentional sample that was represented by the theatrical show (Rehearsal in Hell Play) and after t

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 10 2017
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The importance of folkloric games in the Iraqi child theatre

The folkloric games widely considered as expressional forms of nations culture and their environment which can be an important element in Iraqi child theatre shows. For its moral and habits relation to the needs of children which present an effective mean to preserve the true identity of the society character and moral. The research concluded many topics considering the importance of folkloric games in the Iraqi child theatre, the first chapter studied the problem , the necessity , the aim of the research to clarify the importance of folkloric games in Iraqi child theatre, the second chapter is the theoretical part of the research that studied the concept of folkloric games and its implementation in Iraqi child theatre . the third chapte

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 12 2017
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Presence and Absence in the Iraqi Theatre Performance: Summer's Rain Play as an Example

The presence and absence binary is an essential part of and a motivation for the direction vision which depends on the principle that the components of the theatre performance move in contrast with each other; one is directly informative which is the presence relations and the other is structural that is identical to the absence relations. The first is material band visual that evokes the incorporeal mental absent. Hence, the present study(Presence and Absence in the Iraqi Theatre Performance :Summer's Rain Play as an Example) aims at explaining those relations and their transformations between presence and absence in the performance

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