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Aesthetic and Functional Dimensions of Environmental Waste in the Products of Students of the Department of Art Education: فردوس خضر الجوفي
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The practice of art is an inevitable result imposed by the circumstances surrounding the human being, as he needs some knowledge associated with raw materials, tools and methods to develop skills in the formation of elements of the work of art in new ways that give a decent artistic appearance to the work of art. Through the exploratory study carried out by the researcher, which included asking the following question to the third grade students, Department of Art Education:

What types of materials are used in handicrafts and from which sources are they obtained? Through the answers, the problem of research was founded as follows:

-Are the products of students of the Department of Art Education in the handicraft material depend on the raw materials that are not used, and re-used in artistic works bearing aesthetic and innovative character?

The importance of research has been demonstrated by the following:

  • The teacher of art education gets benefit in the development of his skills.
  • It is useful for the students of the Department of Art Education to emphasize the aesthetic and educational values ​​of the materials used in the artistic products. The research also aims at revealing the aesthetic and functional dimensions of the environmental waste in the products of the students of Department of Art Education. The research is limited to the products of the third year students in the Department of Art Education/ college of Fine Arts/ university of Baghdad, those who continue to study for 2016-2017.

 The research dealt with the concept of beauty and aesthetic function and the concept of the environment and its types and environmental waste.

The researcher adopted the descriptive analytical approach in analyzing the samples. The research tool was a test form. The Cooper equation was used to extract the percentage of agreement among the experts. The form achieved the face validity after the amendment of some items. Stability was verified using Scott's equation where two analysts were selected to analyze the results. The ratio was 85% between the first analyst and the researcher and 90% between the second analyst and the researcher. Thus, stability has been achieved. The most important results reached by the researcher were that most of the products of the students of the Department of Art Education were limited to specific raw materials in addition to that they were repeated and away from new ideas, but were characterized by accuracy, workmanship and cleanliness.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Controller work specificity and their impact on performance (Applied Study in the financial oversight bodies)
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The research aims to a statement of specificity of the Controller of (academic achievement, specialty, job title, length of service, Gender) and its impact on performance, Through a proposed appraisal form includes three main axes and each axis including several specialized elements in the supervisory work in form (check list). as is the importance of research to enable officials of oversight bodies financial identify and diagnose performance Controller through what has this observer of the process of scientific properties when performing supervisory work. Be summarized problem of the research that the lack of regulatory institution with the Controller interesting in terms of the necessary characteristics and requirements and inv

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The relationship between the family violence and variables
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The heart between the scientific and legal concept
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summary of the research

The heart is the pine-shaped flesh on the left side of the chest. The moral gentleness in this flesh is called the home of perception, reason and understanding, as well as the place of desires and passions, so it turns between one desire and another between good and evil. As for its parts, it consists of four main parts called chambers, two rooms on the right As for the two chambers below, it is called the ventricle, the heart works regularly and accurately to pump blood and distribute it to all parts of the body and vital organs. And the Holy Quran divided the types of heart into two main types of healthy hearts, which are types (healthy, hidden, living....)

And the second type is sick hea

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Studying the Crystal Structure, Topography, and Anti-bacterial of a Novel Titania (TiO2 NPs) Prepared by a Sol-gel Manner
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In this research, titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs) were prepared through the sol-gel process at an acidic medium (pH3).TiO2 nanoparticles were prepared from titanium trichloride (TiCl3) as a precursor with Ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH) with 1:3 ratio at 50 °C. The resulting gel was dried at 70 °C to obtain the Nanocrystalline powder. The powder from the drying process was treated thermally at temperatures 500 °C and 700 °C. The crystalline structure, surface morphology, and particle size were studied by using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The results showed (anatase) phase of titanium dioxide with the average grain size

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Cleopatra between the western and Arabic literature
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Protecting woman during armed conflicts under the development of international humanitarian law
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The international humanitarian law found the special rules to protect women meanwhile the armed conflicts whether international or non-international. These rules are adopted for woman because of two reasons : that she is from civilians and on the other hand that her special constitution demands a special protection. The international community's attention of women is increased as a result of the tragic situation that faced women around the world especially in the Middle East and particularly in Iraq during the American-British war and ISIS period, these two periods sort many negative effects that reach women such as captivity, slavery, sexual enslavement and rape women especially Yazidis and Christians....

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Molecular Cloning of large DNA Fragments of The Sal t Tolerant wild Tetra ploid bermudagrass Cynodon Dactylon L. Using A Bacteriophage Cloning Vector 2. Ligation a nd in vitro packaging of The Recombinant Phage DNA Molecules
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This  paper represent  the second  step  i n  a molecular clon i ng program ai ming to clone large DNA  fi·agmen ts of the sal t tolerant  bermudagrass (Cyrwdon  dactylon  L.)  DNA  usi ng  the  bacteriophage  (EM13L3) as    a vector.

In th is  work, a yield of about  I 00  g bacteriophage  DNA  per one  liter culture.was obtained  with.a  purity ranging between (1.7-1.8). The vector JJNA  completely   double   digested   with  the  restriction   enzymes llamHI   and  EcoRI,  followed  by  pu

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
La réception du Petit Prince de Saint-Exupéry dans le monde arabe The impact of The Little Prince on Arabic audience
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Le Petit Prince est apparu en 1943 vers la fin de la vie de son auteur. La mondialité qu'a gagnée ce récit le rend un des livres les plus lus et les plus vendus dans le monde. Cette popularité en fait un des classiques de la littérature française.

En effet la littérature française a un impact profond et direct sur la vie intellectuelle et littéraire dans le monde arabe. La circulation des œuvres littéraires écrites en français a bien influencé les lecteurs arabes soit en langue française  soit  traduites en arabe. Cette réalité est identique lorsqu'on parle de la réception du Petit Prince ; l'œuvre la plus connue dans le monde entier dès son apparition officielle.


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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
A study of Land Zoning in the base of Traffic Noise Pollution Levels using ArcGIS: Kirkuk City as a Case Study
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This study is an approach to assign the land area of  Kirkuk city [ a city located in the northern of Iraq, 236 kilometers north of  Baghdad  and 83 kilometers  south of  Erbil [ Climatic atlas of  Iraq, 1941-1970  ]  into different  multi zones by using Satellite image and Arc Map10.3,  zones of different traffic noise pollutions. Land zonings process like what achieved in this paper will help and of it’s of a high interest point for the future of Kirkuk city especially urban

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effect of Tool Path Strategy on Mechanical Properties of Brass (65-35) in Single Point Incremental Sheet Metal Forming (SPIF)
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In this paper, three tool paths strategies; iso-planar, helical and adaptive have been implemented to investigates their effect on the mechanical properties of Brass 65-35 formed by single point incremental sheet metal forming process. To response this task, a fully digital integrated system from CAD modeling to finished part (CAD/CAM) for SPIF process has been developed in this paper.
The photo-micrographs shows an identical grain formation due to the plastic deformation of the incremental forming process, change in the grain shape and size was observed. It's found that the adaptive tool path play a significant role to increase the hardness of the formed specimen from (48 to 90 HV) and the grain texture of the formed specimen found a

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