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Formal unknown and its role in enriching the speech communication designs women's fabrics
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The design fabrics of the most important episodes that are at the core process rhetorical communication, until they became these episodes ample room for research and investigation, and the issue of non-familiar formality is nothing but the result of those relationships Constructivism, which is the result of an effort builders coherent activate the shape and attributes of phenotypic, therefore it will cause him a lot of questions about his and founded the organization in order to activate the speech communication between the product(cloth)and the receiver .On this basis, the research problem identified on imposing the question follows:1. Does the non-familiar formal role in enriching communication discourse of women's fabric designs?2. Are there foundations of design to enrich the speech communication through the form of others familiar? The research aims to disclose the role of non-formal unfamiliar to the enrichment of the speech communication designs for women's fabrics, design and developfoundationsforpracticalpurposestoenrichthespeechcommunicationthroughnon-formal familiar to women's fabric designs.In regard to the second quarter, which contained the theoretical frame work and previous studies, it was included in the board three sections, the first non-familiar in art and design, and the second placed structural elements in the design of cloth women, and the third concerned with the concept of speech communication in the design. Third chapter has dealt with procedures search. Fourth chapter search results and conclusions among the most important:1- The method abstract method mostly as a technical wizards out new designs far from copying and imitation.2 - Most of the designs focused on technology and reduction deletion and addition, forms and design vocabulary, which has worked to change the phenotypic traits formal vocabulary. Researcher and put the most important cornerstones of design to enrich the communication through speech form is not uncommon in women's fabrics and designs as follows:1 – rely on abstract art ,as away to form an unfamiliar configurations according to a new vision of contemporary creativity in the field of technical configuration

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2011
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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This paper is a review of the genus Sitta in Iraq, Five species of this genus are recognized
Sitta kurdistanica, S. neumayr, S. europaea, S.dresseri and S. tephronota. Geographical
distribution and systematic nots were given for separation and identification, also some notes
on nest building and nest sites of S. tephronota supporting by figures are presented.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Free Convection in an Inclined Concentric Annular Square Cavities Filled With Porous Medium and Heated By Non-Uniform Temperature
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A numerical study of the two-dimensional steady free convection flow in an inclined annulus between two concentric square cavities filled with a porous medium is presented in this paper for the case when the side outer walls are kept with differentially heated temperature while the horizontal outer walls and the inner walls are insulated. The heated wall is assumed to have spatial sinusoidal temperature variation about a constant mean value. The Darcy model is used and the fluid is assumed to be a standard Boussinesq fluid. For the Cartesian coordinate system, the governing equations which were used in stream function form are discretized by using the finite difference method with successive under – relaxation method (SUR) and are solv

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Unplanned Urbanization and Agricultural Land Degradation in Baghdad City from 2003 to 2017: احمد عباس كاظم , ليث زيد عباس
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Several problems have emerged as a result of urban expansion or the connection of urban areas with rural areas. This process has led to the urbanization of rural areas, and to have overlapping edges and margins of areas, which were outside the basic design of the city. Accordingly, the present research assumes that the accelerating growth of Baghdad population has contributed significantly to the process of unplanned urbanization. Thus, the study aims to examine the factors that have led to an increase of urban sprawl at the expense of the agricultural land. The study has thus adopted the descriptive, analytical, and historical approaches relying on the simple linear regression method to predict the phenomenon of urban expansion and its

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
البحوث التربوية والنفسية
the effect of an educational -learning programe according to the concepts of renewable energy and nanotechnology on technological enlightenment among students of the che chemistry department
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Publication Date
Sat Jun 04 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Motives for public exposure to specialized sports satellite channels and the gratifications achieved from it: A survey study on the public of the city of Baghdad
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Motives for public exposure to specialized sports satellite channels and the gratifications achieved about it - Research presented by (Dr. Dr. Laila Ali Jumaa), Imam Al-Kadhim College (peace be upon him) - Department of Information-2021.

       The research aims to know the extent of public exposure to specialized sports satellite channels, and what gratifications are achieved from them, and to reach scientific results that give an accurate description of exposure, motives and gratifications verified by that exposure, and the research objectives are summarized in the following:

  • Revealing the habits and patterns of public exposure to specialized sports satelli

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Pharmacokinetic Consideration to Formulate Sustained Release Drugs: Understanding the Controlled Drug Diffusion through the Body Compartment of the Systemic Circulation and Tissue Medium-A Caputo Model
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The aim of this study is to provide an overview of various models to study drug diffusion for a sustained period into and within the human body. Emphasized the mathematical compartment models using fractional derivative (Caputo model) approach to investigate the change in sustained drug concentration in different compartments of the human body system through the oral route or the intravenous route. Law of mass action, first-order kinetics, and Fick's perfusion principle were used to develop mathematical compartment models representing sustained drug diffusion throughout the human body. To adequately predict the sustained drug diffusion into various compartments of the human body, consider fractional derivative (Caputo model) to investiga

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The Effect of Special Exercises on Developing Strength Endurance and Kayaking Achievement Time (500m) individually for the Advanced Kayak Athletes
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Voprosy Istorii
Changing the agricultural map of Diyala Governorate for the years (1980, 1990, 2000, 2010, 2020) using GIS and remote sensing
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Abstract. Geographical and remote sensing, which gave a picture of the change in the area of agricultural land in the study area for selected years (1980, 1990, 2000, 2010, 2020). In particular and Iraq in general, as this led to a reduction in the areas of agricultural lands and in return an increase in arid lands and their desertifica- tion and the loss of their productive value, which as a result leads to the migration of the population, the change of land sex, the failure to achieve food security and dependence on the import of the food basket.

Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
the challenges of accounting measurement of intangible assets of create additional value for the company and ways to address them
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   This research seeks to shed light on what you add intangible assets of benefit to the company and this antagonize pause for consideration because it makes the company in a good competitive position stimulates the rest of the companies to acquire those assets.

   That many companies have achieved competitive advantages in the market do not even achieved monopolies increased the value and reaped extraordinary profits as a result of those assets which requires the need to be measured to determine the extent to which contribution in the emergence of the value added to the value of the company on the one hand and to make the presentatio

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The correlation between identifying needs and choosing the appropriate productive art for use / primary health care centers as an example
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        The purpose of the study is to identify the need to improve health services in Iraq by determining the efficiency of service in health care centres and working on exploiting limited resources through choosing the most efficient technological art represented by using precast concrete technology to fill the shortfall in the establishment health centres for primary care and to explain the impact of this on saving resources, time, and increasing production efficiency. To achieve this, the quantitative analysis adopted as a methodology in the study by determining the size of the deficit in the infrastructure of health centres for primary care according to the standard of a he

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