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How to build a virtual personal imagined in the picture, directed by James Cameron (Avatar) movie as a model
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The personal drama in particular, and one of the key elements underlying the dramatic structure to convey ideas and visions presented by the author when writing the text of the dramatic fall after that on the way out the submission form that suits the proposals of the text and processors directorial would push the wheel of dramatic structure to the front. So take the maker of the artwork (writer) undertook the transfer of those events and personalities in art presumed sometimes real and sometimes, in order to enrich the art inspired by the human reality through the ages, and full of its themes and ideas that led to the development experiences of peoples experiences of living. Therefore, we find it important to research in the characters dramatic, especially virtual ones, which is built-maker artwork artistic style, reflects the capacity of the writer's imagination and fertility of his ideas and what posed the impact in the hearts of the recipients, as a carrier of ideas and point of view of its maker, was full of movies many of the writers and authors who took the building and virtual personalities that do not resemble human beings, most notably the director (James Cameron), who is one of the industry pioneers and creators of virtual characters in the movie film, so we decided to stand on a cinematic experience in the film (Avatar). The Department of the researcher in this study, five chapters on the topic. Came the first chapter entitled systematic framework and included a research problem represented by the following question: What are the modalities used in character building in a virtual mock imagined by director James Cameron in the film (Avatar) model? The first chapter also included the importance of research and goals of the disclosure of modes that are built by default in the Personal Image imagined by director James Cameron in the film (Avatar). The second chapter has included a theoretical framework; the theoretical framework has been divided into three sections. First section: personal and personal default, were interested in studying personal drama and personal drama default, construction and do, and orientations and motivations. The second Section: Image and imaginary character building. Were interested in studying imagined the picture of the author and writer and director and the role of imagination in the character building. The third chapter dealt with the researcher measures that have been adopted in the analysis of the sample did not (Avatar) for the purpose of reaching a goal of the research. This included the chapter on research methodology and sample selection, and justification for the search tool. The fourth chapter has included an analysis of the selected Sample intentionality and extracts the desired results of the analysis. As he was the most prominent of the process of transformation in personal default of the hero came as a reaction against the attitudes of society, the real, and the adoption of these characters and the different ways to express her ideas (such as commentary on the event) technique in building a personal narrative. The researcher came out of the conclusions derived from the results of the analysis and the research contained some recommendations and suggestions that the researcher deems necessary for further studies included a list of research sources and summary of the research in English

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 09 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of solvency on the investments of insurance companies: applied research in the National Insurance Company
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The research aims to demonstrate the impact of the acceptable solvency of the National Insurance Company on the investment activity in it, as the research assumes the existence of a statistically significant relationship between the acceptable solvency variable and the investment variable, and the researcher took the National Insurance Company as a place to conduct the research, as it is the first insurance company Watania was established in the fifties of the last century, and it has a long history in the practice of investment activity, and the company’s financial statements for the period from (2010-2019) were relied on, and the annual reports issued by the company as well as records are tools for gathering information, and

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of training human resources in the elements of administrative innovation
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The current research aims to identify the nature of the relationship between training human resources in administrative innovation elements In the General Directorate for the education of the third Rusafa one of the formations of the Iraqi Ministry of Education in Baghdad, In order to achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher provided a comprehensive theoretical framework and the preparation and development of a questionnaire as a tool for collecting data based on the prepared measurements and benefit from previous studies, which contains (28) For the purpose of obtaining realistic results for the variables of the research, the researcher used the random sample in the selection of the research sample A total of (63)

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Rights and duties in the reform project of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) in the footsteps of the Koran and the Sunnah
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The principle of rights and duties is part of the reform project of the Commander of the Faithful Ali ibn Abi Talib, to build a state of institutions whose foundations have been built on Quranic rules, a prophetic biography, and his diligence in doing so in accordance with the requirements of interests and evil, and his certainty in determining the most important and important, and research analytical study of speeches Imam Ali and his career, in this study (the principle of rights and duties) of the ruler and the parish because of their role in the reform process, which depends on the demolition and construction together, as it is the responsibility of the ruler to demolish all constructed corrupt and contrary to the principles of Islam

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 10 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effect of Long Term Exposure to Sodium Nitrite on Gene Responsible for DNA Repair
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Objective: The aim of this study is to detect the effect of continuous exposure to Sodium Nitrite on 8-oxoguanine
DNA glycosylase (OGG1) gene which responsible on DNA repairs. DNA repair play a major role in maintaining
genomic stability when DNA exposure to damage. Genomic stability is very important for keeping body cells
healthy and to prevent many types of tumor development. Many genes are responsible for this job; one of them is
OGG1 gene.
Methodology: In current study two groups of mice were chronically exposed to sodium nitrite for six months and
eighteen months while third group was used as a control. Then sizes of OGG1 were estimated.
Results: The results exhibited in the unexposed (control) mice had two dif

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The geomorphological associated of Sebkha in the Mesopotamia- plain of Iraq
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The Sebkha of geomorphological aspects of evaporative where climate leads active role, which forms part of the earth's surface in the form of Iraqi Mesopotamia plain who of the most fertile land, and because of natural factors and human Common turned most of the arable land to the territory of Sebkha. It was to determine the exact geomorphological associated of Sebkha formats by field work such as: Alnbaka, lakes, salt flats, and other forms of Small is: bridges salt, mud cracks, salt ponds, Rectangles and polygons salt, Sahaf salt, salt domes, salt gravel, bumps saline (salt points), Ash salt, salt bows, in detail and accurately documented Terrestrial Photogrammetry field and were compared to the levels and standards varieties have been

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 31 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The semantic use of Emiri discourse in the story of Joseph
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   The term discourse is one of the terms that have attracted the attention of learners because it is indicative of the speech that is directly related to the addressee and the addressee through a common message between them. In the story of the study and the importance of research can be a widespread method, and then the choice of this story the story of Joseph (peace be upon him) in particular did not come The research presented in the introduction and the preamble and three topics, dealt with the definition of discourse, and the role of discourse in modern Quranic and linguistic studies, and in the first section dealt with the definition of the style of command language, terminology and command formu

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 10 2017
Journal Name
The important the drama dance in sporte iraqes theatre acting actor
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dance that reflect deferent sides from life human , in this search ensure for the causation can the expressionistic dancing be development acting actor in Iraqis theatre ? so this search concept of section one composed of the search problem  , and important  the search  and need it , aimed the search , lines search it composed of the lines time ,  place , and lines subject , and the searcher ended this section with practical terms .   Section tow – theatrical lines form that composed of part one the dance kinds: the expressionistic dancing, is very important in analyses the symbol .                     

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
Journal Name
Perceiver And the imaginer in the texts of Yusuf Al _ sayegh
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This research deals with the perceived and the imagined in the texts of Yusef Al-Sayegh, considering language as the most important source in literature and theatrical criticism, and given the importance of the subject, the researcher monitored many philosophical and psychological opinions and theories related to (the perceived and the imagined), and they were discussed and their compatibility with the Iraqi theatrical t As for the second chapter, where (the theoretical framework), it included two topics, and the first topic was about the concept of the perceived and the imagined, and the second topic was about Youssef Al-Sayegh and the structure of the theatrical text.
In the third chapter, where (research procedures), the research

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 29 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Scientific values in the chemistry curriculum For the sixth grade scientific
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The goal of current research to know the according of scientific values in the curriculum of chemistry sixth - grade science To achieve this goal wasa to build aalistaofa scientifica values toa be included in the curriculum of chemistry sixth - grade science after seeing a group of literature and previous studies, the list presented to a group of arbitrators and specialists in educational and psychological sciences and methods of teaching science, and curricula and teaching methods , Arbitrators and specialists have expressed their views and comments on the tool, and that the list was formed in final form (9) values Head of scientific includes ( 35) sub - value, then the researcher analyzed the chemistry curriculum for sixth grade Scient

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Study the positive effects of “Whatsup” application in the educational process
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Limited importance of research in a stand on the most important difficulties faced by both faculty and parents to communicate with each process to follow up on their children, and the analysis and inventory of the obstacles that hinder the educational process, and work to develop a vision of how to address these constraints and the important role of technology in the treatment of problems of the society so as to develop frameworks future to minimize the errors and the problems they face, and the development outlook for future generations in order to promote the educational level, especially that Iraq is going through a change in conditions in all sectors. Through the questionnaire, which includes questions set that was made on a sample o

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