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Applications of Interior Space Design According to Shape Generation Systems: عبد الكريم علي حسين
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Treatises concerning analyzing the interior spaces multiplied and their directions varied, that some of them analyzed the interior space on the basis of the intellectual and philosophical affiliation or the historical period and others in the light of the concept and mechanisms of the shape. The researcher has not been able to find a research that dealt with analyzing the space within the systems of shape generation, thus it is possible to determine the research problem with the following question: to what extent is it possible to analyze the interior space based on systems of shape generation? As far as the importance of the research is concerned, it sheds light on five of the systems of the shape generation which are: Syntax, shape grammar, Lindenmayer system, automated cellular, Genetic algorithms) and the study of the similarities and differences between them in addition to the importance of the research in providing a mechanism for analyzing the interior spaces in order to reach a space quality measure in the formal and expressive sides. The research aim is to apply the systems of the shape generation in analyzing the interior space. The results of the study included: coming up with a form for the analysis that includes the acting and structural sides to analyze the interior spaces. Repeating the use of the shape generation systems for any interior space will provide a visual variability and visual multiplicity. The generation system (shape grammar) is considered the most widely used in the interior spaces. The concept of acting of the interior design is a mixture between the analytic and structural readings for the work, that they are inseparable

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
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Applying the substance-field model mechanism to problem solving in industrial product design: محمد علي حسين القيسي
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  Problem solving methods and mechanisms contribute to facilitating human life by providing tools to solve simple and complex daily problems. These mechanisms have been essential tools for professional designers and design students in solving design problems.
This research dealt with one of those mechanisms, which is the (the substance-field model model), as it has been mentioning that this mechanism is characterized by the difficulty of its application, which formed the main research problem. In home gardens (the sub-problem of research), an analysis of this problem was applied and then a solution was found to address it. The researcher used the 3dsmax program to implement the proposed design.
The most important research res

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
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Making use of economical design techniques and materials in implementing cosmetic supplements to the interior spaces of the dwelling: رانيه علي احمد عبد الرحمن
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  This research aims to identify the economic design techniques and materials that can be used in the implementation of cosmetic supplements to the spaces of the dwelling. The research relied on the descriptive and analytical approach by describing and analyzing models of design techniques and materials that can be used in the production of cosmetic supplements in the interior spaces of the dwelling.
The results of the research concluded that the beautification of the spaces of the dwelling is one of the necessary and important pieces to add aesthetic touches to the internal spaces, and that the use of economic design techniques and materials contributes to the implementation of many pieces of complementary beautification of the

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
The Dominating Sign of the Space Structure in TV Drama: صادق كاظم عبد علي
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  The space constitutes a cornerstone of the creativity process since the emergence of arts and literature. Gaston Bachelard has a significant role in highlighting the importance of the place in his book entitled (Poetics of Space). Since then, the space, especially in the TV drama, is no longer a mere background indicating the location or the date of the event. Space inside these series has become an inseparable part of the artistic or dramatic fabric, that the visual scene started to formulate alongside the movement of the individuals in their language or accents that are specified inside the space as an incubator for the décor, clothes, makeup, accessories and lights in addition to the sound and musical effects. The lens angles

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 24 2016
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Iraq Sophism Recitation "luIIaby as example": أنمار علي حسين
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The research consists of four chapters, and the research aims to uncover the melodic and rhythmic aspects of the Iraqi Sufi chanting (Thalilah as a model) as one of the models of Sufi chanting in Iraq that is held at the tomb of Sheikh "Abdul Qadir Al-Kilani". As for the temporal limit of the research, it is from 2011 to 2012.
The researcher selected two samples for the research sample:
1. Separation of the Thalilah of the Prophet Al Adnani
2. Separate the chanting of prayers
According to the musical analysis, the researcher prepared the search tool, which consisted of eight paragraphs, for a special standard system in line with the research objectives. The validity and reliability of the instrument was verified by experts to

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 19 2015
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Music Advertising People: علي عبد الله
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Songs hawkers or steadfast in the market of the most important sources of musical heritage, most notably the popular influence in people's lives and their careers cultural, as history records for Those tunes Chorales and invested by the vendors to attract these people in order to promote their goods and for marketing.This study reviews a brief history of those tunes drafted by the innate taste stems from folk music with the rhythms of vigor and vitality originated and grew up on the audio format is consistent with the need for people eager to hear the tunes left moved the feelings and send to communicate with the idea that came from her.As contemplated in the study models of those melodies and recording musician with the installation of

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 28 2020
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Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Conflict of Active Regional and International Powers over Nagorny Karabakh Region: وداد حسين خضير علي , و مهيمن عبد الحليم طه الوادي
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      The current study is descriptive; it focuses on studying the contemporary geopolitical problem, and sectarian differences in Caucasus. Nagorno-Karabakh is considered an important disputed region nowadays. Many parties and states participated in this dispute, especially after the conflict had developed into an open war between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Thus, the study aims to examine the causes of the conflict in this region, analyze the international positions on this conflict, and find if Armenia was able to occupy this region. The methodology adopted by the researchers is the functional approach, and the theory of power analysis that Cohen created for analyzing all strengths that drove each of the parties t

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
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Employing Digital Technology in the Formation of the Theatrical Show Space: ثامر طه عبد علي
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  The current research tries to identify the employment of the digital technology in the formation of the theatrical show space. The researcher started with the significant importance of the digital technology and its workings in the formation of the contemporary theatrical show being a modern, artistic, aesthetic, intellectual and technological means to convey the topic in an integrated manner, as well as its close connection with the creative directive vision and the creative designing vision. It provides a variety of models of numerous implications in terms of transmission and advancement of the relationships represented by clarifying the scenography and dramatic conflict forms according to the numerous motivations of the directo

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
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Space suitability and its functional implications in interior design
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The current research dealt with the study of space compatibility and its role in enhancing the functional aspect of the design of the interior spaces of isolation hospitals by finding a system or format that is compatible with the nature of the changes occurring in the structure and function of the space system, as well as contributing to enhancing compatibility between the functional aspect and the interior space. Therefore, the designer must The interior is the study of the functional and spatial aspects as they are the basic aspects for achieving suitability, and through the interaction between the person and the place, the utilitarian performance characteristics are generated that the interior designer is interested in and tries to d

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Jun 15 2020
Journal Name
The effect of the Iraqi marshes environment on the works of artist Mahoud Ahmed: محمود حسين عبد الرحمن حسين
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Scientific research on the environment of the Iraqi marshes, its beauty and its characteristics is considered one of the most important functions of Iraqi universities and scientific institutions, because of its great historical impact related to the identity of Iraq and the Iraqis and the basis of science and science, through which the first letter and the first human civilizations were established and in the same importance technical research is among the most important functions of departments Institutes and colleges of the arts, research centers and museums inside and outside Iraq. Also, research centers specialized in the natural environment of Iraq, including the marshes. Therefore, it is hoped that this research will develop the a

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
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Develop design interior spaces for children's theater halls in Baghdad: إخلاص عبد سلمان
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The research is marked by (Development Design Interior spaces for children's theater halls in the city of Baghdad). Which consists of four chapters, namely, the first chapter the research problem and the need for him, which included identifying the research problem and of poor achievement of aesthetic values and functional at the scene of the child and its significance in that it is a way of cultural entertainment education of the child and its objectives as it aims to evelop interiors for children's theater, and its limits. Theater Magic Lantern in the city of Baghdad, the second chapter addressed the theoretical framework, which consists of the psychology of the child, and space Children's Theatre and types, forms of children's theater

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