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How to build a virtual personal imagined in the picture, directed by James Cameron (Avatar) movie as a model
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The personal drama in particular, and one of the key elements underlying the dramatic structure to convey ideas and visions presented by the author when writing the text of the dramatic fall after that on the way out the submission form that suits the proposals of the text and processors directorial would push the wheel of dramatic structure to the front. So take the maker of the artwork (writer) undertook the transfer of those events and personalities in art presumed sometimes real and sometimes, in order to enrich the art inspired by the human reality through the ages, and full of its themes and ideas that led to the development experiences of peoples experiences of living. Therefore, we find it important to research in the characters dramatic, especially virtual ones, which is built-maker artwork artistic style, reflects the capacity of the writer's imagination and fertility of his ideas and what posed the impact in the hearts of the recipients, as a carrier of ideas and point of view of its maker, was full of movies many of the writers and authors who took the building and virtual personalities that do not resemble human beings, most notably the director (James Cameron), who is one of the industry pioneers and creators of virtual characters in the movie film, so we decided to stand on a cinematic experience in the film (Avatar). The Department of the researcher in this study, five chapters on the topic. Came the first chapter entitled systematic framework and included a research problem represented by the following question: What are the modalities used in character building in a virtual mock imagined by director James Cameron in the film (Avatar) model? The first chapter also included the importance of research and goals of the disclosure of modes that are built by default in the Personal Image imagined by director James Cameron in the film (Avatar). The second chapter has included a theoretical framework; the theoretical framework has been divided into three sections. First section: personal and personal default, were interested in studying personal drama and personal drama default, construction and do, and orientations and motivations. The second Section: Image and imaginary character building. Were interested in studying imagined the picture of the author and writer and director and the role of imagination in the character building. The third chapter dealt with the researcher measures that have been adopted in the analysis of the sample did not (Avatar) for the purpose of reaching a goal of the research. This included the chapter on research methodology and sample selection, and justification for the search tool. The fourth chapter has included an analysis of the selected Sample intentionality and extracts the desired results of the analysis. As he was the most prominent of the process of transformation in personal default of the hero came as a reaction against the attitudes of society, the real, and the adoption of these characters and the different ways to express her ideas (such as commentary on the event) technique in building a personal narrative. The researcher came out of the conclusions derived from the results of the analysis and the research contained some recommendations and suggestions that the researcher deems necessary for further studies included a list of research sources and summary of the research in English

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Diagnosis and localization of the maxillary impacted canines by using dental multi-slice computed tomography 3D view and reconstructed panoramic 2D view
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Background: Diagnosis and treatment planning can be difficult with conventional radiographic methods as the orthodontic-surgical management of impacted canines requires accurate diagnosis and precise localization of the impacted canine and the surrounding structures. This study was aimed to localize and evaluate weather there is any differences in the diagnostic information provided by multi-slice computed tomography three dimensional volumetric CT images and two dimensional reconstructed panorama images (derived from CT) in subjects with impacted maxillary canines. Materials and Methods: Thirty patients including 24 female and 6 male with mean age of 18 years with suspected unilaterally or bilaterally impacted maxillary canines were evalu

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 24 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Synthesis Of Nanostructured TiO2 Thin Films By Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) And The Effect Of Annealing Temperature On Structural And Morphological Properties
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  In this work, nanostructured TiO2 thin films were grown by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique on glass substrates. TiO2 thin films then were annealed at 400-600 °C in air for a period of 2 hours. Effect of annealing on the structural and morphological were studied. Many growth parameters have been considered to specify the optimum conditions, namely substrate temperature (300 °C), oxygen pressure (10-2 Torr), laser fluence energy density (0.4 J/cm2), using double frequency Q-switching Nd:YAG laser beam (wavelength 532nm), repetition rate  (1-6 Hz) and the pulse duration of 10 ns. The results of the X-ray test show that all nanostructures tetragonal are polycrystalline. These results show that grain size increase fr

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Study The Effect of Annealing on Structural and Optical Properties of Indium Selenide (InSe) Thin Films Prepared by Vacuum Thermal Evaporation Technique
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In this work, InSe thin films were deposited on glass substrates by thermal evaporation technique with a deposit rate of (2.5∓0.2) nm/sec. The thickness of the films was around (300∓10) nm, and the thin films were annealed at (100, 200 and 300)°C. The structural, morphology, and optical properties of Indium selenide thin films were studied using X-ray diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscope and UV–Visible spectrometry respectively. X-ray diffraction analyses showed that the as deposited thin films have amorphous structures. At annealing temperature of 100°C and 200°C, the films show enhanced crystalline nature, but at 300°C the film shows a polycrystalline structure with Rhombohedral phase with crystallites size of 17.459 nm. Th

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Histological and Biochemical Effect of Galangin Conjugated Gold Nanoparticles on the kidneys Damage Induced by Carbon Tetrachloride of Adult Male Albino Mice
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This study aimed to determine histological and functional effects of Galangin (Gal) conjugated with Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) on the Kidneys male albino mice treated with CCL4. Gold nanoparticles were prepared chemically by Turkevich Method. Characterizing of the prepared AuNPs and AuNPs+Gal was carried out using UV Spectrophotometry, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and particle size,. For the in vivo study, 42 adult male albino mice were used and randomly distributed into seven groups and experiment extended for 14 days, first group (G1) was control group without any treatment, (G2) group injected intra-peritoneal (i.p) with CCl4 once a week to the end of experiments, (G3)  injected with  AuNPs, (G4 and

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Quality Transformation in the Arab Commercial Banks
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The purpose  of the research is interpretation of what quality transformations In the Arab commercial banks' management, and determine which fields that have been achieved in the third millennium, and elicitation the governance trends for future vision to manage them and estimate the expected value for these transformations, the importance of the idea of ​​research in investment the implicit and the apparent of practical knowledge stocks in the minds of managers by specialized language with the application of electronic business philosophy in response to the challenges of the information age and who should occupies those banks the center of Arab leadership and excellence, and try to upgrade to command centers in their co

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 19 2017
Journal Name
semantic expressive makeup in the film Orwellian
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    Enjoy cinema privileged position , they have the ability to influence and the impact of including environs of prior art , and what distinguishes them , possessing motion picture , especially since the film possesses through its means technical ( camera , lighting, sound, editing , costume, scenery and makeup ) that work together in harmony and harmony to create enchanting fantasy world does not exist only in the imagination of corrupt officials . Out of imagination found that the art of make-up one of the means that enable it to create characters imagined located between simulate realistic characters (such manifestations of blood , cut leg, wounds , burns , etc. ..) and the figures are unrealistic , particularly in the

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Jinan perish in the Koran: Objective study
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The paradise, the collection of a paradise through which it shows us the wonders of the divine-made, and reflect us the pleasure of looking and luster of beauty, and the splendor of creation, and all this is in the interest of this human being; To be a safety valve to collapse. But if this man deviates and forgot the blessed man, drowned in the vanity and vanity, and deviated from the divine method, this same heaven will disown him and reveal to him another face of destruction and devastation.
What we will see in the folds of the search, God willing

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Enhancement of corrosion protection of metal carbon steel C45 and stainless steel 316 by using inhibitor (Schiff base) in sea water
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This research has presented a solution to the problem faced by alloys: the corrosion problem, by reducing corrosion and enhancing protection by using an inhibitor (Schiff base). The inhibitor (Schiff base) was synthesized by reacting of the substrates materials (4-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde and 4-aminoantipyrine). It was diagnosed by infrared technology IR, where the IR spectrum and through the visible beams proved that the Schiff base was well formed and with high purity. The corrosion behavior of carbon steel and stainless steel in a saline medium (artificial seawater 3.5%NaCl) before and after using the inhibitor at four temperatures: 20, 30, 40, and 50 C° was studied by using thr

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 28 2022
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences
Histological and immunohistochemical study of thyroid gland in Caucasian squirrel (Sciurus anamalus) (Gmelin, 1778) by using marker (Anti-Thyroglobulin, Code IR5090)
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The current study is designed to investigate the histological and immunohistochemical characteristics of the thyroid gland in adult male Sciurus anamalus. This study found that the thyroid gland of the Caucasian squirrel is located in the neck area, below the larynx, on both sides of the trachea. It has two lobes (right and left) with cylindrical shape. The histological studies revealed that the thyroid gland is surrounded by a capsule which consists of connective tissue and forming of two layers which are outer layer and inner layer, and a layer of adipose tissue appears overlapping the outer layer. The inner tissue of the gland consists of follicles with different shapes and sizes, and is lined with simple cuboidal epithelial tissue (foll

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 02 2022
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences
Histological and immunohistochemical study of thyroid gland in Caucasian squirrel (Sciurus anamalus) (Gmelin, 1778) by using marker (Anti-Thyroglobulin, Code IR5090)
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The current study is designed to investigate the histological and immunohistochemical characteristics of the thyroid gland in adult male Sciurus anamalus. This study found that the thyroid gland of the Caucasian squirrel is located in the neck area, below the larynx, on both sides of the trachea. It has two lobes (right and left) with cylindrical shape. The histological studies revealed that the thyroid gland is surrounded by a capsule which consists of connective tissue and forming of two layers which are outer layer and inner layer, and a layer of adipose tissue appears overlapping the outer layer. The inner tissue of the gland consists of follicles with different shapes and sizes, and is lined with simple cuboidal epithelial tissue (foll

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