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Creeds in Assyrian Sculpture: جبــــــــــار محمـــــــــــــود حسين العــــــبيدي-حسام عبد الخالق عثمان الطائي
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The research covered Creeds in Assyrian Sculpture

 (Assyrian Sculptures) The ability of the Assyrian sculptor to

 contrast these creeds and tendon in Assyrian sculpture, in various variations, including prominent and stereotypical plaques and winged bulls, in addition to the obelisks and hunting scenes of the Lionسion hunting scenes of the black                                                                                      s .

The second chapter under the title of the beliefs and their reflection in the Assyrian sculpture, in which eight models were called according to the inductive method of analysis, to reveal the basic tenets of Assyrian thought And reflected in those selected models

While the third chapter came with a set of results, the most important of which are:

 1 / The sculptor inherited and employed the old Iraqi style in the formation of sculptural images.

 2 // The Assyrian sculptor emphasized the conceptual structure of the Assyrian thought in Assyria.

 3 // The Assyrian sculptor emphasized the symbolic and futuristic thought of winged bulls.

 4 // The sculptures dealt with the question of confirming the power and strength of the king and the power of his empire and the translation of his victories.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Features of Modernity in the Works of Saleh Al-Jami (An Analytical Study): رؤى قحطان عبد الله
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Since the beginning of the twentieth century, the art of composition has witnessed major transformations that accompanied the transformations that occurred in the cognitive field. The plastic artists rejected the prevailing artistic line, and sought to create a new artistic format that accommodates the new social and cultural problems. So was the announcement of the era of modernity in the late nineteenth century, with the birth of the impressionism movement that gave a place to challenge all that is familiar. . And he drew the attention of the researcher, and for that he chose the research title (Characteristics of Modernity in the Works of Saleh Al-Jumayyi (Analytical Study)) The researcher divided the research as follows:

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 17 2016
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Encrypted form and content in contemporary designs fabrics and aesthetic implications: زينب عبد علي محسن الزبيدي
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This research was dealing with the aesthetic impact of encryption in form and content and aesthetic implications in the design of contemporary fabrics. That's where the design of the cloth is linked to the continuous development and continuous innovation and the pursuit of the all-new innovative designs and at the same time an unmarked Cryptographic with semantics and symbols reflect reality aesthetically pleasing and contains four chapters on the research :The first chapter discusses the research problem and its significance is the current quest ( encryption in form and content in contemporary designs fabrics and aesthetic implications ) in that it shows the importance of encryption in the design of fabrics and foundation design configu

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
Semantic Analogy of Quran Text Content Found in Ornamental Figures in Islamic Architecture: وسام كامل عبد الامير
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This study aims at creating an analogy between Quran text Contents as meanings that have representations as visional shapes within ornamental figures in Islamic architecture. The theoretical framework of the study deals with the concept of semantics and its parts, artistic contents of Quran texts, and ornamental figures in Islamic architecture. The study procedures included a population of (69) figures, (5) of them were chosen deliberately for analysis in accordance with a form that had been presented to a number of experts to ensure its validity. The study reached a number of conclusions, the most significant among them are: adopting natural denotation of direct reference in order to link the ornamental figure to the source it was taken

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 20 2016
Journal Name
Form and content encryption with digital designs in women's contemporary fabrics: زينب عبد علي محسن الزبيدي
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My research to study the processes of the creation of shapes and encrypt any encryption in design forms and contents of computer technology as the creative property of definable and renewal, change and transformation process of transformative theme of shape, form and content encryption process in textile designs lets us know the meaning or substance which may be invisible to the encryption in the digital design of fabrics is a recruitment ideas modern and refined through a technique to accomplish the work of a beautiful audiences with novelty and innovation. The search includes four chapters:1Chapter I deal with the problem of research and its current research (form and content encryption with digital designs in women's contemporary fabr

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Forms of post-modernism in performance of Iraqi theatre "dream of Baghdad exam": عمار عبد سلمان محمد
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  The effects of postmodernism on theatrical form was managed by the director (Anas Abdul Samad) to be employed in the Iraqi play (Dream in Baghdad) and the researcher sought to study this problem and divided it into four chapters dealt with in the first chapter the problem of research and its need, the importance of research, As well as the definition of terminology, either Chapter II theoretical framework divided by the researcher to the first two is the postmodernism in the theater is the most prominent reference references and the second most important postmodern applications in the world play and then the researcher concluded the second chapter of the most important indicators. In the third chapter, the researcher identified th

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Semiotics of Visual Composition in Iraqi Contemporary Theatrical Show: اسيل ليث احمد-عبد الرحمن داخل احمد
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The theatrical field has witnessed a huge development that included the semantic and formal sides, considering that the theatrical experience has gone through a long period of description and the dominance of literature and linguistics, thus the theatrical experience has been open to many workings and uses of high quality in forming and composing the visual system. The semiotics had a role in presenting transformed sign forms and features generated in the theatrical space. Thus (costumes, décor, makeup, lighting, and actor) are considered elements with sign forms and attributes that together constitute integrated semiotic unit that include all the layouts in the scenographic space. The two researchers determined on semiotics due to its

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
The strategy of visual thinking and its applications in teaching arts (photography model): نورا عبد الله علي
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The study aims at:
1- Identifying the contemporary educational approaches in teaching arts.
2- The effectiveness of using the visual thinking strategy in photography subject for the first year students in the institute of fine arts/Holy city of Kadhimiyah.
The study sample is made of (30 ) first year students (in the institute of fine arts/in Holy city of Kadhimiyah) distributed into two groups, an experimental group made of (15) students and a control group having the same number of students in order to conduct the test. The test for the visual thinking strategy in the subject of photography has been designed and the validity and reliability for the research tool have been verified. In order to demonstrate the results of the

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
The aesthetic Dimension of Lighting in the Academic Theatrical Show: اسيل ليث احمد-ثامر شوكت عبد الستار
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     The theatrical show depends in its formation on the technical system and the   elements that it has for the theatrical show, and among these techniques is the lighting, where every director looked for a style and method of implementing them and giving aesthetic functions and characteristics that give the theatrical show an aesthetic and interpretive dimension, and that is through   multiple expressions and connotations of the lighting in giving the show a functional and aesthetic character. Therefore, light has been shed on the lighting and its action in the theatrical show, due to its significant role in the modern theatrical shows. The current research, thus, has been divided into four chapt

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
The Image of Woman by the Artist Jaber Alwan: احلام عبد الستار شنين
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The woman represents an existential dualism with the man along history. This existence has been manifested through the history of Art starting from the arts of the old civilizations until modernism. It must be said that the history of Art refers to her presence as an extension for this history in the oriental arts, and the Arab countries including Iraq.  The woman has varying outputs in terms of the content of her presence and the style of presentation. In her characterizations: maternity, fertility, femininity and others. The Iraqi artists adopted these fields among them the artist Jaber Alwan who formulated his style of presentation and its units depending on the feminine presence and his experience in her formal and stylistic fie

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
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The aesthetic features of using Raku in ceramics Uta Grossmann Objects: غيد صادق عبد الغني
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The Ceramic was a part from the humanitarian production that masseure the development and promotion of the Nations through decades. The Ceramic development involve wide and more techniques. One of these techniques that appear through the developmental centuries, the ( Alkaro Ceramic )technique, this technique depended the simplicity that comitted on religions thoughts through their development and its origin, so it had connected with these religions thoughts and had transmitted to the differnt Nations and they development in it to stay as a connection to the original key although its a way to keep them from adoption a new path. The tracker of the Ceramic fine art through its modernal level could knew and touched the Enormons transformati

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