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Creeds in Assyrian Sculpture: جبــــــــــار محمـــــــــــــود حسين العــــــبيدي-حسام عبد الخالق عثمان الطائي
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The research covered Creeds in Assyrian Sculpture

 (Assyrian Sculptures) The ability of the Assyrian sculptor to

 contrast these creeds and tendon in Assyrian sculpture, in various variations, including prominent and stereotypical plaques and winged bulls, in addition to the obelisks and hunting scenes of the Lionسion hunting scenes of the black                                                                                      s .

The second chapter under the title of the beliefs and their reflection in the Assyrian sculpture, in which eight models were called according to the inductive method of analysis, to reveal the basic tenets of Assyrian thought And reflected in those selected models

While the third chapter came with a set of results, the most important of which are:

 1 / The sculptor inherited and employed the old Iraqi style in the formation of sculptural images.

 2 // The Assyrian sculptor emphasized the conceptual structure of the Assyrian thought in Assyria.

 3 // The Assyrian sculptor emphasized the symbolic and futuristic thought of winged bulls.

 4 // The sculptures dealt with the question of confirming the power and strength of the king and the power of his empire and the translation of his victories.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Critical Discourse Analysis of Martin Crimp’s Piece “Advice to Iraqi Women”: عفراء عبد الحسين ناصر , سراب خليل
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Language is a vehicle for social values and ideologies that a man intends or attempts to express. Dramatic texts are one of the discursive practices that embody values and ideologies. What is expressed in dramatic text is deliberate because it is meant to affect other’s values, trends and ideologies in one way or another. Such ideologies and values are not explicit. To bring them out requires putting language under scrutiny to unveil what is implied. The present study attempts to analyze a dramatic script entitled Advice to Iraqi Women by the British playwright Martin Crimp in an attempt to unveil the intended political ideologies underlying the text. The title reflects a political aspect embedded in the word “Iraqi” that

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
Journal Name
A Hypothesis of Architectural Environment Exercise for Actor Training (Continuous exercise space workshop – A model): هيثم عبد الرزاق علي
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The peculiarity of the theater does not lie in its dramatic content because many literary genres and other artistic styles share with it in this content. The peculiarity of the theater lies in contemplating the drama through what is architectural, and this architectural axis is what distinguishes its character. It is a spatial poetry which is composed by the laws of physics and chemistry, (Weight, height, distance, rhythm, gravity, impulses and chemical excretions). i.e., what cannot be expressed in words. This is a game of space to exchange and organize energy and communicate in space by the living body, which contains the possibilities of the living drawing in space: in the time and place. This research deals with the importance of the

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Novel Coronavirus Pandemic as it is Expressed by Children in Their Drawings On-line: An Analytical Study: نزار بن صالح أحمد عبد الحفيظ
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This study aimed at identifying how children express the emerging coronavirus in general and according to their age groups (4-13 years) by analyzing 91 of their drawings published online, using the descriptive content analytical approach. The results showed that children's artistic expression of the virus came according to the concepts and ideas they carried about the virus for the age groups of (4-7 years) and (7-9 years), while it came according to visual perception for age groups (9-11 years), and from (11-13) years. Also, most children were aware about the presence of the virus and its widespread around the world, but (99%) of them do not realize the seriousness of the virus. It was confirmed that between (25-34%) of children were su

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
The Effect of The Illustration Program on Fashion Design Inspired by Historical Costumes: تهاني ناصر العجاجي -هدى عبد العزيز المقرن
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This research aims to identify the role and impact of illustrations in contemporary fashion design inspired by historical costumes. Historical fashion aesthetics are adapted to design drawings. The experimental method was followed and a sample of 31 students in the department of fashion and textile design, third level were selected. Each student carried out two original historical and contemporary design. The models were executed two times: one with the usage of the program and the other without program help. The tools that were used are the program, the scale, the pre-skill test, and the post-skill test. One of the most relevant results of the research is the possibility of using historical costumes to highlight creativity and innovatio

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 18 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Soort of Hamid al-Taie and his sons in the poetry of Abu Tammam and Al-Bohtari
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The phenomenon of celebration of army leaders in the Abbasid era formed a distinct phenomenon at which the poets stood, and among those leaders was the Arab leader Hamid al-Taie, and the poets who stood on him and his sons Abu Tammam and al-Bohtari recorded in their poems the exploits of that leader, and the exploits of his sons through images that represented sadness, courage In this research, the generosity, and the rhetorical and artistic aspects of those images, have been spotted, balancing the poets.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 15 2019
Journal Name
Intellectual and Aesthetic Relationship between the Public and the Modern Theater (the play Oh Lord!) as a model: فيصل عبد عودة
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The issue of the public in the directions and theories of the theater director in the world theater, especially after the emergence of realism and the crystallization of the term direction and the definition of the role of the director in 1850 AD by the Duke Max Mengen took different paths to the Greek, Roman and even Elizabethan audience because it was here subjected to the theatrical equation from  its production and presentation due to the fact that the  theatrical performance is a technical artistic production, and the audience participation, watching and consumption, and here the participation of the audience was subjected to three directions:  the enlightenment in the sense of arousing sense, the incitement in the se

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 15 2022
Journal Name
The Idea of Water, Between Mythological Literature, And Mesopotamian Sculpture
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 Water represents as a basic intellectual material in the myths of creation and the start of formation, Thus, water has turned into an intellectual material in literary mythological texts in addition to its function in sculptural Mesopotamian sculpture. The research is in three sections: the first section deals with Myth, its concept, peculiarities and types, the second section is about mythological literature, the third section is about the idea of ​​water and mythical literature. The question research question here is that does the idea of water have any impact on mythological literature? And Does it link to sculptural products? The importance of the research is that it shows the human imagination and its relationship to functioni

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2004
Journal Name
الرؤيا واداء التشكيل في النحت العراقي المعاصر
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الرؤيا واداء التشكيل في النحت العراقي المعاصر

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Synthetic Sculpture Techniques in Outputs of Students of the Department of Art Education: أشراق علي خلف العزاوي
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The research studies the synthetic sculpture techniques in the outputs of the students of the department of art education in terms of the shape, texture, content and technique, and employing this style by the students of the department of art education on the college of fine arts, university of Diyala. The research consists of four chapters: the first chapter: the research problem summarized by looking for the synthetic sculpture and its importance in the treatment the industrial wastes in our social life, according to modern synthetic techniques, in the American and European sculpture. This technique has been employed in more than one contemporary artistic direction and style.
This study is considered important for the students of t

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 25 2019
Journal Name
The Dialectic of the Living Body (the actor) and the Dead Body (the Sinography Item) in the Construction of the Staged Image of the Play: جاسم كاظم عبد - عماد هادي عباس
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The current research deals with the dialectical relationship resulting from the conflict in the violent combination and construction of the living ( the actor)and the dead (the item) in the structure of the Sinography construction and the emergence of the theatrical play space , which can be summed up by the following question: what is the nature of the dialectical relationship between the living (the actor) and the dead( the item) in the Sinography creation, which limited the research in a central objective : to identify the controversy of the living (actor) and the dead (item) in the performance unit of the theatrical scene . The research, in its objective limits set forth in its methodological framework, analyzes this controversy in o

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