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The Impact of the Use of Piano on the Development of Musical Possibilities of Violinists
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This research is to take advantage of the performance capabilities which the piano has become famous with and transfer the impact of that advantage to the possibilities of playing the violin. The research aims to introduce the effect of using the piano on the development of the violinists' musical potential. The research, in its literature, focuses on the interpretation of the impact on the possibility of both instruments (piano and violin) in two main sections: the piano (its origin, potential and role in music) and the violin (its origin, potential and role in music). The procedures of the research consisted of presenting a special analysis of a questionnaire consisting of a number of questions presented by the researcher to her research sample, which included six violinists who have knowledge of the piano instrument within the Iraqi Symphony Orchestra, in order to achieve the research objective. The results of the questionnaire were fundamental to the findings of the research, which emerged in the   musicians' benefit   from the use of the piano in the development of   rhythm and meter, and the influence of the piano on the dynamic side, in addition to the impact of piano harmony on the violinists.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 06 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
الواقع الحربي أثر الواقعة الحربية في قصيدة عصر صدر الإسلام
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المؤلف / د. محمود أحمد شاكر غضيب تدريسي في جامعة بغداد / كلية العلوم الإسلامية / قسم اللغة العربية / حاصل على شهادة الدكتوراه عام 2019 في الادب العربي الإسلامي

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 19 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
اثر أثر النشر الالكتروني والمكتبة الرقمية في الارتقاء بالتراث العربي
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The history of nations & civilizations shaped with its intellectual and cultural heritage and accumulation of met through the stages and years

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
أثر انموذج دانيال في الدافعية المعرفية لطلاب الصف الثالث المتوسط
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The Current research aims to identify ( The effects of Daniel Model in Cognitive Motivation for the Students of the Third grade average ) , To verify the objective of this research , the researchers added nul hypothesis following : There is no difference is statistically significant at the level of ( 0.05 ) between the average scores of students who studied Daniel Model and the average students who studied by using traditional method in Cognitive Motivation scale. The research was conducted on a sample of the average Third grade students in a medium Al – sadiq Al – Ameen secretary for boys affiliated to the General Directorate for Educational in Baghdad Al – rusafa 2 and for academic year ( 2014 – 2015 ) , the researchers adopted

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 25 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
أثر العامل النفسي في حدوث اللثغة عند الأطفال/ دراسة صوتية
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  Language is a gift from God to His servants, as it is a tool of communication, rather it is a tool of life, and without it, life cannot be straight and complete.

  A language is a kind of substitution. A vocal disorder that  may be a disease of speech, and it is one of the obstacles caused by organic and congenital causes, perhaps the common one is genetic.If we separate between lisping in children and separating it from what happens in adults, we find that lisping in children may have psychological causes as well as other ones, this is what we will show in this research.

Key words: psychological factor,lisps,children,vocal study .

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 04 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
اثر أثر الدين في شخصية الملك أمنمحات الأول (1991-1961ق.م)
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The impact of religion in the character of the King Amenmhet I


This research try to show the  influence of the religion in the character of King Amenmhet I , he entered the names of the gods in the installation of  his names, because he aimed to  the trust of fellows  and to get the loyalty centers of worship, and deliberately enter the name of the god Amun in the composition of his name and make him  the first god of the state, which covered all the gods of Egypt, after the merge with each other, such as the gods Re became the god Amun - Re or after he inherited the functions of some of the other recipes such as what happened with the god Min

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 04 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
أثر العامل النفسي في حدوث اللثغة عند الأطفال/ دراسة صوتية
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Language is a gift from God to His servants, as it is a tool of communication, rather it is a tool of life, and without it, life cannot be straight and complete.

  A language is a kind of substitution. A vocal disorder that  may be a disease of speech, and it is one of the obstacles caused by organic and congenital causes, perhaps the common one is genetic.If we separate between lisping in children and separating it from what happens in adults, we find that lisping in children may have psychological causes as well as other ones, this is what we will show in this research.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Strategic intuition and its role in achieving the efficiency of political marketing Field Study in Babil Governorate
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Because of the new political stage that Iraq is living in, which called on researchers to choose the subject of political marketing and increase its effectiveness through strategic intuition. The problem of research was reflected in the following question: How can strategic intuition be used to achieve efficiency in marketing marketing to achieve voter acceptance and achieve political success later on? ).

The research derives its importance from the fact that it is related to the developments in the concepts and areas of marketing in various fields, and it has a role in identifying the gain of new markets, where it is specialized to provide a political product and identify the mechanism of marketing the p

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Role of Social service in Addressing Social Problems Aversion for Teenagers (A field Study in Baghdad)
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Adolescence important and sensitive stage in social terms, being a stage where learns teenager bear social responsibilities and composition of their ideas about family life, as well as it is the stage where the teenager looking to himself for an important place in the community to become independent socially people, so it highlights the role of Social Work to do better effort and I believe him in order to prepare for the adolescent stage of adolescence and help him overcome the problems so that makes it adapts to the society in which he lives

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Attitudes of School Teachers and Principals at Regular Government Basic Schools toward Inclusion of Disabled Students in Ajloun Governorate
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This study aimed to identify the attitudes of school teachers and principals at basic government schools in Ajloun governorate towards the inclusion of disabled students at basic schools, and investigate how they will accept the merger. To achieve the purpose of this study, a questionnaire containing 35 items was administered to school teachers and principals to measure their attitudes toward the inclusion of disabled students in regular schools. The sample of this study consisted of 43 male teachers and (74) female teachers and principals. The frequency, normal distribution, arithmetic means and t-test were used to analyze the data of present study.          The findings showed that there

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 14 2020
Journal Name
Plant Archives
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The Fylex extract exert a high inhibition effect against A . flavus growth on PDA medium, as the fungus growth was completely inhibited by 100% at a concentration of 0.2 and 0.3% of studied extract, while the lowest inhibition percentage (71%) was found at a concentration of 0.1%. Whereas magnesium oxide nanoparticles showed the highest inhibition ratio of A. flavus (100%) was detected at 0.2% and the lowest inhibition ratio (81.66%) was at concentration 0.5%. Moreover, the addition of G. lucidum powder to PDA medium with a concentration of 2.5 mg increased the inhibition rate of A. flavus growth which was 54.4%, while the lowest inhibition ration (18.22%) was found at a concentration of 1000 mg. The milky liquid (brocade milk) of Calotropi

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