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Formal unknown and its role in enriching the speech communication designs women's fabrics

The design fabrics of the most important episodes that are at the core process rhetorical communication, until they became these episodes ample room for research and investigation, and the issue of non-familiar formality is nothing but the result of those relationships Constructivism, which is the result of an effort builders coherent activate the shape and attributes of phenotypic, therefore it will cause him a lot of questions about his and founded the organization in order to activate the speech communication between the product(cloth)and the receiver .On this basis, the research problem identified on imposing the question follows:1. Does the non-familiar formal role in enriching communication discourse of women's fabric designs?2. Are there foundations of design to enrich the speech communication through the form of others familiar? The research aims to disclose the role of non-formal unfamiliar to the enrichment of the speech communication designs for women's fabrics, design and developfoundationsforpracticalpurposestoenrichthespeechcommunicationthroughnon-formal familiar to women's fabric designs.In regard to the second quarter, which contained the theoretical frame work and previous studies, it was included in the board three sections, the first non-familiar in art and design, and the second placed structural elements in the design of cloth women, and the third concerned with the concept of speech communication in the design. Third chapter has dealt with procedures search. Fourth chapter search results and conclusions among the most important:1- The method abstract method mostly as a technical wizards out new designs far from copying and imitation.2 - Most of the designs focused on technology and reduction deletion and addition, forms and design vocabulary, which has worked to change the phenotypic traits formal vocabulary. Researcher and put the most important cornerstones of design to enrich the communication through speech form is not uncommon in women's fabrics and designs as follows:1 – rely on abstract art ,as away to form an unfamiliar configurations according to a new vision of contemporary creativity in the field of technical configuration

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Proceedings Of 2011 International Conference On Computer Science And Network Technology
A new proposed handoff scheme for mobile communication systems

There are many studies dealt with handoff management in mobile communication systems and some of these studies presented handoff schemes to manage this important process in cellular network. All previous schemes used relative signal strength (RSS) measurements. In this work, a new proposed handoff scheme had been presented depending not only on the RSS measurements but also used the threshold distance and neighboring BSS power margins in order to improve the handoff management process. We submitted here a threshold RSS as a condition to make a handoff when a mobile station moves from one cell to another this at first, then we submitted also a specified margin between the current received signal and the ongoing BS's received signal must be s

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Implementation of Optical Coherent Communication System between Two Computers

This work represents implementation and investigation of optical coherent communication system between two computers. A single mode optical fiber is selected as transmission medium. The data are sent via the RS-232 standard interface with a bit rate of 9.6 kbps from personal computer (PC1) by line receive to convert the data from electrical levels (-12/+12 V) into TTL level (0/5 V). The modulation of this data was accomplished by internal modulation using laser diode type (HFCT-5208M) 1310 nm wavelength. The optical D-coupler was used to combine the optical signal that come from laser source with optical signal of laser local oscillator (OTS-304XI) at 1310/1550 nm wavelength to obtain coherent (homodyne and heterodyne) detection respective

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
2015 9th Malaysian Software Engineering Conference (mysec)
Factors for communication technologies selection within virtual software teams

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
original study Judicial rules of law And its applications in the Hanbali school of thought

Praise be to God alone, and after:

This is a research entitled: “A fundamental study of judicial jurisprudence rules and their applications in the Hanbali school of thought,” in which the researcher studied eight legal jurisprudential rules considered by the Hanbalis and others.

At the conclusion of his research, the researcher reached a number of results, including: the importance of taking care of judicial rules, and the need for judges and their assistants to them, including: the need for students of science in Hanbali jurisprudence to study these rules according to the doctrine, and to highlight their applications to them, including: the importance of the rules under study, and their impact on rulings Jurisprudenc

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Role of Patnership Approuch in Facilitating Housing in Iraq


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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Pragmatics and Speech Act- History, Importance and Stages of Development: הפרגמטיקה ופעולת־הדיבור- התולדות, החשיבות ושלבי ההתפתחות (יישמוים בלשון העברית)

      The present study stresses two of the most significant aspects of linguistic approach: Pragmatics” and the “Speech Act Theory”, revealing its importance and the stages and levels of development through Hebrew language’s speech acts analysis including (political speech, the Holy Bible, Hebrew stories).

       Chronologically, Pragmatics has always been the center of linguists’ interests due to its importance in linguistic decryptions, particularly, through “Speech Act Theory” that has been initiated and developed by the most prominent philosophers and linguistics.

        The prese

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
Mechanisms of Employing Secondary Event in Cinematographic Discourse: ماهر مجيد ابراهيم-شروق مالك حسن

  The cinematic story depends on many construction techniques that together constitute the story features technically and the secondary events are considered one of these basic techniques that are directly affected by the employment mechanisms inside the cinematic achievement. This subject initiated the two researchers to decide the title of the research: (Mechanisms of Employing Secondary Event in Cinematographic Discourse). The research is divided into an introduction that included the problem details, the aim and defining the terms used. The first section was the act and the event in the cinematic story, which addressed the relation between the act and the event and the nature of the simulation that tries to ascend the human act

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Managerial Skills and It`s Role in Strengthening the Competitive Edge of Companies: A Case Study in the General Company for Construction Industries

This research tries to reveal how to manage and control the competitive edge for business by building managerial skills in various organizational levels. Our research aims at finding out the nature of various technical, human and in tellectual skills of a new president whose superiority is his competitive ness in the application field at general company for construe tioual  industriesand testing the surveyed minor and major changes through a questionnaire to collect information from officials. The sample was composed of (45) director. The data was analyzed  using some methods and statistical programs. The most prominent of these is (SPSS) that was used to extract the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, correlation coefficient

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The adoption of ISO 45001: 2018 in the civil aviation establishment test and its accessibility to the standard

The current research aims to analyze the extent of the adoption of the standards of ISO 45001: 2018 for occupational safety and health management by the General Establishment of Civil Aviation. The research problem was the extent to which the General Establishment of Civil Aviation approved ISO 45001: 2018 for occupational safety and health management. The questionnaire was used as a primary data collection tool, the sample was distributed (50) form, they were selected from the category of employees of the establishment at different levels to represent the research community. Data were analyzed using the statistical package (SPSS), a number of vector statistical methods were used as well as arithmetic mean, standard deviation, an

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Detailed feasibility study of the pre-cast reinforced concrete project and its importance in the construction of Iraq


Purpose:  Providing practical knowledge of the requirements of a detailed feasibility study for selecting the investment project.

Findings:  Directing the private sector towards investing in productive projects - the pre-cast reinforced concrete project - as it achieves a financial return as well as providing Providing foreign currencies by reducing imports and exploiting available natural resources

Practical implications: The importance of a detailed feasibility study to determining whether the project can be implemented or not.

The precast concrete method is one of the best modern c

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